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Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:15 am
by RobRegish
Yes, and its' the reason I train at home now.

They might as well put up a sign that says "no lifts that might build any significant muscle tissue please".

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:08 pm
by st3760
so workout #4 complete. feels good man. can remember when putting up 205 once was a struggle. put it up 7 times today and prob could have done more with a spotter.
so here how it went down

flat bench-1 set 205x7
db pullover-1 set 80x7

squat 1 set 215x7
leg sled 1 set 295x7

done these in 14 min.

3 sets of 8x225

so thursday I hope to hit new PR's. will post as soon as done.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:22 am
by RobRegish
Wow, that is FANTASTIC!

So happy for you man. Spread the word and keep it going. Stuff like this really fires me up. I mean REALLY fires me up!!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:48 pm
by st3760
so did my final workout yesterday before starting the 10%solution. ended up with a max of the flat bench of 245. attempted 255 afterwards and didn't quite make it. ended up doing 295 on squat. I was really excited on the flat bench for I have never been able to put up that much weight before. last time i maxed it wasnt even close. so gonna rest for a few days and start the 10% solution on sunday.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:57 pm
by RobRegish

Great work man. GREAT work!!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:32 pm
by st3760
so i haven't posted in a few days but I have done workouts #1 and #2 of the 10% solution. Beast man........
so #1 on Saturday.
Flat Bench
3 sets of 3x160
EDT #1
incline DB bench-5 sets
upright rows w/ curl bar-5 sets

EDT #2
DB shoulder press-5 sets
tricep pulldown-5 sets
maxed out cable machine. got 8 in first three sets and 6 in last two

workout #2 today(Sunday)
3 sets of 3x175

EDT block
RDL's 5 sets
8x225,8x225,7x225,5x225,5x225-these put it on me.
leg extensions
not sure of weight, 5 sets 10,10,8,8,6

gonna have to take off a few days to recover.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:36 pm
by RobRegish
Love the beast stuff. Keep it comin... :)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:59 pm
by st3760
so third w/o of the 10% solution.

Flat bench-2 sets of 3x185

incline DB bench-5sets
upright rows w/curl bar-5sets

seated DB shoulder press-5sets
tricep pulldown-5sets
again not sure of weight, maxed out cable. 8,8,8,7,5

any suggestions on weight. should I be going up in weight for less reps on some of the EDT's??anything I can do different????

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:39 am
by RobRegish
You want to make up the weight 5% once you're able to perform 20% more reps vs. your baseline. Check out this thread for guidance: ... .php?t=437

Hope that helps!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:09 am
by st3760
havent posted in a few days. the rush before the wedding is crazy but still working out. I have done two more 10% solution w/o. I did lower body on Friday and Upper body on Sunday. Here we go........


2 sets of 3x200

5 sets of 10x235

leg extensions
5 sets of 8


2 sets of 2x215

DB incline-5 sets
Upright rows(been telling the wrong weight. the bar weighs more than I

shoulder press-5 sets
tricep pulldown
5 sets of 8

Gonna do lower again today. pretty sore after the upper body. The increase in weight is the culprit. gonna go up my next w/o in the incline DB..... The only problem I have been having lately is with me working so much at actual work and at home I haven't been eating like I should. I have got to get in my calories and protein. any suggestions on the cal. intake...I can fix the protein.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:48 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah I hear ya..

Shakes are the answer. That and a thermos gets you those calories you need and on the go!


Pour the following ingredients into a blender:
- 12 to 16 oz of Pineapple juice
- 2 cups of skim milk powder (alternatively, 2-3 scoops of protein powder)
- 1 large banana
- 2 containers of liquid egg whites (back in the day, this was 6 raw eggs!)
- 1 tablespoon of raw/organic wheat germ
- 1 container of Greek yogurt
- 2/3 scoops low-fat ice cream (Ok I use full fat but what the hell..)

Place into large thermos and sip slowly with every meal.
- This baby is loaded with calories, protein and b-vitamins from the wheat
- Bromelain and papain digestive enzymes come from pineapple juice
- Digestive enzymes are important and overlooked for protein absorption
- Rich in potassium/vitamin C, fiber and beneficial bacteria found in the yogurt.

3.) Organic peanut butter: Healthy fat and it tastes great. Can be mixed into shakes or used in sandwiches, etc. It's a superfood that will go a long way toward hitting that caloric goal. The organic designation is there for a reason.

4.) Honey: Again, very calorically dense and perhaps nature's perfect
carbohydrate. It should be added to whatever carbohydrate staple you're
consuming from oatmeal to yams to peanut butter sandwiches. Fantastic for replenishing glycogen in both the liver and muscle tissue.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:22 pm
by st3760
nice. thanks man....

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:00 am
by RobRegish
My pleasure. Hope it helps. This can make or break you, so please do try to take advantage!

Awesome log, awesome person. You're asking the right questions and I'll be right here with the answers!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:51 pm
by st3760
FEELS GOOD MAN. finally back in the gym today. did the same workout as before I left for my trip. got all my reps in with the same weights. found my endurance was not up to par. found myself taking longer between sets. just stoked I didn't go down in weight for I was paranoid about it. can't wait to do my rdl's now...