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Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:42 am
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:Matter, I thought you'd be interested in this article: ... _DNL_art_1
Thanks Big P!

The ADA and FDA can assert whatever ridiculous claims they want. They lost a court battle where they had to admit under penalty of perjury they knew about mercury's dangers and did nothing, basically admitting to intentionally poisoning millions of children. I mean who in their right mind would argue that its OK to bury nuclear waste products under your house because its been rendered "inactive". Sure it has. Ask the people in Love Canal about how that worked out for them...this is essentially what they are trying to claim with mercury...makes absolutely "zero" sense and has been shown to be false uncountable times, to which they choose to ignore the evidence of virtually all research that has been done on it, and the FDA's OWN scientists, who I am sure were instructed if there was ANY possibility mercury was safe to recommend leaving it alone, to which EVERY SINGLE ONE of them ended up recommending it be banned after hearing 2 days worth of evidence from various sources, one of them summing it up with the comment "Mercury has no place in a child's mouth"

If this country had any sense of right and wrong left, it would be dragging the people responsible for this reprehensible conduct in front of the UN to stand trial for crimes against humanity, similar to what happens after war when generals commit genocide and various other atrocities.

Today starts my path to healing, as I am getting the first quadrant of mercury fillings removed(left lower quadrant), including the tooth with the root canal, which has a filling so big, the dentist couldn't believe it and said it is the largest filling he has ever seen in 26 years of dentistry and that he shudders to think of the mercury load I am getting from that filling alone every day.

Taking my chlorella and liquid bentonite clay with me to the office to take directly before and after the procedure, although they have every safety protocol in place to assure no mercury is absorbed, one can never be too careful...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:45 pm
by BrainSquirt
DaCookie wrote:

How does one go about getting non fluoridated water and whats the tooth paste you use?Basically Ill do anything as long as its not too much hassle.Thats why im not too keen on swapping out shampoo/conditioner/fluoridated water.
In urban areas, distilling your own water and then re-mineralizing / balancing it back to ‘life’ is the most cost effective way to get fluoride free water. Not hassle free - btw – but worth it to me
(also - use only glass containers. Keep your distilled water away from most plastics ie don’t use walmart distilled water, etc. )

Some Fluoride free toothpastes

I’ve had great results with ... namon.html
been using it for years now... healthy, strong gums; no plaque (it's also not friendly at all to those varieties of bacteria that cause bad breath, etc...)

Other ones include ... toothpaste



Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:02 pm
by matter2003
Had first procedure down today, put a crown on the root canal tooth and removed filling on molar behind it. Replaced with composite resin filling and cerec porcelain crown. Removed at least half of mercury from mouth with those two gone. Next up is next Wednesday and getting a few more done...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:03 pm
by DaCookie
BrainSquirt wrote:
DaCookie wrote:

How does one go about getting non fluoridated water and whats the tooth paste you use?Basically Ill do anything as long as its not too much hassle.Thats why im not too keen on swapping out shampoo/conditioner/fluoridated water.
In urban areas, distilling your own water and then re-mineralizing / balancing it back to ‘life’ is the most cost effective way to get fluoride free water. Not hassle free - btw – but worth it to me
(also - use only glass containers. Keep your distilled water away from most plastics ie don’t use walmart distilled water, etc. )

Some Fluoride free toothpastes

I’ve had great results with ... namon.html
been using it for years now... healthy, strong gums; no plaque (it's also not friendly at all to those varieties of bacteria that cause bad breath, etc...)

Other ones include ... toothpaste


Is filtering the same as distilling?I have a very old filter on water tap at home and been drinking from that all my life.

BTW should I use distilled water for cooking also?

Cheers gonna look into the other stuff.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:04 pm
by BrainSquirt
Is filtering the same as distilling?I have a very old filter on water tap at home and been drinking from that all my life.

BTW should I use distilled water for cooking also?
Only specialized (and expensive) filters remove flouride ... and most of them only remove a percentage.

In cooking, some will go 'out', but significant portion will stay - so yes, cook with 'clean' water.
However, steaming vegies with tap water should theoretically not introduce signif. amounts into the food.

Distilling COMBINED with re-mineralization (to get it back to the right pH, etc) is the best long term and cost effective solution I've found for both the flouride issue and the dangerous Disinfection By-products (DBPs), also known as Trihalomethanes, etc. in chlorinated water. If you don't have flouridated water, then a high end compressed carbon filter will take the water to near purity and leave the normal minerals pretty much in balance... It basically boils down :wink: to how picky you want to get

Simply for monetary reasons, many municipalities are now 'primed' to cut flouridation prgms out now - ... ivism.html

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:10 pm
by BrainSquirt
health first…

Is fluorine ‘bad’ for you? Fluorine is actually one of the major elements in the body… just a few ozs but still 12 times as much fluorine by weight in the body as iron, 4 times as much as silicon, … body even has more fluorine by weight than it does magnesium. The ‘danger’ of fluorines is what form it comes in. The organic fluoride compounds, in spirulina (calcium fluoride etc) – 'good' for you. Inorganic compounds like sodium fluoride used in fluoridation – not so good for you. The much cheaper silicofluorides used in water treatment now , produced as by-products of phosphate fertilizer production - even worse for you…

…summing it up - a steady stream of inorganic crystals attempting to substitute in every available need / deficiency of iodines,etc… just like mercury competes / tries to substitute at cellular level for calcium, magnesium, etc.

…just considering the fluoride issue - and not go too wack esoteric on you :wink: … but for me, it starts in the pineal gland which is ideally full of primarily organic ‘iodized’ crystals. Provide ‘junky’ sources of iodine and a steady stream of fluorides and guess what!? - you’re suddenly living a very spiritually endarkened life… natural (and normal) DMT production drops to nil, etc etc etc. From there it progresses on to issues of plain old physical energy and zest… ie other ‘hormonal’ issues, etc… the very things you need to be in balance, like melatonin, etc. become even less ‘available' / accessible, etc… and then on to the health risks – the most salient and publicized being colorectal cancer, to name just one...

Distilled water is certainly not the ideal solution. It is an ‘urban’ solution, and left without remineralization is just barely better than chlorinated, fluoridated, etc. tap water. I remineralize as the water precipitates because, for one, distilled water is a super absorber and becomes acidic by absorbing carbon dioxide from air…
The best solution is 'harder', clean (cleaned) water from selected high natural springs or certain deep wells.
I stuck in that (cleaned) ie not just ‘clean’ spring water because most ‘ground’ water all over the planet is now contaminated with all kinds of stuff – Hexachlorobenzene, prescription drugs, pesticides, herbicides, etc. etc.
(…and since the skin absorbs so readily, filter your shower water too… )

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:41 pm
by matter2003

Just had my second procedure done on Wednesday and they completed the work on my right lower teeth, so my entire bottom is now mercury free.

Psoriasis on my knees(especially my left knee) has been making steady progress for the past month or started with a very small area of clear skin on my left upper knee and has spread and connected to normal skin now, as well as probably tripling in size over the last month. It still is pretty small in comparison to the area covered in psoriasis(probably about the size of a silver dollar or slightly bigger), but it appears to be spreading and the psoriasis near it appears to be turning back slowly into normal skin. I have a small area about the size of a quarter on my right knee that has turned into normal skin as well, directly in the middle of my kneecap.

I think oil pulling is definitely helping, and the body seems to be responding well to it.

As an interesting note, I read that mercury tends to displace zinc inside the body because mercury is a larger and heavier metal than zinc and the body "prefers" it, and attempts to use it where zinc would normally reside in a cell. This then leads to elevated copper levels since zinc and copper are antagonists. So in effect, until I pull this mercury out of the cells, the zinc I am taking has nowhere to go since its place is being occupied by mercury. I am sure some of it is getting in my system, but likely not enough to help displace the copper in my system.

It is so interesting learning how the body truly works internally and why it does things. Excited to get the detoxification process started once the last of the mercury is gone. Likely am going to follow a process outlined by Dr. Mercola, as it is pretty comprehensive and thorough.... ... otocol.htm

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:44 am
by DaCookie
Matter what do you think of liver/gall bladder detox I think its called?(could be kidney)Its where these greenish hard rock like things will come out and your meant to keep doing it until they dont come out anymore.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:45 pm
by matter2003
3rd trip to the dentist my upper left side done...had 2 fillings replaced and a 3/4 crown put in on a very large filling that had ended up cracking a big piece of the tooth that was getting ready to break off. It was not as large as the one in the tooth with the root canal, but was probably about 75% the size of it...still pretty big.

Only got my upper right side left to do, but unfortunately with me going out of town next week and them being closed the week of the 4th for the holiday, it won't be getting done until July 11th, so I cannot start the detox process in earnest until then.

Gotta get some MSM, Citramins II and either a dipeptide amino acid or Champion Nutrition Muscle Nitro to help with the detoxing..also have Algin and Chlorella as well...

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:01 pm
by matter2003
Not good...not good at all...

I believe my body has started to detox and I am not ready for it. From what I read it wasn't supposed to start until they all were out, but perhaps because I had so much of the load taken out, it started early?

Itching all over my body like I have bugs crawling under my skin, psoriasis feels like it is on fire, foggy brain that feels heavy, weird burning/itching in my lips, eyelid twitching all over the place...

I drank what I had left of my liquid bentonite clay with some psyllium husk powder, and took some chlorella. Also took some lecithin to protect the myelin sheath of my spinal column/brain from any type of damage...

I have some Algin on order that hasn't arrived yet, and I am getting ready to order Peptide Clathrating Agent spray which is supposedly extremely fast, effective and very non-toxic and safe for heavy metal removal.

Worried this might get worse over the next few days while I am on vacation and what to do with not enough supplies...

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:28 pm
by BrainSquirt
‘slow’ detox is marked by the use of clean and supportive nutrients to assist the body to gradually rid itself of toxins. We’ve already discussed pure water herein. Your mentions of bentonite, psyllium, chlorella, lecithin, alginates, etc are examples of slow detox agents. Additional everyday type of ‘slow’ detoxifyers are early AM lemon or lime water on empty stomach, glutathione precursors, antioxidants, 'green' foods and chlorophyls, raw garlic, broccoli sprouts (best crucifer for stimulating those toxin filtering enzymes in the liver), well timed oils, papaya (fruit and seeds), mung beans, beets, etc. etc. Throughout the process (and beyond), it is also important to get pesticides, etc. out of the diet. For example – grocery store celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers, spinach, cherries, green, potatoes, etc. have high pesticide use.

‘fast’ detox is the use of stronger condition specific releasers and chelators to more aggressively pull toxins from your system. Don’t wait x months to begin more extreme measures – begin now. Don’t take it daily like it’s a dam prescription med or a supplement. Instead, take it in ‘heavy’ 1 – 3 day spurts/cycles on a weekly basis (or some similar schedule).
With mercury, the primary weapon is DMSA. Starting with 50 to 250 mg DMSA (a suitable portion of a capsule such as that found at ... horne.html, etc) and building up from there to as close to 500 mg per dose as possible.
Notes for these cycles:
After day one of DMSA, start gradually with high quality, ‘food’ based ‘good’ sources of minerals (selenium, etc). By the 4 th day of a cycle (regardless of how many days you chelated) you are coming in heavy (but don’t overdo it) with these replacement minerals.
Typically it’s only used for testing ‘challenges’, but I personally got good results using high doses of Vit C the night before beginning a run of DMSA to trigger a ‘dump’ into the bloodstream because it’s easier to chelate something out of the blood than it is the individual cells. This is even more effective with conditions addressed by EDTA, btw ( see below).
The alginates are best timed to begin the second day after ending the chelation and to end a full day before next cycle of chelation.
If you are committed to clathrating, I recommend you alternate runs of clathrating with classic chelation runs.
I think I already mentioned NdfPlus. I don’t care what the medical establishment and the internet reviews say. It is an effective product for ‘cellular’ mercury– especially for the final stages / months of your campaign.
Also, in the great majority of cases if you have mercury issues you also almost certainly have issues with other 'heavy' metals -so rotating EDTA chelation cycles into the protocol is (more than) recommended

Caveat: The foregoing is not intended as medical or expert advice. I’ve been through the he(a)ll of serious (and extended - because I didn’t rush it) ‘metal’ detox. We’re pages into this thread and rigorous chelation has not been discussed so Matter whether you personally derive anything from it or not, I’ll sleep (even) better knowing it may help someone out there for me to say my piece.

Wishing you all the best.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:21 pm
by matter2003
Brain thanks for the post.

I went with PCA for fast detoxing because from what I read it was faster, more effective and better than the other chelators. It has been found to remove 1 ppm each time you uee it, doing in a few months what DMSP or DMSA would take a few years to do. It also binds almost 100% of the heavy metal it comes in contact with versus the others which bind about 40% or so...

PCA has been used after the other chelators and has been found to increase the mercury in urine from 7 ppm challenge with DMPS to 38 ppm, as it apparently goes deeper and to more places. It is a type of natural amino acid that readily is brought into every cell in the body, where it grabs the heavy metals and doesn't let go...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:08 pm
by BrainSquirt
I’m sticking to my guns on rotating / utilizing multiple agents :)
1) The various PCA stats being thrown around right now are a bit ‘generous’
2) mercury is near the bottom of the list in clathration priorities

I’m confident you’ll find a way and
again, wishing you all the best with this.
It’s not going to be easy
...and speaking of not easy - one of the very important 'slow' agents not mentioned so far in this thread - sweat :!: :D

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:30 am
by matter2003

Fair enough, but from what I have read regarding DMPS/DMSA/EDTA they do not form the type of irreversible bonds with the heavy metals that PCA does, ie, those bonds can be broken while being transported through the body leaving the heavy metal free to react with whatever else it comes in contact with, whereas the bonds formed with PCA are irreversible and cannot be broken as it wraps itself around the particles. PCA also does not take out beneficial minerals like the others do unless there are excessive amounts in the body, as it only binds to loosely bound metals, and not metals that have a binding site in the body...

Yes, I see the order of clathration goes Lead, Thallium, Cadmium, Arsenic, Aluminium, Mercury, so I am sure I probably have some of these other things in my body, which will need to be removed first(everyone probably does, as our world becomes more and more toxic every day).

I have liquid bentonite, sodium alginate and chlorella as well as PCA, so I plan on putting them all to good use.

I have been searching for, but have not been able to find instructions for dosing sodium alginate. Could you provide any help here? I have it in the form of a powder. I have read it is safe to take even with fillings still in my mouth because it doesn't actually pull anything out, just binds to it.

Also body seems to be detoxing periodically, usually at night as I have gotten that itchiness all over my body a few times, especially where the psoriasis is, but so far none of the other symptoms have reoccurred. Psoriasis is slowly clearing even with a few fillings still in, both knees have expanding clear areas of skin, and my right calf has several areas that have almost disappeared. Body is fighting hard, and is about to have air support coming in real soon to carpet bomb the enemy...8 days til D-Day and my last filings are out...

Also have noticed that I still am showing signs of zinc deficiency even though I take 300 mg a day(normal is 15-30 mg) of zinc picolinate(one of the most highly bio-available forms). White spots on fingernails, hangnails, and stretch marks on skin are all clear signs that the zinc is being blocked from getting into the body by mercury clogging the receptor sites, much like a plane trying to land but having to endlessly circle the airport because there is nowhere for it to go, as other planes are blocking the runways.

Cannot wait to see how much more effective my body is at building muscle once it can properly utilize zinc(a huge, huge, huge deal), not have off the chart cortisol levels at all times, and properly functioning adrenal and thyroid glands, not to mention the body not having to endlessly attempt to detox all the crap in my body...

It actually kind of amazes me as to how far I have progressed with all of this working against me. One thing I know for sure is my testosterone levels must be extremely high to be able to build muscle the way I can with cortisol levels this high...