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Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:18 am
by RobRegish
Hi Draco,

The more I think about this, the more I'm leaning toward keeping you out of the 90th percentile for a few weeks. Given your history coming into this, it might make sense say, to use the Russian Peaking program detailed on here vs. the MM2K bench routine. What do you think?

Either way please let me know. I'll be happy to write out the actual workouts if that helps... Just want to make sure you get off to a good start.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:54 am
by dracotdrgn
I'm going to back up a bit and tell you what I considered time off. Maybe it wasn't enough.
9/28 light bench with resistance bands hooked on bar, light abs,delts, &abs. Ran 1.5 miles
9/29 Stretching only
9/30Took PAT 1m push ups, 1m sit ups, 1.5 mile run (I aced this test)
10/1 Medium high intensity upper body workout
10/2 Good lower body mostly deep squat low weight, leg extensions,& calf raises. Nothing hardcore, legs were still tired from run.
10/3 - 10/6 Off
10/7 Start Famine
I did weigh in at 223 yesterday 3 up after 3 days off.
Honestly I did not feel a pump, my muscles didn't feel full. I feel like a guy that hasn't worked out for a week. It might be all in my head. I am so used to pounding every day the change that is good for my body my mind hasn't figured out yet.?.?.?
I know the sled is a whole different animal and yes I like to do it because of the big load of weights sittin up there. Of Coarse ego boost!! I'm not dissappointed with my squat I was just asking if that was a reasonable weight.
I'm looking back and having to recalculate a lot of my weights. I use the smith machine so I don't need a spot for bench, and for stability on deep squats and jump squats. I just found out the bar is 30lbs less than a normal bar.
I will not dead lift today, I'll take it easy, do bi's, forearms, calves, abs.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:14 pm
by BrainSquirt
draco, Was just thinking about your situation and remembered that in my first cycle I had serious central nervous system issues and lag… not saying that’s what’s going on with you but the possibility is something to consider. It was so bad I said to myself, support from Rob or not, I got to do something about this and turn it to a positive. Rob helped me a lot with the nutrition side of it, I tweaked some things nutritionally to my own personal needs, and I was led to start practicing CST (and ZHealth in an associated way) to great benefit. Also, most of my running has been replaced with sprint/jog interval training which brings the health benefits of heart rate variability training that neither lifting nor regular running can. ( I suspect Rob is on the sled for same reasons but don’t know for sure.) Don’t neglect lots of rest. So many lifters look great but are on the edge of adrenal burnout, etc… anyway my agony and loss of edge was a doorway to opportunity for a real ‘health first’ orientation… may be for you too. hth

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:53 am
by dracotdrgn
Thanks Brain. Went light today sets of 10 for bi's a lot of resistance band stuff for my delts, heavy calves, and forarms.
Still on KA(3), Adapt(3),liver(6),pre, Mass, and forgot my vitamin.
I am swearing off the smith machine all together. Even though I was tired today I could feel what the heavy squat did to me yesterday, and well...... .... I WANT MORE!! The core, my whole torso...the stabilizing muscles that do nothing while on the smith machine. I see what you mean about tiring out the abs for squatting. I am sore from yesterday but I feel good. I will do what you think is best but I'm eager to bang. I'm taking the weekend off to get ready for next week. Remember I'm a trooper!! I get down and dissappointed sometimes but that's what drives me I have to be hard on myself, I'm my only coach. Well, unless I count you guys :)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:08 am
by RobRegish
You can count on us for sure. That's what we're here for!

OK, let's re-wind. I appreciate you sharing with us what you were doing prior to Blueprint, because that was an important detail. Wish I knew this prior but no biggie. You were clearly over-training or on the edge of it. The Famine probably put you over the edge. Here then, are my recommendations:

- Take the weekend off, as planned
- Continue eating up as you have been
- Discontinue any and all band work
- On Monday, re-test your 1RM on bench press and squat using a barbell,
NOT the smith machine

The fact you've re-gained 3lbs so quickly is encouraging. The accelerated substrate storage is starting but I suspect the CNS is still fried. By continuing to eat up, things can only improve. If you have lecithin granuals on hand, by all means use them. If not, don't worry too much about it. The high adaptogen intake you have should help considerably.

I want you to stay away from those bands because they're VERY hard on the body. They accentuate the negative on every movement and thus, resulting muscle damage.

By re-testing your 1RM on Monday with a barbell you'll have a TRUE picture of what your strength in the BP/SQ is. One caveat: make sure you have a spotter or safety rack. If you don't let me know and we'll make other arrangements.

I see the new plan as focusing all of your energy (and it is considerable!) around the German Loading protocol #1 as found in the Blueprint. This is a six workout program that delivers a hefty +5% increase. The 6 workout template is important because we need to get this done while that Feast window is still open.

I want you to keep things simple and focus on just these 2 lifts in the following fashion:

WRKT 1 1st set of BP followed immediately by 1st set of SQ
Rest minimum of 5 min.
2nd set of BP followed immediately by 2nd set of SQ
Rest minimum of 5 min

and so forth...

A one day on, two day off frequency protocol is likely a good starting point. That has you finishing in about 3 weeks. Off days should be just that.. off from the weights. Running/sled dragging is OK but absolutely no weights/bands. Your goal here should be to generate blood flow to the muscle without creating muscle damage. Remember, don't turn these sessions into "workouts". They're simply designed to be feeder sessions aimed at recovering you for the next sessions with the weights..

If you can't set it up such that you can move from BP immediately into SQ, don't worry about it. Just do the benches first (SQ take a lot out of you). Workout will take a bit longer but you'll still get it done. Don't fret if you miss a few reps with your target weight (this protocol allows for that) but do take note if you miss by 2 or more on multiple sets.

Just focus on getting those 6 sets of BP/SQ done each workout and pouring all that energy into those lifts. You sound like you do a LOT of working out even on off days. Nothing wrong with that but I'd like you to clearly differentiate restorative work on off days vs. just adding more lifting. That is, your "off" days should NOT include any weight lifting but rather focus on things like running, sprints, sled dragging etc.

Brain is right about mixing it up in terms of the cardiovascular work. It keeps the brain fresh too. One day jogging, the next sprints etc. Completely different (and beneficial) effect on the circulatory system/musculature.

In reviewing Brain's first run, he re-gained traction on day 21 of Feast. By day 26, he had added 8+lbs and finished up on a very positive note. Perhaps he can offer some additional insight, but in his case, appears adding in more carbs/simply recovering adrenal fatigue made the difference. You can still pull a rabbit out of your hat too.

In fact, I think you will..

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:31 am
by RobRegish
I would also add that one of Brain's big contributions was the 3 workout Famine training protocol.

I originally recommended a 5 day protocol in The Blueprint because I assumed most would start BP while not being over-trained. Granted, the 3 day protocol is mentioned as well but not enough emphasis was put on it.

Upon the next re-write I'll be recommending the 3 day protocol to start.

Better to play it safe...

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:14 pm
by dracotdrgn
I guess my idea of time off isn't really time off. I am currently a victim of the recession and have no full time work. It allows me to put more time and energy into my nutrition and work out. When I'm not in the gym I have a void filled with projects, school, and restlessness.
I did test on the barbell, with a spotter and a safety rack. Not the smith. That's why I am swearing off the smith because by using it prior I was not benefiting my stabilizing muscles. I've been off the smith for bench for about a month but was still using it for squats, but NO MORE!
I want to continue with what you think is best, lets just say that was the best bench I could do, and honestly that was the most weight I have ever had on my shoulders. I'm good, I'm ready.....

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:10 pm
by RobRegish
Good deal man, and good for you getting away from the Smith machine!

Sorry to hear about the lack of work. Right there with you 3 yrs ago. It was miserable BUT, it put things in perspective. You can get laid off, your wife/GF can leave you.... money comes and goes. But at the end of the day... 100lbs is still 100lbs.

You're in control, not anyone else!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:50 pm
by dracotdrgn
That is AWESOME! I wish I could have thought that way 9 years ago when life got me down and out.... of the gym.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:21 am
by dracotdrgn
Alright, I am well fed, well rested and ready to go.
What are you thinkin? I am ready to do what ever program you think is best and will not deviate, or sneak in to the gym on my off days. :lol:
I know your program for me has changed around a bit so I wanted to make sure what I'm doing this week.
Added Salmon Oil and Coconut Oil to my sup list

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:10 am
by RobRegish
If you have your true 1rep barbell max in both, I'd suggest hitting the German Peaking Program - 6 workout protocol as I recommended prior.

Give the first session a go as I recommended and let us know your observations and of course, if you have any questions. Sounds like your enthusiasm can't be contained. We just need to channel it into the right direction and temper any over-training that may result.

With this kind of energy, you'll get there man. It's just a matter of getting the frequency/recovery right...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:11 am
by dracotdrgn
Food Standard stuff Oatmeal,pb,w-germ,protein,thai chick salad, apple,"mega" shake, stuffed porkchop,avacado,frozen yogurt
Supplements 3-KA,3-Adapt,6-Liver,3-Salmon Oil,3-Coconut Oil,1-multi-vitamin, Pre-A.S.,
Workout Felt good, BP workout based on 340 bench and 415 Sq. No rest from bench to Sq, felt good until final set
______170____10_______________205 _____10 __5min rest
______185_____8_______________225______8___5 min rest
______205_____8_______________255______8___5 min rest
______225_____8_______________275______8___5 min rest
______250_____8_______________300______8___5 min rest
Final rep final set of bench spotter said he slightly bumped my left side to even out the bar.
Final set of squat.... could have, should have gone for eight but avoided the embarassment of potential failure.
I felt good today, strong, and weighed in at 225.
I did this right, right? Diet and Supps the same on non workout days?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:26 am
by RobRegish
Great work Draco!

And yes, you did it right. Same diet and same supps on workout days, yes.

I see your bodyweight is coming up nicely too. Don't let the fact you missed one rep on your very last set throw you. That's exactly what I noticed first time around. In fact, it happened to me on the 2nd and 3rd workout too! Didn't matter, because when max day came the strength was there.

If I could make just one suggestion I'd say stretch the rest periods out to 8-10 min for the final few sets just to make sure you're fully recovered. 5 min rest between jump sets is darned good, especially with those weights and speaks well to your conditioning.

Excellent start. Now focus on recovery oriented workouts the next 2 days, aiming to go into the next session fresh!

You're on your way...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:07 pm
by dracotdrgn
Recovery oriented workouts. Is this the running you mentioned or can I do other excercises. Running and sprinting right after or before squat day doesn't sound like recovery. Will I be squatting again Thu.?
Also I just realized my KA order is going to laps. I have two days left and I haven't received a notice on the shipping of my last order. It usually takes a week. I know this is the foundation supplement of the blueprint. Should I have some shipped overnight?