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Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:01 am
by bigpelo
Is your sleep worst when you eat low carbs? I know mine is so I keep my carbs for the last meal of the day. Even if it's just 40g of carbs, it makes a tremadous change.
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:48 am
Hi bigpelo,
as far as I know, no. My Sunday workout (which consists of a GLP workout.) usually occurs in the morning and I eat my post workout meal right after (which consists of an overwhelming portion of carbs.). The rest of the week (excluding the 2 days before another GLP workout.) I eat low carb (pretty much around 50g a day) unless, once again, it is after a workout. The days that it does I usually have more carbs postworkout but this time it is roughly a few hours (2) before I go to bed.
I think more than anything for myself it is just starting off the week badly. I usually stay up a little longer on friday and saturday nights (usually 3 hours more than when I normally go to bed on a weekday.). This is in part because on the weekdays I have no time to myself other than the time I have alotted for my tuesday EDT blocks and my lactic acid training on thurdays. On the weekend I have the luxury of some free time at night so I don't push it aside.
I try to go to bed at my regular time on Sunday night but I find I usually have trouble going to sleep. Then the cycle continues throughout the whole week. It is very hard to correct.
This weekend I am going to try to go to bed not as late on the friday and saturday and see if that makes a difference.
At one point in my training (a few years ago.) I actually noticed that I had a harder time going to sleep for a few weeks when I actually ate carbs at night. Things like peanut butter I found helped me stay satiated throughout the night without making me feel too uncomfortable. I will actually still use it even now on my low carb days just before I go to bed. If not, I do find that I sometime wake myself up in the night feeling hungry.
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:01 pm
Jan 21/2016:
Training: Lactic acid training.
I did my 3 sets and even though time is not something to be recorded I did anyway.
1st set: 6:28
2nd set: 7:21
3rd set: 6: 38
Once again I used bodyweight exercises for the most part and went for the "burn" feeling associated with lactic acid build up in the muscle.
I noticed the right side of my pec/shoulder joint felt a little funny but it may just have been some tightenous from the weighted dips a few days ago. Other than that the workout went smooth. Got a good burn specifically in my legs doing the front squats and the lunges. I find that when I do front squats and don't go all the way up (so avoiding a full range of motion) but just continue moving up and down at a steady pace that it just KILLS!!!! my legs. BUt in a good way lol. I can feel all the blood pumping in there, and that is without any weight! lol.
The only other thing worth mentioning was that I noticed that I wasn't as "run down" after the worjkout as the previous 2 times. I felt like I could have done another set. The feeling of my heart beating out through my chest was also not as pronounced as last week. Perhaps my body is adapting to this style of training now? I'm pretty sure my intensity was similiar if not the same as the other sessions so...
Total calories: 3002
protein: 243.543
carbs: 327.584
fats: 79.41
Overall thoughts: After my workout I felt pretty good, not nearly as depleted as the other 2 times. I increased my calories from 2800 to 3000 and will continue for the next 2 days in preparation for GLP1 workout #4. I might even bump them up to 20X bodyweight tommorow and saturday depending on how I feel.
My goal is to add good quality weight to my frame NOT FAT!!! hence why I am taking a more cautious approach with the total calories, but still, you need a surplus to grow! Finding what number that is, well... that's the hard part and where some trial and error has to happen.[/b]
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:32 pm
by Coach Rob
Ah yes, your body is adapting (in a GREAT way)!
Know and understand you need to bring game to make this happen, so it's good to see. On the bodyweight squats/legs burning, very VERY true! I see a lot of 500+lb squatters gassed after just 50 continuous reps!
Keep up the great work brother, the work capacity increase alone is stunning..
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:19 pm
Jan 22/2016:
Training: None!
Total calories: 3232
Protein: 200.88
Carbs: 480.04
Fats: 51.58
I upped my calories from 2800 to 3200 (20X bodyweight.) in preparation for my GLP! workout #4.
Overall thoughts: "I woke up feeling tired once again. I also noticed that out of all the days I have been doing this program I felt the fattest I have ever felt since starting the program.
No soreness whatsoever anywhere. I am purposely going to up my calories and keep them in the 20X bodyweight range (3200) until after my GLP workout. I want to be sure that I can continue the program with sufficient energy to do so.
Also noticed some mild tightness around my right shoulder/chest/pec area.[/b]
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:25 pm
Jan 23/ 2016:
Training: None!
Total calories: 3192.3
Protein: 189.9305
Carbs: 477.1375
Fats: 61.401
overall thoughts:
I had a rough night's sleep and was waking up a few times throughout the night. Upon waking and throughout almost all of the day my eyes were burning and I felt extremely tired. Much moreso than usual, even for me. I also noticed that around mid day I was unusually bloated and it didn't feel good.
I was actually so tired that I went to bed a good 3 to 4 hours before my usual bedtime. For me THAT IS REALLY STRANGE! JUST GOES TO SHOW HOW TIRED I WAS.
Her'e hoping I have enough to pull off the GLP1 wokout #4, the last few sets in the 97% range have me a bit worried.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:41 pm
by Coach Rob
OK man, now I'm going to propose something here given your feedback recently..
Insert an extra rest day, especially before your heavy (GLP) sessions. You may even have to do so prior to the EDT centric training day.
The point is, all feedack you're giving thus far points to the fact you're growing stronger, but strength is starting to plateau. When that happens, you absolutely need to give your body the extra rest necessary, to grow larger/stronger..
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:07 pm
Jan 24/2016:
Training: GLP1 wokout #4 for bench press and deadlifts.
Okay, so today was a lot different than all the others. This workout reminded me more of something I had been used to from since before I started this program, in a sense training at almost 100% (which is what I had been doing for almost 2 years every workout non stop.). As such I would have rated this workout as high as what I had been previously used to.
The good thing is that unlike the previous week I went into the workout feeling pretty well rested, not at all tired. My mind was also not "wandering."
Bench press:
Warm up.
1st set: Fine.
2nd set: I noticed that the siginifcant jump in weight from the first set made me really feel the difference during this set. It actuallt took some effort to do this set. this worried me as I knew how much further I had to go in terms of weight for my next sets.
3rd set: Fine.
4th set: Fine.
5th set: Took significant effort to complete. This made me extremely paranoid about the next set considering the wieght would be upped.
6th set: I had to mentally focus before I got under the bar for this one, much more than any of the other sets. If I'm being completely honest I wasn't completely in "the zone" when I go to lift at 100% but I was pretty damn close. I managed to get the first rep perfectly but the second rep (there were only 2 reps in this set) wasn't as smooth. I completed the rep and racked the weight but If I am completely honest with myself my butt came off the seat/pad (or at least it felt like it may have.) for a split microsecond.
I am happy I completed the reps but I was a little upset that the 2nd rep wasn't as smooth. I could feel the stress of the weight on my chest after and some of it on my right shoulder/front dealt, no doubt from it taking some of the load from the second rep.
I REALLY want to increase my bench press! I HOPE I AM STILL ON TRACK TO DO SO even if that 2nd rep wasn't 100% powerlifting meet "clean."
p.s: I don't have a spotter
(I know, I know. But I am very careful.)
Warm up.
1st set: Fine.
2nd set: Once again, like the bench press, the jump in weight made me put a considerable amount of effort into this set. After the completion of this set my upper back was slightly pumped (My back NEEEVVVEEERRRRR gets pumped when doing deadlifts.) and my glutes were pumped (Another unusual thing for me.).
3rd set: More effort but relatively fine.
4th set: SO something happened here. I usually don't use a reverse grip until my last 2 sets but I neglected to realize that this weeks GLP1 workout had me using significatly more weight. As such I used a "normal grip" but could only muster up 1 rep! I immediately changed over to reverse grip and completed the set right there but I did notice that my reps were not as smooth or as continuous as what they probably should have been.
5th set: Knowing that the 4th set took a lot of energy from me I mentally prepared for what I knew was going to be more of a challenge that what I had originally thought. However, I put myself in the right frame of mind and completed the prescribed reps even though after I did them I felt like I had expended a lot of energy.
6th SET!!!!!OKAY, so this was the big one. The one I had been waiting for and was worried would bury me. I had to really mentally prepare myself for this lift as I was a little hesitant I might not be able to pull it off. I'm not sure about the rest of you out there but when I prepare for a lift like this (putting all my energy into it.) I have to mentally psyche myself up. The best way I can describe it is a total build up/cumulation of all your energy into the movemnt you are about to do.
My heart rate increases significantly and so does my breathing. I focus completely on the lift and accomplishing it and nothing else. Any nagging moments of doubt are cast aside as I have learned that even just their presence can jeopardize a lift. I have used this "build up of energy" approach over the last 2 years every time I do a very heavy lift. This is usually done 3 times a week or so in the past. However, being in that I am doing this new routine (GLP1)
this was the first time I had to incorporate this technique into the routine.
When I am in this state I can feel a surge of adrenaline throughout my body and if I don't engage in the lift at the proper time the feeling dissapates and I am left with a weird shaky feeling, usually resulting in the lift not going as smoothly. The only way for anyone to truly get an idea of what I'm talking about is to look at the [/b]powerlifters who are going for a new world record or something
. That kind of raw and unfiltered energy beaming from them as the prepare themselves to lift. Thats the best way I can describe it.
I mentally locked myself in and began the countdown for lift off. I could feel everything feeling/working like how it had in the past. The heart rate increase, the surge of numbing adrenaline coursing through my body. My hands hadn't felt over 400 pounds in more than 3 weeks and I could feel somewhere in the back of my mind that nagging doubt wondering if this attempt would leave me dissapointed.
Despite that worry I went forward, grabbing the weight and completing 2 reps with relative ease. I could still feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins when I let go of that weight (410 pounds.) and truth be told I had worked myself up so much that I knew deep down I probably could have done another 3 reps before the weight would start to wear on me.
Feeling relived that I completed the set I finished putting my weights away and headed in for my postworkout meal!
Overall thoughts: Other than what I mentioned above I should also note that before the workout I was having an uncomfortable pain in my lower back
. It seems it was brought on by my lactic acid training day. I neglected to metion that when I was doing the seated shouler presses as part of the giant set the upright incline bench I was using slipped back a notch while I had the dumbells up making me fall back a tiny but before it locked back in place. I didn't think much of it at first but the next few days (and on the GLP1 day.) I noticed I had a weird feeling in my lower back/hip area. I am positive it was due to this.
Another thing I noticed was that when I put my weightifting/powerlifting belt on to do the deadlifts, the belt was tighter around my waist. I know I had eaten more in anticipation of this GLP1 workout #4 but I was doing so to make sure I had sufficient energy to complete it. Hopefully I will not get fat lol.
I am still a little worried about my bench feeling not so strong but I am more than convinced that the deadlift strength is well on it's way of hitting the prescribed 1 rep max, maybe even more.
Total calories: 3011.3
Protein: 239.4585
Carbs: 348.2175
Fats: 77.951
Overall thoughts: Other than everything noted in the training and diet protion, not much else to report on. I could feel the fatigue specifically from th edeadlifts on my back throughout the day. WITHOUT A DOUBT I EXPECT TO FEEL SORE TOMORROW LOL! this without a doubt wa sthe hardest workout of the program so far.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:21 pm
Jan 25/2016:
Training: NONE!
Total calories: 2803
Protein: 243.289
Carbs: 56.58
Fats: 181.72
Overall thoughts:
Imagine my surprise waking up today to find that I was not sore at all!!!!!! This makes no sense to me. My back felt a little tighter but no where near the kind of soreness I had been used to before. I still for the life of me can't figure out why. It's not that the weights I were using were light or lighter than what I am used to.
Perhaps my recovery is just THAT GOOD???
Possible reasons:
1: I am in a calorie surplus, one I have not been in for almost 2 years. However, prior to that period in time I was still becoming sore from my training, even while in a calorie surplus.
2: The type of training I am doing now, while still heavy (GLP1 #4.) Is still much less in terms of volume and sets than what I am used to.
3: I am eating almost exclusively real food instead of relying on protein shakes which I HAVE ALWAYS DONE IN THE PAST. I would usually eat 1 real food/whole meal a day in the evening while having 4 to 5 protein shakes a day in the past. On this new routine I am eating around 3 to 4 real whole food meals (chicken, rice, broccoli, etc..) a day with 2 to 3 other meals coming from things like peanut butter or heavy cream. I usually average around 1 protein shake a day (1 scoop.)
Those are the only factors that have changed so it has to be something there or a combination of all 3. I am not taking any supplements other than the protein scoop, vitamins, and fiber supplement. All of which I have been taking for years, so...
The other thing worth mentioning is that today I felt quite fat. NOt terrible or anything but definately like I had put on some weight around my midsection as my pants felt a little tighter. I'm not sure if this is from the high calorie/carb days over the last few days or whether it's just a mental thing but the truth of th ematter is that this day I did not feel exceptionally hungry.
Gotta keep that waist down as much as I can!
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:28 pm
Hi Rob,
just saw your post. I think the feelings of being tired I am having lately are more to do with just not getting enough sleep if I'm being completely honest. It's more my focus is lacking.
My last GLP sessions (#4) went very well, and upon waking that day I felt rested and ready to lift weights.
I understand that recovery (especially sleep.) is critical to anyone's progress but unfortunately for me that's something I don't always have the luxury of right now. (I have a very busy 15 month year old who makes it her business to keep me moving almost non stop all day lol, hence the lack of sleep some days.)
If I feel worse like this even though I am getting adequate sleep I will definately insert a rest day or 2.
My main focus from now on will be to make sure, all things considered, that I am getting enough sleep per night. I want to hit around that 8 hour spot on a regular and consistent basis. Last week I was getting a few nights of 5 to 6 hour which is probably why I was feeling run down and my eyes were "burning" from time to time.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:45 am
by Coach Rob
Best explanation, IMO
2: The type of training I am doing now, while still heavy (GLP1 #4.) Is still much less in terms of volume and sets than what I am used to.
With respect to "feeling fat", beware of feelings. Feelings are best left to Oprah and The View, LOL. Instead, get a tape measure!
After you wake up and have done your business in the bathroom, disrobe and take your waist measurement around the navel. Record that number and re-measure every 2 weeks.
You'll then have an objective measure of whether you're putting any FAT on, vs. "feeling" fat. Much, much better method...
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:13 pm
You're absolutely right Rob.
I realize that feeling fat and being fat are 2 totally different things. I'm sure that some of it is also mental and comes from my background of having been more overweight while in my youth. I'm sure there are many people you have dealt with that have the opposite problem (Ie: Grew up being skinny and when they got bigger and more muscular still feel that they are thin and scrawny.)
I also realize that some of the feelings I am having could just be fluctuations in water weight "tricking" me into feeling fatter. I am still going to do all my measurements ever 2 weeks though (actually coming up this weekend.) but the last thing I want to do is measure myself every time I feel fat as I am sure that some days my measurements will be up and other days during the week it will be down. In the past I have found that measuring or weighing yourself everyday is not a good indication of anything and in fact can lead to some stupid decisions being made (For example say I was on a fat loss regime and noticed that one day I was down 2 pounds but the next day was up 1 pound. I might go out and do more cardio as a by-product of this when in reality it was just really differences in water weight or other variables.).
If after this weekend my waist measurement has gone up substantially than I guess I will figure out a plan of attack from there, although I do understand that being in a calories surplus and trying to put on new muscle mass and strength almost (but not always.) guarantees someone putting on more bodyfat.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:39 pm
Jan 26/2016:
Training: EDT blocks.
For my 1st EDT block I decided to up the weight on the cable pulls while keeping the weight on the weighted dips the same from the previous week.
EDT block 1:
set1: 1:32 completed (10 reps for each set.)
set2: 1:32 completed
set3: 1:41 completed
set4: completed the weighted dips but only got up to 7 reps on cable pulls.
set5: Same as above.
EDT block 2:
EDT block 2 consisted of free weight front squats followed up with Russian step ups. I kept the weights the same as the previous week for both exercises as last week I couldn't complete the set of front squats perfectly.
set1: 2:36
set2: 2:44
set3: 3:03
Overall thoughts on EDT blocks:
On the 1st EDT block I could feel myself definitely putting in a lot of effort on the cable pulls. The weight was very heavy to rep properly. The weighted dips felt pretty good and having completed all the sets that is my cue to up the weights next week.
The 2nd EDT block was not nearly as rough on me as the previous week either. I managed to complete all reps and I also noticed that the Russian step ups, which usually leave me drained and having to stop for little "breaks" in between some of the later reps, didn't leave me huffing and puffing for air like the previous weeks. Next week I will add more weight to both exercises.
Total calories: 2837
Protein: 238.421
Carbs: 288.806
Fats: 80.878
Overall thoughts:
So today was a weird one. I woke up feeling fat again (sorry Rob
) and throughout the day I just "felt it" all over my lower back and love handle area. (I'm sure a lot of this is just my own mental insecurities.).
Surprisingly I had fine energy throughout the day, no doubt in part to my efforts to get more sleep at night (I am making it a point to try to go to bed earlier each night, even if it is just a half an hour more than what I am used to.).
I actually wanted to do my workout as quickly as possible throughout the day ( I have only a small window of time to complete it in the evening.) so when I got the chance I didn't waste any time. I'm sure a part of it is one's again psychological. I've noticed that in the past when I feel fatter I almost intuitively want to go and workout harder than before. Even if I am feeling weaker or low on energy it doesn't get in my way.
However I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to get the workout in at all considering in the middle of the day I got a phone call from my wife saying she would be home extremely late at night due to her work schedule (She works in a hospital "on call" some evenings.). As such I am the only one at home taking care of our 15 month year old daughter so tough luck.
Fortunately she got off work not as late as intended and I seized the opportunity to get my workout in. Unfortunately it was very late at night and I knew I would be getting less sleep over the night but I didn't care. (Can't win 'em all right?).
As a result my workout took place during the time I would normally be laying in bed trying to go to sleep.
I did notice that at the start of the 2nd EDT block my eyes felt a little tired but as I already mentioned this didn't really come as a surprise to me.
I finished the workout, had my post-workout meal then headed to bed, actually feeling like I wouldn't have any issues falling to sleep.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:29 pm
Jan 27/2016:
Training: NONE!
Total calories: 2811
Protein: 240.362
Carbs: 55.64
Fats: 183.99
Overall thoughts:
I woke up feeling relatively alright energy wise but I noticed around mid day that I started to feel tired. I'm not surprised really considering the night I had. I will be sure to make it a priority to get more sleep tonight. Hopefully I won't be dealing with this problem tomorrow.
Still felt "fatter" than before although not as bad as the previous day.
I'm wondering if I should limit my calories to just 19X bodyweight this week after my lactic acid training or bump them up to 20X bodyweight where they were last week.
I only hesitate to do so because last week I did this but am somehow "feeling" like my bodyfat has gone up more than usual. I will take measurements on Saturday morning to see where I am at.
I guess I will decide after the workout.
Even if my bodyfat and waist has gone up (assuming it has just slightly.) I am more than prepared to deal with this if it results in more muscle mass aquired as well as a substantial increase in strength. I hope my bench press numbers are on track for a new 1 rep max (which I feel they are.) and I have a gut feeling that my deadlift numbers will be more than enough to exceed my prescribed 1 rep max , hopefully by a good amount.