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Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:06 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 24 - Workout 8 (GLP #3) - Aug 2

Weight: 176

BP 135x10, 150x10, 165x8, 180x6, 195x4, 195x4
Squat: 150x10, 175x10, 205x8, 225x6, 255x4, 275x4
Smith Shoulder Press: 90x10, 110x8, 110x8, 120x7, 120x6
Pulldown: 180x10, 200x10, 210x10, 220x10, 220x10 (+10lbs since last try, and it was easy)
DB Tricep extensions: 35x8, 40x8, 40x8, 40x8, 40x8
BB Curl: 115x8, 115x8, 115x8, 125x7, 125x6

Stretching my back in the evening and focusing on good posture at the office has gone a long way to help my lower back. Getting an MRI just out of curiosity. I've had chronic soreness since December '09, but not what I'd call pain. Just want to rule out a herniated disc.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
Looks like you hit all the reps? If so, GREAT sign :)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:54 am
by mind_architect
I've not followed GLP strictly for exercises other than BP and squat. Squat I've had no problems hitting all reps. BP I'm not using the full poundage on the last set, due to no spotter, although I'm fairly confident I could get it. Pretty happy that I've increased my tricep extension and pull downs so easily by 20 and 10lbs respectively. I know this will go a long way to getting my BP higher.

On the BB curls I've had moderate strength gains, however, I'm not so used to the high volume of these GLP workouts, and since I do BB curls at the end of my workout, I'm comparing my lifts there, to my lifts when I did BB curls nearly fresh at the start of a workout. I believe I could get 135x8 fresh now, which is a milestone for me.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:22 pm
by RobRegish
Great news and yes, GLP is demanding. Shame on the no spotter issue. That last set does indeed make a difference but sometimes you need to do what you need to do...

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:33 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 37 - Workout 10 (GLP #5) - Aug 15

Weight 169

I've omitted GLP #4 as I don't have the numbers. Came down with a stomach virus which affected my diet for 5 days, 2 of which I could not keep down any food for more than an hour. Then I decided to take some additional time off to recoup some more. Fortunately I haven't really lost much strength as I expected, but I did lose a bit of weight. I modified the GLP weight percentages a bit since I wasn't sure where my strength would be today and didn't want to push myself too hard.

BP: 135x10, 155x10, 165x8, 175x8, 185x6, 185x6
Squat: 185x8, 205x8, 225x8, 225x8, 225x8, 225x8
Cable rows: 180x8, 200x8, 220x8, 240x8
Cable tricep extensions: 90x8, 100x8, 110x7, 110x7
BB Curls: 115x8, 115x8, 115x8, 115x8

One more workout until Feast is over and Cruise begins. I was quite happy with the results, and I'd like to begin the cycle again. Few questions:

Can I simply begin Famine again after 1 week of complete rest? I have my next batch of Kre-anabolyn, N Adaptogen on the way.

A. After Cruise is done, yes.

I know you're working on a new BP for 2011. Can you point me to any existing threads that have some of that knowledge. It doesn't need to be edited or well organized, but I was wondering if some of the ideas are posted so that I can take advantage of any improvements that have been made since the original was released.

A. Wish I could but even writing it is slow going. It will be focused more on re-comp.

I'd like to be squatting 315x8, BP 225x8, DL 315x8 in the near future. That seems like a far journey from where I am now, but hopefully after a few cycles of implementing of your BP properly, I can get there.

A. You will, and we will help you get there :)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:07 am
by mind_architect
Today was my last feast workout. I was extremely busy today and didn't get to each much today. I definitely felt weak in the gym. Seeing as the end of feast should represent the peak of growth from a BP cycle, here are some before after pics. Not huge progress, but I'm pretty sure my calories were lower than they should've been, and also I did not use a spotter so could not go as heavy as I wanted. I believe I do have some slight muscular increases (and fat) and definite strength increases which is good considering I haven't improved much since my early 20's. I know what to do differently to improve my next cycle.

Rob, if you have some time I would appreciate if you could look at the queries in my previous post.


Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:09 am
by mind_architect

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:22 am
by RobRegish
I did try to answer your questions in bold above. Sorry if I missed any..

You DID make some noticeable improvements in size for sure. In particular, your shoulders, arms, delts and especially legs blew up from what I can see. A bit of tweaking as you note in your next cycle and you're there. And you nailed it on what to do... more calories next time/spotter.

Still, outstanding first run!

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:34 am
by mind_architect
My bad, I didn't know you were able to edit my posts, so when I didn't see any posts after mine I assumed you hadn't responded. Appreciate the responses.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:45 am
by mind_architect
Special holidays edition post.

Just finished feast of my 3rd BP cycle. This one was special, because I was home for the holidays, which meant I had a spotter and PLENTY of high protein food available. I also switched proteins from ON to Mass Pro. Unfortunately, I did not watch my calories closely and put on a bit of fat. I also engaged in sleep deprivation and heavy drinking on several occasions, but hey, sometimes you gotta live a little. I also spent a lot of time traveling, away from the gym. Finally, due to time shortages, I had to cut GLP #1,#3,#5 workouts, and #6 was executed just 2 days after #6. Despite these impediments, the extra calories and spotter made a HUGE difference, two of the items missing from my previous cycle attempts, and I was able to make all reps for the 105% 1rm increase.

New weight is 200, BF% 24.5. Jeans are feeling tight and I'm hoping I'm able to wear my dress slacks when I return for work.

New records follow:
BP: 250
Squat: 370
BB Curls: 135x8
DL: Haven't attempted yet, but I'd guess 315x8.

Also back is strong as ever. I feel ready to try some heavy DLing during cruise. Looks like I need to bench 285 before I can meet my goal of 225x8. Thanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:04 am
by RobRegish
Soooo happy for you man!!

Sick as a dog today but this lifted me. GREAT work!!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:36 am
by mind_architect
Been awhile since I posted. Halfway through feast GLP of my 4th BP cycle before cutting in April. I'm definitely fatter, so I wonder how that has contributed to my measurements. My original measurements are in the thread's first post. Today I measured and wanted to share the results

Chest: 43
Arms: 17
Legs: 26

I was fairly impressed. If I can keep these numbers after finishing my cut in June, I'll be a happy man. Any suggestions on cutting? I was thinking of giving BP a rest while I cut since I've been doing it straight since June '10.

I'll try to get some photos up soon.