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Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:58 am
by scump
haha yeah man i wasnt hungry on famine!

i was supposed to be getting 1400-1500cals/day... first day i took in 1200.

a few days i pretty much fasted all day (just 300-400 cals throughout) so i could eat a decent sized meal before bed (900 odd).

not because i was hungry, so i could eat some nice food (suppd with a multi too).

also extended my famine by 2 days lulz.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:16 am
by RobRegish
Well day four of famine still isn't too difficult. I'm not too hungry, but I still miss eating all the food. I'm getting tired of fruits all the time. I want some teriyaki chicken, mmmmmm...

I'm at 445 cals so far today. That gives me almost 1000 to go, though I've been able to still keep it below that since hunger isn't an issue.

Not much else to report. Tomorrow's workout will probably be pretty tough. After that all I've got to do is make it through my first day of class (today's was cancelled), sleep and wake up on Saturday to EAT!

Glad to hear this. Now hear me out on this... If you feel sick/off or just not right going into or during workout #3 - DISCONTINUE.

Health first. Do not feel bad if you have to revert to bodyweight squats etc otherwise. I did the first time... Take care and remember, if at all in doubt, just STOP. HEALTH FIRST!!

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:07 am
by pmartinez78
RobRegish wrote:
Health first. Do not feel bad if you have to revert to bodyweight squats etc otherwise. I did the first time... Take care and remember, if at all in doubt, just STOP. HEALTH FIRST!!
Damn Rob, you look like a big dude and you had to revert to bodyweight squats. Looks like I'm might have to do the same. I hadn't done squats in few years cuz I was afraid to do them after I got a hernia from deadlifting. I am looking forward to bringing the weight back up though cuz my max was 315lb for 6 reps back then. I had a hard time with 185lb the other day.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:25 am
by Muoio117
pmartinez78 wrote:
Damn Rob, you look like a big dude and you had to revert to bodyweight squats. Looks like I'm might have to do the same. I hadn't done squats in few years cuz I was afraid to do them after I got a hernia from deadlifting. I am looking forward to bringing the weight back up though cuz my max was 315lb for 6 reps back then. I had a hard time with 185lb the other day.
Oh crap, that was a high max. Now your max is probably about where mine is, lol.

@Scump: You extended it two days? Does that make famine more effective?

If I remember I'll weigh myself today in the gym. I'm at school now so I don't have a scale in my room like I did at home. I weighed myself on Monday on the school gym and I was 176.6. I'm curious as to how much I've lost.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:56 am
by Muoio117
Okay, I weighed myself and it said I weigh 175.4 lbs. That doesn't make any sense at all. My muscles have shrunk a lot and I haven't eaten more than 1200 cals a day. What I eat in a day is: 1 banana, 1 apple, 2 servings of oatmeal, and maybe 8 oz V8. I think the scale in the gym is retarded.

I just finished the workout and I felt kind of light headed, not too much though. Now I'm just weak and if I put to much weight on my legs they get shaky. Today is my first day of class so it should go by quickly and then I can feast first thing tomorrow morning.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:44 pm
by pmartinez78
ya, that doesn't sound right. you might have to use the same scale that you used on monday. I'm down 5lbs. I don't use the gym scales cuz they're always off.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:50 pm
by Muoio117
pmartinez78 wrote:ya, that doesn't sound right. you might have to use the same scale that you used on monday. I'm down 5lbs. I don't use the gym scales cuz they're always off.
Yeah, I never trust gym scales either.

Either way, I did what the BP outlined, so it better work. I've personally seen its results on my friend, so I hope it does the same to me.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:59 pm
by pmartinez78
what kind of results did your friend get? what supplements was he on?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:29 pm
by Muoio117
pmartinez78 wrote:what kind of results did your friend get? what supplements was he on?
My friend said he gained 15 lbs of mass and put 30 lbs on his bench and 50 lbs on his squat. He also told me all he was taking was the basics (whey, multi, etc...) and nothing else.

Btw, I'm hungry now. It took 5 days but now I'm craving everything. A big juicy burger or some ground beef sounds freakin' awesome.

To any experienced BP user: Should I eat about 300 calories over my normal bulking number for the first 10 days? Is this reasonable? I want to know because feast starts tomorrow!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:01 pm
by pmartinez78
That's pretty good. I'm running it with just the basics also so I hope to have at least half of those gains on my recomp.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:36 pm
by Muoio117
I bought the entire BP MASS stack, so I hope I can gains similar to what he got. I have a hard time putting on weight, so I figured I would need as much help as I could get so I bought the BP stack.

Crap....this hunger is bad right now....ugh....

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:07 pm
by RobRegish
Hang in there man. Remember, it's only 5 days and the hunger you're feeling is proof positive of the stress we're imposing is registering.

You're probably cursing my name. In a few weeks, hopefully that situation will change in a BIG way. It does for virtually everyone..

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:45 pm
by Muoio117
So is 300 cals above my normal bulking calorie count a good amount for the first 10 days of feast?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:19 pm
by scump
hey bro, couple of things.

nah extending famine doesnt make it better, i just skipped a workout so had to extend to squeeze it in!

also regarding diet in feast, whats your BW like? depends for how much cals you will have to take in....

but anyway, the first 2 days of feast PRIOR to your first workout are massive refeed days, take your ecdy/Tbooster and eat a shtload.... like i mean stupid amounts of food, alot of people eat like 1000-2000 above maintence for those 2 days.

also for the first 10-14 days post that i would recconmend increasing cals by no less than 500 untilll you finish your first 5 HIT workouts. they are very intense and see impressive gains, but without a good supply of nutrition, it wont happen!