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Post by RobRegish »

bigpelo wrote:I guess it will content picamilon or something exotic like that :wink:

But please release this one quick! I slept like 8 hours total the past 3 nights. From the little girl growing canine to the pregnant wife snoring like a straight pipe farm tractor including high stress at work, I really need help right now.
Understand man, I'm trying to get a rough ETA from MASS. Believe me, I could use it too. It's going to rock the house brother, because you guys (and gals) have HIGH expectations.

And rightfully so... :)
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Post by Memnon »

Any anecdotal reports? What kind of results have you gotten from it?
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Post by RobRegish »

Memnon wrote:Any anecdotal reports? What kind of results have you gotten from it?
The effect is rather pronounced. It's an incredible calm sense of well being and exceptional pain relief/recovery from exercise. It's particularly useful for stress, used in an acute fashion and can even be used during the day (albeit at a lower dosing threshold).

The adaptogen component is readily apparent, and fat loss is being noted as weil. Trust me, this is going to be a product you can FEEL. Perhaps even moreso than Synthagen... :)
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Post by RobRegish »

UPDATE: MASS is working feverishly with the lab, on licensing agreements etc. so know we're pushing from every angle.

No firm ETA as of yet, but we're hoping for the best. One unexpected benefit of this: I've come across even BETTER material for the formula, one which promises to take this baby to a WHOLE 'nother level. It's brand new, yet boasts incredible benefits based upon a known "cousin" and crafted by one of the finest in the business.

Hang tight, I absolutely promise it'll be worth the wait. In the interim, Synthagen continues to win rave reviews. See here for the latest! ... php?t=2026
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Post by CraigoBucks »

How will it work with Adaptogen N and Gamma GH? Replacement? Stack? Cycle?
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Post by RobRegish »

CraigoBucks wrote:How will it work with Adaptogen N and Gamma GH? Replacement? Stack? Cycle?
I would say it'll be the ultimate compliment to these two, for a number of reasons...

First, AN boosts test and provides a world class adaptogen in the form of Ultra-Suma. Product X is going to be non-hormonal (like Synthagen) yet will add a completely novel/different approach to recovery/restoration - magnifying the overall effect. It'll for sure be "lights out" when used at full dose prior to sleep.

Alternatively, a lower dose can be used during the daytime for episodes of acute stress, to improve mental clarity and without a big neuro-inhibitory cascade. I think one of the absolute BEST attributes the product has will be in using it post workout. Here, I'm talking about quieting the CNS and reaching a state of relaxation so important to the mTOR rebound post-exercise.

You'll be hearing a LOT more about this - but it's absolutely crucial to getting the jump on recovery/growth. Today, many are using LOTS of pre-workout stims making it difficult to achieve this state. Problem solved when Product X debuts... :)
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Post by beefcake66 »

"It's an incredible calm sense of well being and exceptional pain relief/recovery from exercise. It's particularly useful for stress, used in an acute fashion and can even be used during the day (albeit at a lower dosing threshold). "

.... does this involve a smelly plant with the munchie problem removed? it's sounding prettttyyy chill haha
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Post by RobRegish »

beefcake66 wrote:"It's an incredible calm sense of well being and exceptional pain relief/recovery from exercise. It's particularly useful for stress, used in an acute fashion and can even be used during the day (albeit at a lower dosing threshold). "

.... does this involve a smelly plant with the munchie problem removed? it's sounding prettttyyy chill haha
Ha ha. No, only one "extract" used in this one and it's legal eagle... :)

Unique in that it'll work on the brain and body like Synthagen, but in an entirely different fashion. It will subjectively "feel" quite different and the dosing flexibility I'm particularly proud of. Many of the ingredients are both fat/water soluble, work in both the muscles and brain and 2 of the ingredients get them there with ease.

Just finished the writeup: 24+ scientific references. Some compounds I dug up from as long ago as the 1960's. Another was introduced just this year!
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Post by YOKED »

Seems that this product would put the person into REM sleep for a while. I was just wondering if just that alone would be enough to elicit a greater GH release than say if one was not taking "Product X". And /or does product X have something in it to directly cause a GH release from the body? :D
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Post by Memnon »

When's the writeup coming out?
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Post by RobRegish »

The first 90 minutes of sleep are well known to elicit the day's biggest burst of GH - correct. Product X ensures this, which is important because many today (too many) aren't sleeping well. You can certainly juice this further with items like GABA, as has been demonstrated in studies. The ideal IMO though, is to boost the total # of GH bursts daily. That being done through training, napping and sleep (with an additional hit of GABA if you wake up, in the middle of the night).

Currently looking into the research done on 2 of the ingredients in Product X, to validate whether or not GH spikes are enhanced. One thing to keep in mind is the reason you're raising GH in the first place: Fat loss/muscle recovery & growth etc.. LOTS of products raise GH transiently. Do these same products result in better gains, faster? That's really the question. Product X certainly gets you there, albeit via MULTIPLE mechanisms of action (not just GH).

The writeup will be out as soon as the product is close. We're pushing every day, with an ETA hopefully coming later this week... :)
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Post by bigpelo »

Any development on Product X name, write-up, relaese date, etc.?
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Post by askmass »

bigpelo wrote:Any development on Product X name, write-up, relaese date, etc.?
Front the Lab Front Line:

Tons of progress has been made and we are all extremely excited and greatly appreciate the anticipation of those (like you, Bigpelo) "in the know".

That said, few have anything close to a reasonable understanding of the work involved - on dozens of fronts by dozens of people - in such an undertaking.

Frankly, this one is proving to be exceptionally time consuming. But, we make no apologies for being sticklers about real results and will not rush or risk compromise of product integrity, period. We haven't for 20 years, and surely are not about to start now.

They say patience is virtue.

While no specific release date can be promised today (remember, you guys are essentially "on the inside" in even knowing this is in the pipeline), rest assured this one will completely redefine a category which is sorely lacking in legitimate, science backed products once it is unleashed!

I promise you'll be the FIRST to know all details, right here, as we draw closer and are able to release them.

All the best.
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Post by RobRegish »

As John said, LOTS of progress recently. We're hoping to release the name first, which exquisitely describes what you can expect of the product... :)

Next will be the ingredient panel, how each works both alone and with each other to create the desired effect(s). Some ingredients will look familiar, others new to you. Every single one will use the absolute "saffron" of their category though. We're really going to great lengths to make you get the absolute best, "top shelf" material available anywhere - at any price.

This is one of those times in product development that's difficult. A lot of things came together in the past few weeks John and I are privy to and would LOVE to share - but can't just yet. Fortunately, it's also one of those times where the lab could come back soon and say, "OK, we can have it to you by X date...".

Or they could come back with another "issue", LOL. That's why we have our fingers crossed the former happens, and we can communicate the good news to you guys/gals.

Will for SURE be worth the wait... :)
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