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Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:45 am
by RobRegish
"GLP1 workout 6.

Blueprint T-shirt on,

New Max=200lbsPR..."

Sounds like, "Seize the moment"..... worked!! :)

In other news, BP Tshirt on = new PR.

Hmmm.... :):):)

5Faces of Fear(tm) respectfully request you share this PR with the crew on body building dot com.

REASON: I want the WHOLE f'n world to see how we fight wars in The Blueprint. I publicly stated on this very board, right here on January 7th the following

2011 And Beyond: We're Playing Offense - ... php?t=1057

"We play offense, and we play to win..."

"I have a gift (I think they call it obsessive compulsive disorder). A gift that allows me to help people...

And I will use that gift to better my life, your life and everyone else that is open to my help, Blueprint or not.

Take that to your 2011 bank..."

ElderadoRacing, you took that to the bank as I requested... and when you walked up to that window and cashed in that check The 5Faces of Fear(tm), had you covered..... :):):):):)

There is no other way to live your life; No surrender, no retreat. You refresh, re-load and play offense.

You played to win, and you WON!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:29 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, time for posts. I have been busy, but have still managed to get in my workouts.

This workout is from June 24, GLP1 squat max.

Squats: 115/10 145/5 170/3 190/1 215/1 235/1 250/1Huge PR!!
SLDL: 110/6 x 6

E.D.T. #1
Hack Squats: 110lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Romanian Deadlifts: 135lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps

E.D.T. #2
Leg Extensions: 70lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Leg Curls: 60lbs- 6,6,6,6,5,5,4,4=42reps

seated Calf Raise SCT: 170/10seconds 185/10seconds.

I am truly amazed at the blueprint. I really didn't know what to expect. After this first GLP program I am a true believer.

25lbs on my squat with a knee issue that has since cleared up. That is awesome. Not to mention being up 5lbs of LBM. I am now a solid 173, with some days being at 174+.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:36 pm
by ElderadoRacing
After checking the calender, I have decided to move on to the cruise phase for two weeks then start another run with GLP2 and possibly the 10% solution.

I have nothing but praise for Rob, and the people at MASS.

Workout from June 27th.

Bench press: 150/5,5,4, 135/5,5
Incline dumbbell bench press: 50/7 45/8,8,6
Dumbbell Fly's: 30/8 25/10,10
Iron Cross: 17.5/15 22.5/15

Shoulder Press: 25/10 35/5,5,5,5
Dumbbell Lat. raises: 15/12 20/8,6
reverse dumbbell fly's: 15/12,12

Tricep Pressdown: 60/5,5,5,5,5
Skull Crushers: 60/8,8,6

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:45 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Workout from June 28.

Leg Press (drop set): 320/12+270/12, 340/8, 360/6
Leg extensions: 130/10, 145/10, 160/8
Lying Leg Curls: 95/10, 100/10, 105/7
Romanian Deadlifts: 115/10, 125/10, 135/8
Seated Calf Raises: 45/25, 45/25, 80/12,12

Inverted rows:8,8,8
Rear Fly's:25/12,12,12
Incline 'y' raises:12.5/10,10,10
Done as a series, one exercise of each with one minute rest in between sets.
completed three circuits.

Barbell Curl (drop set): 50/12+40/10, 60/8, 70/6
Incline dumbbell curl: 20/10, 20/10, 25/8
Bicep Cable Curl: 17.5/10,10 22.5/8

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:51 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Workout from June 30.

Decline Bench Press(drop set): 125/12+70/12, 135/10, 145/8
Dumbbell Bench Press: 45/8,10 50/6
Incline chest fly: 25/10,8 30/6

Overhead Machine Press(drop set): 55/12+30/10, 60/10, 65/8, 65/6
Dumbbell Lat Raises: 15/10, 17.5/8, 20/6
Dumbbell Front raises: 15/10, 15/10, 17.5/10
Shoulder Shrugs: 90/6, 140/6

Cable Pressdown (drop set): 32.5/10+22.5/10, 37.5/10, 42.5/10
Overhead cable extensions: 32.5/10, 37.5/8, 42.5/6

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:57 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Workout from July 2.

Squats: bar/7, 65/7, 95/7 115/7 135/7 155/7 185/7
Walking Lunges: 50/10 60/10 70/8 per leg.
Lying Leg curl: 95/10 100/10 105/8
Standing Calf Raises (drop set): 160/10+90/12, 140/12 110/15

Close-grip Lat pulldown: 120/10 145/8
Single Arm Rows: 40/12 55/8
Wide-grip seated rows: 42.5/12 50/8
Deadlifts: 135/10 165/8

Dumbbell Curls(drop set): 30/10+20/10, 35/8 40/ 6,6
Preacher Curls: 35/10 55/10 60/6

Now I am finally up to date.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:51 am
by RobRegish
ElderadoRacing wrote:After checking the calender, I have decided to move on to the cruise phase for two weeks then start another run with GLP2 and possibly the 10% solution.

I have nothing but praise for Rob, and the people at MASS.

Workout from June 27th.

Bench press: 150/5,5,4, 135/5,5
Incline dumbbell bench press: 50/7 45/8,8,6
Dumbbell Fly's: 30/8 25/10,10
Iron Cross: 17.5/15 22.5/15

Shoulder Press: 25/10 35/5,5,5,5
Dumbbell Lat. raises: 15/12 20/8,6
reverse dumbbell fly's: 15/12,12

Tricep Pressdown: 60/5,5,5,5,5
Skull Crushers: 60/8,8,6
Soooo, happy for you!!!

PLEASE consider SHARING these results on body building dot com! I want the WHOLE F'N WORLD to see, the POWER of INFORMATION, vs. "Pink Magic"... :)


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:10 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, so I ended my first run on Sunday. I ended with a bang too, going to the Calgary Stampede for some fun and games and a few to many drinks.

I also started my second run on Monday. (new thread coming).
The first run was a total success, and has made me a believer! I did not really adhere to any diets except during famine. What I ended up with was as follows.


Start: April 26 2011
  • weight: 168
    Bodyfat: ~8-10%
    Hips: 33"
    Waist: 32"
    Chest: 40"
    shoulders: 47.5"
    Biceps L:14" R:13.5"
    Thigh L: 23" R:23"
    Calfs: 14"
Finish: July 10 2011
  • Weight: 173
    Bodyfat: ~6%
    Hips: 33"
    Chest: 41.5"
    Shoulders: 48.5"
    Biceps L: 14" R: 14"
    Thighs L: 23" R:23" (noticeably harder and more defined)
    Calfs: 14"


    Bench: Start-165 Finish-200

    Squat: Start- 225 Finish:250

    Thanks Blueprint!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
Another Believer!!!

I'm just happy, your happy... :)

FAVOR: Mind sharing these stats/comments, on body building dot com?


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:43 pm
by ElderadoRacing

I will be doing a full review and write up on

I have started my second run, and will adding pictures as well as following a more strict feeding allowance.

I call it blueprint 2.5 as I want to do the GLP2 as well as some parts of 3.0. I am interested in this shieko thing as my body responds well to lots of work.
First day of famine and all I want to do is eat!

First run 5lbs of lean muscle in under 60 days. CRAZY!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:17 am
by RobRegish
SO happy for you man, you don't even know!

Thanks so much for the body building dot com review. The pics are helpful, in shutting the doubters up... :)

Many, MANY thanks!