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Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:15 pm
by RobRegish
OK here's the deal. Actually waited until today to workout after FINALLY getting rid of all soreness from that brutal loaded incline pullover debacle.

This is going to go 10 more days. During that time, I've decided to switch gears and move to the 6 workout peaking protocol I outline in The Blueprint. This should keep me on track (actually put me a bit ahead) to meet my strength gain objectives in this phase.

My rationale is simple: to repeat the remaining workouts for the two loading patterns I was using would have voilated my own recommendations for length of time to spend in this phase. As it is, I'm pushing it and I can feel it. The Feast has been milked for almost all it's worth.

For anyone following, please don't make this mistake in your own Blueprint application. A single screw up like this set me back a week and it's a week I can't get back.

When you're training to peak your strength this kind of mistake is farr more problematic than training for hypertrophy. But that's the road I chose. This could have been far worse.... could have resulted in injury for example. Lord help you if you do something that weakens the abs/lower back and attempt a max single next session with a squat/deadlift. Or I could have torn a pec/tricep during that last failed session. The result would have been a catastrophic injury.

Live and learn, as they say. The next 10 days will determine success or failure for me, and only the guy in the mirror will be responsible.

Wouldn't have it any other way..

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:32 am
by RobRegish
Plan B is working out well so far. In fact, if it continues to go this well I'm going to throw something out for all of you looking to extend the Feast by a few weeks..

The de-load in switching programs seems like exactly what was needed. Both mentally and physically, I've noted positive changes.

Therefore, if you're interested in tacking on 2 or so weeks onto a regular Feast Phase, please consider using two loading patterns vs. one longer one. One longer one to start and a short one (like the 6 workout routine listed in The Blueprint) to finish.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and it's being born out here.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:36 am
by RobRegish
Wow. Only 2 workouts to go and a great comeback in the making. This detour has been most interesting...

By staggering two different loading patters in the feast vs. one I seem to have stumbled upon something - I've extended the window of the Feast by at least another 10 days beyond what's recommended in The Blueprint.

I'm going to let this run its full course prior to making a final judgement, but I have a good feeling about this. It will appear as a separate post/guideline in the BluePrint Training sub-forum and ultimately, a course update if found to be valid.

Hope this helps some Blueprint users...

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:00 am
by askmass
Most interesting, Rob.

Downright exciting, really...

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:15 am
by RobRegish
One more day to go and there's good news/bad news.

The bad news is that I tweaked my lower back pretty good.... of all things golfing.

The good news is that provided I nail my max day tomorrow, this detour has been a complete success! And it's almost a certainty. Felt incredibly strong last session and the weights just flew up.

One other interesting tidbit: I have a VERY strong feeling of wanting to get into a Famine Phase at this point. The feeling is there and it's pronounced. It's like my body is screaming for detox.

Likely something you may experience too if extending the Feast in the fashion I did. Will have the wrap up forthcoming.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:35 am
by RobRegish
Huge comeback!

I not only achieved my strength goals, I exceeded them! I only ended up gaining 4lbs of lean body mass this cycle, which I suspect had a little to do with both being away from Kre-Anabolyn this time around (off for about 7-8 weeks now) and the loading pattern I used.

A LOT of details to follow. We learned something powerful this time around and I hope it helps every Blueprint user..

I'll have the wrap up no later than Saturday.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:40 am
by RobRegish
Blueprint Run #2 Summary:

- Famine phase 3 wrkt template worked like a charm again. The addition of Lecithin/Anti-oxidants to compliment more organic/raw foods was a plus, in my opinion and made the transition to Feast easier.

- Feast phase began on 7/18 with a bang, quickly regaining bodyweight lost in the Famine. See above for possible reasons why.

- Try alligator meat if you get the chance. I did so while in New Orleans on a business trip and really enjoyed it!

- Sled dragging/GPP work helps in lowering your blood pressure. If you don't take it today, please start. Buy a cuff at your local drugstore. Very nice, objective measurement of you health. Revealing...

- Loading protocol utilized the MM2K Bench program for bench and Soviet strength program generator for the squat. Focusing on 2 lifts during Feast is highly recommended for your 2nd, 3rd go arounds etc. I do still advocate focusing on one lift during your first Blueprint run to familiarize yourself with how you respond to the program.

- Got off to a great Feast start but due to a BIG mistake on my part during the 8/11 workout, ended prematurely. I was just coming out of the shoot ready to peak on these programs and I blew it.

- With regard to the mistake... do NOT add in an unfamiliar loaded stretch as I did that results in excessive soreness. It was a simple, one pinhole incline vs. the normal flat bench pullover that did it. It delayed my normal recovery time between workouts and set me back almost a week!

Nearly jeopardized the whole outcome.

- Did not fully recover until 5 days later (8/16) and immediately executed Plan B, the 6 workout German loading pattern specified in The Blueprint.

- Fortunately I pulled a rabbit out of my shorts, finishing strong. Plan B concluded on 8/26, resulting in a full 38 days Feast Phase. Although slightly out of the timing recommendations for Feast, the mid-feast training protocol switch extended beneficial results. This is an VERY important finding. The German program is likely the best candidate here, as it's the only one short enough to tack onto whatever loading pattern you'll start with.

- Only downside to extending the feast in this fashion is a subjective feeling of wanting to dial down the eating and detox. I couldn't wait to ratchet things down. This was very noticeable.

- I ended up only gaining +4lbs of LBM this cycle, which was likely a function of being away from Kre-Anabolyn for 7-8 weeks. Another contributing factor was a greater focus on strength vs. size in the training protocols I utilized. For comparison, a more hypertrophy oriented program plus KA resulted in a full +10lbs of lbm.

- Adaptogen N, light dose every other night does result in better training/recovery from workout to workout. However, it isn't nearly as profound as KA or certainly KA/Adaptogen N everyday use.

- Fenusterols (Fenugreek extract, 70% sterols) from Sabinsa at a gram a day didn't make nearly as much of a difference as I thought. Could have been too light on the 4-hydroxy isoleucine component or the age of the product, but it was a bust. I much prefer the 4-hydroxy iso extract in KA for this purpose and can feel it every time.

- BCAA loading protocol #2 again delivered accelerated recovery. The one thing I would add is that I noticed a pretty big (positive) difference going from my normal 25g dose to 35g. It was surprising..

- Chiropractic Visit: Highly recommended. I'll be going into greater detail in another post but suffice it to say.... this field has advanced dramatically in the past 10 years. And you need not be in any pain to benefit.

- Part of my chiro visit involved measuring the efficiency of nerve transmission for each vertabrae of the spine. Those of you who know your physiology understand how profound this is: The stronger/more efficient the message from the brain to the spinal cord to the muscle to contract is EVERYTHING. Improve that message and you can contract more muscle and lift more weight! As I'm coming to understand, it also can improve your health, as each vertabrae's nerve "message" corresponds to different bodily functions (digestion, insulin function, etc.). Here again the implications for your training/life are profound.

- Chiropractors seem to work harder for you than traditional MD's, likely because they have historically suffered criticism from the mainstream medical community. They'll also work with you more on the financial level, insurance or not. I'm lucky and have good insurance, but the first thing they told me was "we don't turn anyone away b/c of finances, you pay what you can afford", at least that's what the guy I see told me.

- Finally, please notice the most interesting findings during this run were the result of adversity. Because of a training mis-calculation and a minor injury, I discovered two new powerful strategies. Recognize these setbacks for what they are... opportunities to expand your arsenal. Do not give up, ever!

I have two new arrows in my quiver now, and you do too!

Fire away with any questions...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:50 pm
by BrainSquirt
Thanks, Rob. Not many questions right now and just a few comments.

re ”Nearly jeopardized the whole outcome.”
Yep “unfamiliar loaded stretch” is how I messed up my elbow tendons last spring. I must be a stretch retard because to tell you the truth almost all loaded stretches continue to feel ‘unfamiliar’ to me and I approach them VERY carefully and slowly… simple concept but difficult for me to effectively and safely perform…

re “Only downside to extending the feast in this fashion is a subjective feeling of wanting to dial down the eating and detox. I couldn't wait to ratchet things down. This was very noticeable. “
Could this be a seasonal thing? I’ve noticed it too on the last two Feast Phases

ANSWER: Possibly. I tend to think though, these signals are universal when you've been in one phase too long. Likely more pronounced though for certain individuals at certain times.

re - Adaptogen N, light dose every other night does result in better training/recovery from workout to workout. However, it isn't nearly as profound as KA or certainly KA/Adaptogen N everyday use.
I still vote Adaptogen N only on days when you know the body needs it

re “Part of my chiro visit involved measuring the efficiency of nerve transmission for each vertabrae of the spine. Those of you who know your physiology understand how profound this is: The stronger/more efficient the message from the brain to the spinal cord to the muscle to contract is EVERYTHING. Improve that message and you can contract more muscle and lift more weight! As I'm coming to understand, it also can improve your health, as each vertabrae's nerve "message" corresponds to different bodily functions (digestion, insulin function, etc.). Here again the implications for your training/life are profound.”
“Improve that message” is the specific message of Cobb’s ZHealth work and is the general message of Sonnon’s Circular Strength Training. I’ve chosen to primarily utilize the chiropractor for diagnostics and am learning to self adjust combining inversion boots, a (modified) TheraCane, and techniques like those at
Over the top, even whacked, by most standards but my experience is that chiro’s screw up as much they fix and use them for immediate need work only.

ANSWER/COMMENT: I understand what you're saying here and trying to give the doc the benefit of the doubt. I'm currently seeing him once a week and will continue to do for for another 6 weeks (12 visits total). At this point, he tells me we'll re-run the thermo-scan to check on progress. That will be a sign, as will x-rays further out to see if my spine is getting "straighter" for lack of a better term. I'm also going to re-visit the weight distribution on my L/R feet which might be a cheaper indicator vs. x-rays of that "straightness" test. Like what you're saying though... if I can figure out how to do this myself then yes, agree its a good thing.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:53 am
by RobRegish
Brain, just wanted you to know I tried this stretch..

For the life of me, I can't get into the position this kid is with his arms. I don't know why. I feel really "bunched up" in my pecs/arms. Could be a function of being old/lame. I can get halfway there though and it felt GREAT. I can do all sorts of things for my lower back but not upper/mid back.

Now I can..

Appreciate your contributions here. You bring a LOT to the board..

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:01 pm
by BrainSquirt
Thanks right back at you Rob

re back and spine, chiro's etc.

Check out Teeter Hanging Inversion Boots via google
I made my own rack with large hooks, plastic coated metal chain, and 1 inch pipe inside a closet so my arms don’t drag. Added rope with pvc pipe handles on each side for mounting / dismounting. This is better than the doorway racks they sell.
Now doing most of my upper body (neck, arms, spine, ribcage) mobility work upside down – to great benefit!
Beginners should only do 4 minutes (max) per sessions until eyes and brains adapt. Once you learn how to relax into it, that's about all the time needed per session / day anyway... ... fficiency/

Element #2 = healthy spinal alignment

Have a great weekend.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:46 pm
by RobRegish
My God..

If a 507lb clean and jerk doesn't fire you up...nothing will!

You must watch this video. Vasily Alexeev former USSR Olympic lifter.