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Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:00 am
by Urban Monk
I am actually up 4 lbs doing this routine/diet. Rob can you chime in here? I wanted to lose weight! Not gain it!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:15 am
by cappla011

Ran sprints.

15 seconds at full intensity with 1 minute walks inbtwn.

6 total rounds.
I am actually up 4 lbs doing this routine/diet. Rob can you chime in here? I wanted to lose weight! Not gain it!
I think this is your problem right here. You're only doing 7.5 minutes of cardio. I think you should increase it a good amount. I'd recommend trying something like -

Warm-up walk - 5 minutes

5 rounds of: running fast - 2 minutes/walking - 1 minute, increasing running speed each round ( for example on treadmill, each round do levels - 6.4, 6.8, 7.2, 7.6, 8.0)

Warm-down walk - 5 minutes

Total time - 25 minutes

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:15 am
by Urban Monk
I'm actually following Rob's advice here and doing cardio the way he asked me too.

Every subsequent cardio session, I am increasing by one round. When I do my cardio next (on sunday), I wll be doing 7 rounds.

Thanks for the input!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:32 am
by RobRegish
That's right, easy does it early... gradually increasing the intensity. Appreciate that point though.

All in due time. Keep up the great work UM!!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:12 pm
by RobRegish
OK, couple of things I need clarity on. It's still early so plenty of time to adjust. However, I need to have:

- Waist measurement (needs to be taken at the same time as the original)
- General observations as to strength levels

I have every confidence you're executing the macros/zig-zag %'s correctly, just need clarity as to where this weight is. If you're getting stronger that's a good sign. If you're not and the waist measurement is up, obviously not a good sign. However, if that's the case then the dextrose may be too much. It's a easy switch to glutamine with gram for gram, will increase insulin the same (actually half the glutamine will raise insulin the same, in some studies). That, and a more aggressive caloric zag are the weapons of choice.

Since you're already in a 10% overall caloric deficit and training like a madman, basic thermodynamics can't explain a 4lb weight gain. I believe what you're saying, don't get me wrong. It could be a timing issue (time of day you're weighing yourself), hydration issue etc.. Could be a lot of things.

We could also up the cardio, it all depends. Sometimes, what you find surprises you. Remember, you don't just want to lose WEIGHT, you want to lose FAT. The scale doesn't necessarily tell us this. I know its tough sometimes when the #'s aren't what you expect... So here's our starting point:

9/1 All measurements taken cold.

Height: 6.0'
Weight: 193 Lbs
BF %: ~16-17%
Chest Measurement (around shoulders): 49.5''
Chest Measurement (underarms): 40"
Arms: 14"
Stomach (around navel) 36"
Waist: 36"
Thigh/Quad: 24"

I'll await your feedback.

Feast Day 12

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:12 am
by Urban Monk

As denoted in diet post. At 100 % of maintenance calories. I added a shake w/ the following during my workout:

50 grams of carbs (From gatorade powder)
25 grams of BCAA's (from bulk)
25 grams whey isolate


All exercises were done w/ a controlled negative and a super-slow positive. I used a count of 2-3 for each set. I also had one minute of rest between each and every set, except during deadlifts (i took 2 min then).

1) Chin-ups OR Lat pulldowns, (palms facing you)
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 7)

2) Squats
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(145x10) (145x10) (145x10)

3) Push-up
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10)

4) Deadlifts*
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(145x10) (145x10) (145x10)

5) Hanging leg raises
Sets: 2
Reps: 10

6) Decline reverse crunch
Sets: 2
Reps: 10

Overall thoughts:

Felt ok on this. Nothing crazy to report.

Feast Day 13

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:12 am
by Urban Monk
Day of rest (Sunday)

Feast Day 14

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:15 am
by Urban Monk

As denoted in diet post. At 90 % of maintenance calories.


Ran sprints.

15 seconds at full intensity with 1 minute walks inbtwn.

7 total rounds.

Overall thoughts:


Feast Day 15

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:27 am
by Urban Monk

As denoted in diet post. At 100 % of maintenance calories. I added a shake w/ the following during my workout:

50 grams of carbs (From gatorade powder)
25 grams of BCAA's (from bulk)
25 grams of whey isolate


All exercises were done w/ a controlled negative and a super-slow positive. I used a count of 2-3 for each set. I also had one minute of rest between each and every set.

1) Standing Military Press
Sets: 4
Reps: 10

(75 x 10) (75x10) (75 x 8) (75x6)

2) Walking Lunges
Sets: 4
Reps: 10

(40x10) (40x10) (40x10) (40x10)

3) Dips
Sets: 4
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 9) (Bodyweight x 8)

4) Bent-Over Barbell Row
Sets: 4
Reps: 10

(85x10) (85x10) (85x10) (85x10)

5) Hanging Leg Raises w/ Twist

Overall thoughts:

Totally starting to dread these workouts. I find myself dragging ass, but the second I get the first rep in, I can't stop. Just like anything else I guess, just need to get started.

Feast Day 16

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:28 am
by Urban Monk

As denoted in diet post. At 90 % of maintenance calories.


On elliptical

15 seconds at full intensity with 45 seconds at normal intensity.

8 total rounds.

Ran 1 mile afterwards.

Overall thoughts:

Was a bit easier to be on the elliptical than outside running sprints.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:14 am
by RobRegish
Phew, so glad to hear from you again.

I take it the smilies are a good sign yes? It looks like your work capacity is starting to pick up considerably to match the workouts and the cardio is being upped right on schedule.

Interested in the measurements and such? I see you're still using the gatorade powder so I'm assuming they were in check?

Just want to make sure I'm doing the best I can for you man... I was worried you passed out or something during a workout when I hadn't heard from you in a few days!

Glad to have you back :)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:35 pm
by Urban Monk
Hey Rob. No, I've just been slammed w/ work. I haven't had time to do much. I write down all my workouts in a notebook, but didn't have time to put them up online.

I do have a question about the lifting though. I have been doing counts of 2-3 during the positives, but should it be me counting 1, 2, 3, or actually look at the clock and take 2-3 SECONDS to go up on the positives.


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:22 pm
by RobRegish
The way you're doing it now is fine. Don't over think it too much, just be aware of it. In time, it will come naturally. Not right now but in a few weeks... you will see.