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Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:12 am
by RobRegish
Correct. Do feel free to insert an extra rest day if not feeling fully recovered from the prior session.

Most do well with a one on/one off frequency. However, I do best with a one on/two off. Even a one on/three off is perfectly acceptable. You'll likely start with a one on/one off and as the workouts progress, insert an extra rest day as needed.

In fact, I'd encourage you to look into that. It observes one of the fundamental laws of strength training: as you grow stronger the stresses on your body grow greater. Additional recovery time is warranted to heal and grow stronger.

Great question.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:01 pm
by Addy k
I think I'm like you Rob, I probably need 2 days off. I've always been a slow recoverer.

Today's workout was good, hit 2 PR's :shock: : Bench - 7 reps at 185 (previous was 4 reps at 185), Squats - 9 reps at 175 (previous was 5 reps at 175). Squats actually felt light so hopefully I can go up more next time.

I'm keeping calories around 3500 (about 20x bodyweight [I'm an ectomorph plus I'm fairly young]). I will keep it around this for at least the next 3 weeks, than might lower it a bit then. Macronutrient goals: 350g carbs, 275g protein, and 170g fat approximately. I have a tough time eating this much, can't wait to get that pineapple shake going (will start Friday).

All seems good, back up to 174 on the scale. Hopefully will have a few more pounds by Sunday.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:19 am
by RobRegish
Wow, way to go AddyK!

Two new PR's this early bodes well. Very well. And those are no small increments either! +3/4 reps with the same weight! :)

You've got your macros dialed in perfectly too. I sense you're going to be doing very well first time out of the gate. Very excited for you!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:06 pm
by Addy k
So Friday was a good workout, I did bench & pullovers as well as squats (was able to hit the 10th rep at 175 so thats a PR for me) and deadlifts followed by 2 PR zones for abs and legs. I was training in the 8-10 rep range for the big lifts. The way I have interpreted the training is to lower reps each week - so next week when I start the cycle over again I'd be doing 6-8 reps for the big lifts? Also, do I have to do the big lifts every time I workout? My hamstrings are still sore from Friday so I can't workout my legs today, but I really want to go to the gym and maybe workout chest and bi's (as per the PR zones). Or should I rest another day and just go tomorrow?

I was reading around, you posted your variant of EDT:
PR ZONE 1 Total of 10-12 minutes

Set 1: Set of barbell dips for as many reps as possible within a 30 sec window. Immediately into
Set 2: Set of dumbell pullovers on a slight incline bench (very slight) for as many reps in a 30 sec timeframe as you can get

Rest about 2 minutes between sets. Repeat until the clock runs down to zero. You should be able to squeeze in 4 sets of each in this fashion, preserving a high workload on compound lifts. It's short enough to keep your focus, manage fatigue and deliver max overload. You'll be pretty spent so you need to do this first in the workout where it makes sense - you have the most energy out of the gate

PR ZONE 2 Total of 20 minutes

Traditional Staley PR Zone with less demanding (seated) movements where only the weight moves through space (not the weight plus the body as with dips/squats). Since you're working all upper body this workout I'd recommend:

Shoulder press (seated) for 5 reps or thereabouts immediately into skullcrushers/tricep extensions.

Rest 2 minutes between sets

The alternate workout would focus on legs and back/bis. For this workout I'd structure as follows:

PR ZONE 1: Total of 10-12 minutes

Squats for as many reps as possible within 30 second window immediately into seated cable rows, as many reps as possible within a 30 sec window.

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Rinse, wash and repeat.

PR ZONE 2: Total of 20 minutes in traditional EDT fashion

Leg sled for 5 or so reps immediately into Tbar rows for 5 or so reps.

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Continue until the 20 min are exhausted

Would a program like this be better for hypertrophy?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:52 pm
by RobRegish
Hi Addy k,

Nice going on the new PR's (again)!

The idea behind the HIT training (big barbell lifts) is to progressively lower the weights leading up to a 1 rep max.

The EDT sessions are there to ensure the supplemental lifts/hypertrophy gets going. Something I'll likely add in 3.0 since you/others are enjoying so much success with it.

Once the 1RM is obtained, we switch templates to begin German Loading Pattern #1. This is a six workout program that revolves largely around 6 sets, all using a certain % of that new 1RM.

Will be happy to walk you through that if so interested.

Now, in the second example you cited below're absolutely correct. That particular template is designed purely for hypertrophy due to the very specific time under tension time periods prescribed. So nice interpretation work on your part.. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:42 pm
by Addy k
I am kind of confused :? ... So for the 1 rep max, wouldn't I want to try to increase the weight until I hit my 1 rep max, not decrease? So right now I am able to do 7 reps at 185 for bench. Say I get to my 1 rep max in 4 weeks from now at 225, then I switch to the German loading pattern for the rest of the feast phase?

OR I could choose to follow that variant of EDT discussed previously. I could follow that for the entire feast phase correct? I think the latter would be better geared for muscle growth, whereas the German loading program would lead to better strength gains?..

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:36 pm
by RobRegish
No worries, I've got you covered.

Yes, you should be aggressively upping the weights over the next few weeks in an effort to establish your new 1RM. Try to do this in the next 2 weeks or so, on the big barbell lifts (Bench and Squat).

The EDT is separate. Continue using that template for those exercises in the suggested format. These supplemental lifts are there for just that boost your big barbell lifts.

Once you have the new 1RM's in hand... time to switch to the German Loading Pattern.

Provided you're in the 10 rep range right now on your big barbell lifts, suggest upping the weight enough to get you into the 6-8 rep range for your next workout(s). Then perform your normal EDT PR zones as specified.

Let's just get that next workout or two down for now. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be here for you..

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:06 pm
by Addy k
Thanks, so my next workout will be the usual big lifts and supersets followed by two different PR zones (in this case chest + bi's)? Then after I am well rested (probably 1-2 days), I hit the gym again doing the big lifts and a different PR zone? I continue to follow this until I hit my 1 rep max, then switch over to the German loading pattern? Thanks for all your help Rob!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:23 am
by RobRegish
Yes you've got it now.

Good work interpreting.. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:31 pm
by Addy k
Yesterday's workout wasn't that great. I didn't have a chance to have a real breakfast so I just had a banana and a bit of that pineapple shake. I was only able to pull out 5 reps for bench press (2 less then before). Surprisingly I still did the same amount for squats. I also did decline chest and a few bicep exercises as per EDT outline. My biceps felt like they were going to explode :o I think that was because of the cbol creatine. either than that I don't know if I have really noticed anything on cbol creatine as of yet, but it has only been a week.

My weight is 175.5 which means I have so far gained 1 net pound since beginning BP. Hopefully things pick up a bit, or should I expect about 1lb/week? I'd be happy with that tbh, 5-6 pounds of muscle in 5-6 weeks is good enough for me.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:33 am
by RobRegish
You'll be getting traction shortly. The key is to get the carbs up and get that 1RM as soon as you can to base the German Loading pattern going.

The combination of those 2 get traction going REAL fast. Perfectly normal to be where you are right now. Once you get it right it's like a socket wrench...

BTW, if you added weight to the bar and got the same # of reps it's a different story... you got stronger. A lot stronger. Keep adding weight to get you into a lower rep range.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:29 pm
by Addy k
Should have posted my workout from Wednesday, but basically I was too sore to really lift properly for bench and squat so I just ended up doing a couple of PR zones.

I rested 3 days to fully recover and hit the gym today. I increased the weight for squats but kept bench the same. My strength has definitely increased for squats but for bench its about the same right now since starting. I am going to up the weight next time as to prepare for the German loading pattern. I also did couple of PR zones for lats and triceps.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:41 am
by RobRegish
Nice work Addyk!

You'll find it for the bench, and even if you don't.... GLP #1 will find it for you!


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:00 pm
by Addy k
Well I've been lazy about posting :oops:

Anyway, I have been trying to eat a bit more carbs and still keeping my protein high, seems to be paying off in the gym and on the scale. I am 178 now, last week I didn't change weight and stayed at 175, so that's 3 pounds in a week. That's the most I've ever gained in a week, and let me tell you, it is not fat.

I am starting to approach my 1 rep max, right now I am doing 4 reps at 205 for both bench and squats. It's surprising because I remember a few months ago 185 felt so heavy for squats that I couldn't even move the weight. Just feels good to be making progress. I'll try my 1 rep max next workout, but if I don't have a spotter, I might just do 2-3 reps and then start the German loading pattern on the following workout.

I don't really understand the German loading pattern, it seems to me that you just choose one big barbell lift per workout and superset with a stretch movement afterwards? Can you also throw in PR training zones?