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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:17 am
by BrainSquirt
re: “you want blood sugar rising a bit going into a workout and continuing to rise during the workout”
:?: So, in Phase2 basically you are saying ‘spike’ insulin with 4-hydroxyisoleucine instead of with surges from ‘sugar, milk, protein stacks’ ?
:?: And to do it coming into the workout instead of after workout (like John Berardi, etc. advises)?
:?: re: 4-hydroxyisoleucine (in the KreAnabolin) absorbtion, etc. Do you have any ‘precision’ on when it hits / how soon after ingestion do its effects kick in and then when do they peak, etc. (And AskMass, how many handfuls do I need to take ? :D :P )

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:38 pm
by askmass
Brain, I take one Kre-Anabolyn alongside MASS PRO Amino (4 scoops) about fifteen minutes before hitting the gym or road work on the bike.

Sometimes I forget, but a tablespoon of coconut oil helps/extends the effects if you have it just prior, also.

There is no real benefit to doubling up on Kre-Anabolyn caps per dose. That might sound unusual coming from a supplement company, to limit dosing, but it's the truth and how we operate.

Lot's more here-

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:34 pm
by BrainSquirt
askmass wrote: ...but it's the truth...
AskMass, Thanks.

re: ‘handfuls’ –just an attempt at humor….
re “truth” Yep and the bottle does says 1 (not 8 like many of the labels out there)

re Coconut oil: We have been using it but only for frying.
Are there specific fatty acids involved? ie Does it operates independently or synergistically with the KreAnabolyn? Etc.

Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 19 090423 WedPM

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:38 pm
by BrainSquirt
I had planned to do some variety lifting when I finished German loading pattern work, but ended up trying to stretch out a tiny back muscle pull that I did last Saturday while helping my wife tear down an old barn. After I got home from workout, got her to massage it with ‘horse liniment’ and then about an hour later took a long Epson’s salt bath. Popped some AdaptagenN at bedtime and woke up 99% recovered… 8)

Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 21 090425 FriNoon

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:44 pm
by BrainSquirt
Just finished the best workout I’ve had in weeks. Got the German loading pattern and stretches done early so went and did a few heavy dead lifts and squats. Still got a ways to go though before ‘come back’ is official.
Learning/creating some good stretches on the pulleys. Need some links to good stretching routines – especially for triceps. Note to self – you can injure joints and tendons, etc. overextending ROM of stretches!
Off weights until Mon PM. Will do one aerobics this weekend or maybe swimming. May try the KreAnabolyn with coconut oil before that workout...

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:38 pm
by askmass
BrainSquirt wrote:
askmass wrote: ...but it's the truth...
re Coconut oil: We have been using it but only for frying.
Are there specific fatty acids involved? ie Does it operates independently or synergistically with the KreAnabolyn? Etc.
It's a synergistic effect with the Kre-Anabolyn, but also contributes lots of positive effects all it's own for health, energy and fat burning.

Re: Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 21 090425 FriNoon

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:53 pm
by askmass
BrainSquirt wrote:May try the KreAnabolyn with coconut oil before that workout...
I forgot to mention before, that the post workout Kre-Anabolyn capsule remains in my regimen, taken with a MASS PRO Whey shake.

It's not exactly doubling up, since there is about two hours or more between the two separate caps being ingested, but there is an overlap that yields a great post workout "refueling" effect that can benefit you a lot.

Generally speaking, if you always use the oil and time the dosages right you can stay in a highly elevated state of anabolism around the clock.

That's IF you want to consume handfuls daily, Brain.


I average 4-5 caps a day during the feast phase to accomplish the above.

One with each major meal, plus two additional split pre and post workout.

Glad you turned things back around quickly, BTW!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:54 pm
by RobRegish
BrainSquirt wrote:re: “you want blood sugar rising a bit going into a workout and continuing to rise during the workout”
:?: So, in Phase2 basically you are saying ‘spike’ insulin with 4-hydroxyisoleucine instead of with surges from ‘sugar, milk, protein stacks’ ?

No, not exactly. Pre-workout I think it's ideal to start the blood sugar rise (nothing dramatic) but you definately want to get it started. Take advantage of 4-HISO at this time if using it. 4HISO does need some glucose to exert it's effect. That much is clear.

:?: And to do it coming into the workout instead of after workout (like John Berardi, etc. advises)?

I feel it is advisable to have it rapidly increasing during and after the workout, with an additional (smaller) elevation 45 minutes after the "end" of the workout. After that, insulin sensitivity falls off dramatically and the window slams shut (comparatively speaking). During the workout and the 2 hours afterward are far and away your most valuable times to take advantage of micro/macro nutrient storage, especially carbs.
:?: re: 4-hydroxyisoleucine (in the KreAnabolin) absorbtion, etc. Do you have any ‘precision’ on when it hits / how soon after ingestion do its effects kick in and then when do they peak, etc. (And AskMass, how many handfuls do I need to take ? :D :P )
Not really. Subjectively, I feel something going on within 20-30 minutes. The one study on athletes we have to points to post-workout consumption for 4-HISO. Following exercise (trained cyclists) the test group consumed a carbohydrate drink with 1.8g/kg of body weight and 4-hydroxyisoleucine while the control group consumed only the carbohydrate drink. The test group showed a 60% improvement in carbohydrate replenishment than the control group. Of importance is that the test group did not have higher insulin levels indicating that 4-hydroxyisoleucine improved insulin sensitivity.

Final word: I'd hedge my bets by using 1 before and 1 after. I've had success with this dosing protocol and using 2 prior to the workout. Try both and let us know which one works best for you!

Re: Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 21 090425 FriNoon

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:58 pm
by RobRegish
BrainSquirt wrote:Just finished the best workout I’ve had in weeks. Got the German loading pattern and stretches done early so went and did a few heavy dead lifts and squats. Still got a ways to go though before ‘come back’ is official.
Learning/creating some good stretches on the pulleys. Need some links to good stretching routines – especially for triceps. Note to self – you can injure joints and tendons, etc. overextending ROM of stretches!
Off weights until Mon PM. Will do one aerobics this weekend or maybe swimming. May try the KreAnabolyn with coconut oil before that workout...
So happy to hear this Brain. I think you've found now what's needed for your next Feast Phase. It's an awesome feeling when EVERY workout is like that in the Feast. As you can imagine, 3-4 weeks of those kind of workouts leaves you a really happy man.

Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 26 090427MonPM

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:45 pm
by BrainSquirt
Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 26 090427MonPM

Had a great workout early last night. Lots of tonnage. Still don’t think I have the optimal tricep stretching techniques though. Finished out the session with some high speed core work. Did 1 KreAnabolyn pre workout with mm protein powder in gatorade and one with coconut oil post workout near meal …
Have pretty much finished the German pattern in the BP and demand is rising for more activity and aerobics – tennis, swimming, etc and a girl friend invited me over to do TaeBo with her this Wed night (so she can show off)… and I’m not going to disappoint her even though I never did TaeBo in my life :)
Anyway, should I look to transition to Phase 3 in the next week or so?
btw Have gained ~8 lbs in last two weeks and I can guarenfreakingtee you it ain’t fat!

re: “During the workout and the 2 hours afterward are far and away your most valuable times to take advantage of micro/macro nutrient storage, especially carbs”
Thanks Rob. Great information. Noob is finally starting to catch on…

re Coconut oil and “if you always use the oil and time the dosages right you can stay in a highly elevated state of anabolism around the clock.” AskMass, just curious how does one know they’re in this anabolic state?

Re: Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 26 090427MonPM

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:38 pm
by RobRegish
BrainSquirt wrote:Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 26 090427MonPM

Had a great workout early last night. Lots of tonnage. Still don’t think I have the optimal tricep stretching techniques though. Finished out the session with some high speed core work. Did 1 KreAnabolyn pre workout with mm protein powder in gatorade and one with coconut oil post workout near meal …
Have pretty much finished the German pattern in the BP and demand is rising for more activity and aerobics – tennis, swimming, etc and a girl friend invited me over to do TaeBo with her this Wed night (so she can show off)… and I’m not going to disappoint her even though I never did TaeBo in my life :)
Anyway, should I look to transition to Phase 3 in the next week or so?
btw Have gained ~8 lbs in last two weeks and I can guarenfreakingtee you it ain’t fat!

re: “During the workout and the 2 hours afterward are far and away your most valuable times to take advantage of micro/macro nutrient storage, especially carbs”
Thanks Rob. Great information. Noob is finally starting to catch on…

re Coconut oil and “if you always use the oil and time the dosages right you can stay in a highly elevated state of anabolism around the clock.” AskMass, just curious how does one know they’re in this anabolic state?
8lbs in 2 weeks!! GREAT WORK, and those are the kinds of results the Blueprint delivers when you put it all together!!

I'd ride this for another week in the Feast to see how much you gain back, then transition to the Maintenance Phase. Ride the feast phase out with Heavy duty 1 set to failure training it'll continue the de-load taper somewhat coming off of the German program and set you up nice for a transition to more conventional 5x5 fare used in the maintenance phase.

Again, great work...and thanks for hanging in there.

Re: Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 26 090427MonPM

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:28 pm
by askmass
BrainSquirt wrote:re Coconut oil and “if you always use the oil and time the dosages right you can stay in a highly elevated state of anabolism around the clock.” AskMass, just curious how does one know they’re in this anabolic state?
The testing strips that Rob often mentions is the easiest and cheapest route to determine this.

By the way, GREAT GOING on your turn around.

Congrats, my man.

Well done, indeed.

Re: Cycle 1 Phase 2 Day 29 090430ThuMidday

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:38 pm
by BrainSquirt
Have done some kind of workout or physical exertion everyday this week but lifted heavy only twice - Mon. PM and Thu Midday. Wasn't really tearing it up but had really good finishing strength. Went to the weight room at noon today with a friend but just worked odd muscle groups with lighter weights, and spotted him, etc. Been talking to him about BP a little bit but he bolted when we got to the part about the Phase1 starvation…hmmm

Heavy duty 1 set to failure training next week - looking forward to that. And plow in the calories, supplements, and nutrients after workouts…
Hopefully I remember to weigh early Mon AM to see how I finish the week and phase.
Thanks for the advice and info guys .
Have a great weekend.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:12 pm
by RobRegish
Good deal Brain. Keep up that conditioning work. I dropped mine the past week (was in AZ on a business trip) and boy do I feel awful. Can't wait to drag the sled tomorrow morning.