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Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:47 pm
by dropthebeats
Day 6 of Feast.

I have been eating food like crazy. Usually, I keep track of macros, but I'm kind of doing a dirty bulk. After these first two weeks I'll keep track of everything, but for now I'm just enjoying everything.

Workout 2:

Bench Press - 8-165
DB Pullover - 8-50

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press - 6-50's
One-Arm Row - 6-50's

Incline DB Press - 6-50's
One-Arm Row - 6-50's

Incline DB Press - 5-50's
One-Arm Row - 6-50's

Incline DB Press - 5-50's
One-Arm Row - 6-50's

Incline DB Press - 5-50's
One-Arm Row - 6-50's

Someone was all over the cable station, so I had to replace seated cable rows with one-arm rows.

Squat - 8-265
Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 8-245

Romanian Deadlift - 6-225
Goblat Squat - 6-85

Romanian Deadlift - 6-225
Goblat Squat - 6-85

Romanian Deadlift - 6-225
Goblat Squat - 5-85

Romanian Deadlift - 5-225
Goblat Squat - 5-85

Romanian Deadlift - 5-225
Goblat Squat - 5-85

It was a great workout. I had tons of energy, and felt strong the whole time. I used everything I had. When I went to take the weights off at the end, I could barely lift them.

Can't wait for workout 3. I'm going to put up some good numbers.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:50 pm
by dropthebeats
Finished my liver tabs today. 500 tabs in 6 days. Glad that's over. Haha

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:22 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:17 pm
by Big.jazayrli
dropthebeats wrote:Finished my liver tabs today. 500 tabs in 6 days. Glad that's over. Haha
oh dear lord!

did you gain some size?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:23 pm
by dropthebeats
When I started I weighed 180. After Famine I weighed 172. I gained all that weight back in the first 3 days of Feast. I figure that's normal. And this morning, I weighed 184. So, I have gained 4 pounds from my starting weight. My arms look a little bigger. But, my back is where I have noticed the most muscle growth. It's still early, but I'm already seeing a difference.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:12 pm
by dropthebeats
Oops. I just reread part of the book and noticed that I did the second workout of feast wrong. For some reason I thought it was 6-8 reps, but it is really supposed to be 4-6.

For workout 3 should I do the suggested 2-3 reps, or should I add an extra workout in there to gradually up my lifts.



Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:14 pm
by RobRegish
No worries. Proceed by the book and use 2-3 reps. The de-load should still serve its purpose.

The world is an imperfect place :)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:45 pm
by dropthebeats
Feast Day 9:

Usually I don't look forward to Monday workouts. I wake up at 3:30am just so I can go to the gym before I head out of town. When I woke up, I pretty much made up my mind to stay in bed. But, I decided to get up and go. I'm glad I did. I had a great workout! I even hit a PR on the bench! I was fired up! I love the Blueprint!

Feast Workout 3:

Bench Press: 2 x 200
Dumbbell Pullover: 3 x 65

My goal was to do 3 x 190 on the bench. I did my warm up, and then I did the 3 x 190. I felt good, and thought I could do a little more. So I threw 200 on there and was able to get 2 solid reps. I'm so happy I pushed myself.

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 100

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 100

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 100

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 100

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 100

Squat: 3 x 335
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 3 x 285

EDT Block 2:

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblat Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblat Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 235
Goblat Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 235
Goblat Squat: 5 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 235
Goblat Squat: 5 x 85

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:42 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome stuff!

So happy for you man. And new PR!! Terrific...

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:16 pm
by dropthebeats
Thanks for the words Rob. And thanks for writing The Blueprint. It's early for me, but I am already making gains that I wouldn't normally be making.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:44 pm
by RobRegish
And I couldn't be happier for you.

Part of the reason I wrote it is that I always wanted to give back to the activity that gave me soooo much. Always envisioned this as meeting a young kid in a gym somewhere down the line when I was really old. Meet the right person and you can literally change their body/life.

Instead, I get to help out hundreds, maybe thousands more via The Blueprint. Plus, my son can always wonder how his old man got something published and in The Library of Congress.

That's right, The Blueprint (your Blueprint) is now in the LofC :)

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:10 pm
by dropthebeats
The Library of Congress. Nice. You should be proud of that.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:12 pm
by dropthebeats
I'm taking a second day off to rest up a little more. I feel guilty not working out today, but I think my muscles need it. My tri's were so sore all day yesterday, and I had a physical day at work today.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:10 pm
by RobRegish
SMART move. You're listening to your body now... something the BP excels at teaching. Extra rest days almost ALWAYS pay dividends..