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Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:13 am
by bigpelo
matter2003 wrote:
Workout 1

"The Formula" 840, that was a lot of powder!! Taken as instructed. Thinking about adding some more water to it next time as it was almost too sweet for my liking...

I use 75g pure karbolyn and one serving of progenex recovery with the others goodies. It gives me +-450 calories and make +15% of my daily intake and yes it is already a lot of powder. Are you double dosing?

(on a side note, I used MassPro Whey on my previous run and it is much better at "recovery" than progenex recovery... :? )

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 9:12 pm
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:
matter2003 wrote:
Workout 1

"The Formula" 840, that was a lot of powder!! Taken as instructed. Thinking about adding some more water to it next time as it was almost too sweet for my liking...

I use 75g pure karbolyn and one serving of progenex recovery with the others goodies. It gives me +-450 calories and make +15% of my daily intake and yes it is already a lot of powder. Are you double dosing?

(on a side note, I used MassPro Whey on my previous run and it is much better at "recovery" than progenex recovery... :? )
Rob told me to take 20% of calories in "The Formula"...first workout on feast at 20x BW was about 4200 cals which put it at 840 or so...

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:27 am
by bigpelo
I just re-read my custom plan and you are right! I am the one who need to tweak is calories for the formula...

I guess I will need two 25oz shakers to fit all the powder now.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:37 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout 2

All I have to say is WOW!!! Strength is through the roof right now...
I dunno wtf is responsible for it, whether its KA or "The Formula" or both, but I am loving it. I literally felt invincible in the gym today...was not getting tired at all and kept jacking up more and more weight...

Started Following 3.0, but started with workout 1, rather than 2

Static Decline Barbell: 315 lbs x 15 sec/365 lbs x 10 sec

Dips: BW+15 lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6

One Arm Rows: 55 lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6

Static Military Press: 225 lbs x 15 sec/275 lbs x 10 sec

Incline DB Curls: 30 lbs x 6 x 5 x 6 x 6 (damn tendonitis made it extremely tough in left arm..right arm no issues, could have done at least 50 lbs, but don't want mismatched arms...arrgh)

Triceps Extensions: 125 lbs x 6/145 lbs x 6/160 lbs x 6/175 lbs x 6

Total Cals for the day: 3960 or there about with the proper ratios followed...

I am a BP Believer after 3 workouts, by the time feast is over I can't even imagine what am gonna be putting up...this is CRAZY!!!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:08 pm
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:I just re-read my custom plan and you are right! I am the one who need to tweak is calories for the formula...

I guess I will need two 25oz shakers to fit all the powder now.
Yeah that was a crazy amount of powder...I honestly took an empty salsa jug washed it out real good and poured it all there....

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:32 pm
by Linkiroth
matter2003 wrote:
bigpelo wrote:I just re-read my custom plan and you are right! I am the one who need to tweak is calories for the formula...

I guess I will need two 25oz shakers to fit all the powder now.
Yeah that was a crazy amount of powder...I honestly took an empty salsa jug washed it out real good and poured it all there....
That's not a bad idea. It's a lot of powder so I just made 3 dry mixes so that I can pour the dry mix into a big nalgene bottle to drink.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:05 am
by matter2003
ok traveled sat night and sunday to south carolina, so nutrition wasn't the best...although not too bad thanks to 2 oven roasted chix subs at subway...

Feast Workout 2

Rack Pull: 275 x 15secs/295 x 8 secs...have never attempted this movement before, so i am sure i will get better with some more reps..kinda an embarrassing weight to me..should be pulling at least 400

Hack Squat(did not this gyms version of VSquat--Flex Fitness, killed my knees): 415lbs x 4 x 5 x 6 x 6
-actually got caught down too far and couldnt get back up on one rep(the 5 set)..kinda embarrssing as couple of girls snickered at me while watching me struggle to get out of machine..hahaha

Hamstring Curls: 100 lbs x 6/120lbs x 6/130 lbs x 6/ 140 lbs x 6

Seated Calf Hold: 180lbs x 8secs/180 lbs x 15 secs

Romainian Deadlift: 225lb x 10/235 lbs x 10

Cable Crunch: 50 x 8/70 x 8/85 x 6/100 x 3 90 x 3
HyperExtension: 25 x 6/ 45 x 6/ 45 x 6/ 45 x 6

felt ok...first time doing some of these movements...will get stronger

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:00 am
by matter2003
Did some HIIT cardio today..felt pretty good to get heart racing...came back and downed a cup of black beans, cup of bown rice, 2 eggs and a cup of milk...nice way to start the day BP style!!!

Weighed in at 220 lbs, which is 6 pounds heavier than when I started famine...gonna check bodyfat later today and see what we are looking like...

Bodyfat 16.1% currently...down 1.1% from the 17.2% I started my calculations I have gained a little over 7 pounds of non-fat body mass in under 3 weeks...that is freaking crazy!! I have noticed my shoulders, traps and chest are starting to look even bigger than normal, especially my traps, which is very weird because I have done no specific trap exercises at all during this time...what could be causing this? Static holds perhaps??

An old lady at the gym made me feel pretty pumped yesterday. She was sitting with a trainer who was talking to her about lifting weighs and she was saying how she was scared she was gonna get too many muscles and kept saying "I don't want to get big muscles" over and over, and I walked by to get a drink, and she said "I don't want to get big muscles like this guy here" and pointed to me...I about wanted to give her a big hug and kiss!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:22 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout #3

Got up nice and early and downed a KA, then rested for another 45 mins and got back up and downed 1/3 of "The Formula" before heading to the gym.

Flat Barbell Static Hold:(no decline bench at this gym!!) 405 lbs x 10 sec/415 lbs x 12 secs

Dips: BW + 25lbs x 8 x 8 x 8 x 7
1 Arm Row: 70lb DB x 8 x 7/60 lb DB x 8 x 8

Static Shoulder Press: 315 lbs x 15 secs/325 lbs x 12 secs

Preacher Machine Curl(tendonitis not alowing DB curls): 30 x 6 x 6/35 x 6 x 6
Tri Extensions: 170 lbs x 8 x 8 x 8/180 lbs x 8

Overall felt pretty good...weight still holding steady at 220.5lbs...up 6.5lbs from start of famine...

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:40 am
by RobRegish
SOLID, work!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:41 am
by tufluk
crackin start to the feast man, keep up the good work!

6.5lbs up from start of famine on feast workout 3 is great, i hope my recovery is that fast

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:42 pm
by matter2003
Non Training Day

Took in roughly amount of calories and breakdown I should be starting in week 3...

Am HELLIFIED sore still, especially in my legs/ass/inner thighs from doing wide squats, as studies have shown the quads get th same workout no matter what stance you use, but the hamstrings and glutes get a much greater workout the wider your legs go....

Also underside of forearms are killing me from rack pulls and RDL's...also think my FatGripz usage has something to do with that as well...

Tomorrow is another training day and I am looking to kill it!!!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:06 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout 5

Today was the closest I have ever come to puking while working out...absolutely brutal with the higher reps

Decline Static Hold: 465 lbs x 8 secs/495 lbs x 5 secs
-I could barely lift the 495 lb bar, just getting it off the rack by maybe 1/8 inch, but boy did that burn!!!!

Dips/1 Arm Row EDT Block:
BW+30 lbs x 10 reps/70 lb DB x 10 reps
BW+30 lbs x 10 reps/60 lb DB x 10 reps
BW+30 lbs x 8 reps(BW x 2 reps)/60 lb DB x 10 reps
BW+30 lbs x 6 reps(BW x 4 reps)/50 lb DB x 10 reps

-this is where I almost puked after the last set...

Shoulder Press Static Hold: 365 lbs x 10 secs/375 lbs x 8 secs

--almost decided to stop after this as I was physically exhausted, but I kept going...

Biceps Curls/Tri Ext EDT Block:

65 lbs x 10 reps/110 lbs x 10 reps
65 lbs x 10 reps/125 lbs x 10 reps
70 lbs x 10 reps/140 lbs x 10 reps
70 lbs x 10 reps/140 lbs x 10 reps

-triceps were so shot after doing dips couldn't even budge 170 lbs on the extensions, which I did easily the last time...

Typing this at night about 16 hours after workout and I am freaking hurting something fierce right now...

Ate maintenance level of calories today, per instructions...

started taking TMG+CLA as studies have shown is has a highly anabolic effect while lowering fat...gonna start taking 1000mg TMG and 2400mg CLA twice a day...

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:22 pm
by matter2003
No workout today, HIIT cardio tomorrow morning...

Shoulders, Traps and Rhomboids still extremely sore today...and that dull, deep annoying soreness from those static holds is very much evident...feels like someone has grabbed the muscle fibers individually and pinched them...