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Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:40 pm
by RobRegish
This post has inspired me to roll out my very first product. Ready?

Here it is...

99.9% HPLC/HPCS Melamine Supreme(tm): 100mg/bottle

Delivered to your door in glass, easily shattered and convenient single serving sized infant formula bottles. Each case comes complete with a Certificate of Analysis from Beijing, China.

Money back guarantee if you're not satisfied.


"Ideal for your Famine, Feast, Cruise or even non-Blueprint related endevours, we've never processed a single refund due in large part to the near 100% fatality rate shortly after consumption ."

I'm targeting the "hardcore", first (and last) time buyer crowd. I suppose this means MuscleMag International?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:15 am
by doolee
Very solid post by askmass. In particular, the last two posts support his mention of 99% hydrox as an inferior formula. Is 99% hydrox extraction really this cheap, or is it an indication of a different species, despite their labeling of the source as RC.

And great idea Rob. Sell that product through USP, and you would be set for life. In fact, the product might just "sell out" due to the immense, popular demand.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:47 am
by RobRegish

Get it now people, before "they" find out how "dangerous*" it is and pull it, after paying their puppet RAND commission to falsify a study "proving" it to be "dangerous*"!!

*Read: It works! Stock up on it now!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:42 pm
by DaCookie
Well I think these chinese companies only put crap in when it could be of benefit to them, there is no point in poisoning us for their fun or something because it just gives them a bad rep.Anyway when I buy a bulk powder I just always presume its from China.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:19 pm
by askmass
It's all about the money, Cookie.

Chinese goods on the whole are "cheap" for a reason.

They were spitting out creatine monohydrate for dirt cheap pricing back in the day (and still are) that was labeled as 99.9% pure - until you tested it in a U.S. lab.

I remember seeing legit lab specs on it running as low as 49% purity, with the rest as maltodextrin or rice filler (they are even faking "rice" with plastic-like chemicals over there now, believe it or not).

Some people could not understand why our Pfanstiehl produced "Pure Power Creatine" in those days was $34.95 for 500g and not being sold for $18.95 like the Chinese versions were going for...

The situation today is at times far more concerning than just getting 50% filler material-

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:58 am
by vangkm007
So far I've only done 1 run on LG Sciences Substerone. It came with some great success though, gained at least 10 lbs of lean mass or more (gained a little bodyfat too and ended up 20 lbs more than starting). Huge increases in lifts across the board as well.

I got a great deal on 4 of them and have gone through about 2.5. When I run out after a few more runs then I'll try Kre-Anabolyn.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:17 am
by beefcake66
DaCookie wrote:Aight sounds good
Turns out I have a full bottle of KA left so I'll be using that with AN for my next run (which will be more successful than my 2nd one I'm finishing up now - I messed up famine, it's clear). But my gf will be using HumanaSport :D Side by side comparison study!

We're similar in structure... approx the same height. But I'm currently 30lbs heavier and pretty significantly stronger (I bench ~120, she benches maybe 90 tops; I deadlift over 225, she's up to about 185 now I think.. squats are more comparable cause we're both injured in the leg lol)

I'll be trying to lose weight still, and she will be trying to gain. We'll both end up around 120-130lbs if all goes well. Should be interesting......!

Double/Mega-Dosing HumanaSport vs Rob's suggested KA dosing :)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:52 am
by DaCookie
beefcake66 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Aight sounds good
Turns out I have a full bottle of KA left so I'll be using that with AN for my next run (which will be more successful than my 2nd one I'm finishing up now - I messed up famine, it's clear). But my gf will be using HumanaSport :D Side by side comparison study!

We're similar in structure... approx the same height. But I'm currently 30lbs heavier and pretty significantly stronger (I bench ~120, she benches maybe 90 tops; I deadlift over 225, she's up to about 185 now I think.. squats are more comparable cause we're both injured in the leg lol)

I'll be trying to lose weight still, and she will be trying to gain. We'll both end up around 120-130lbs if all goes well. Should be interesting......!

Double/Mega-Dosing HumanaSport vs Rob's suggested KA dosing :)
Damn your bench makes mine look pathetic at your weight presuming your not talking about 1RMs, testing my 1RM tomorrow im hoping for 92.5-95kg which is 209lbs.But I am 179lbs and bench is definitely my weakest lift by far.Also im male so :oops:

I got my first full time job and its really bustin my balls, 64hour weeks only sunday off worked till bloody 4 50 am on saturday.No overtime either...they have me workin like a china man.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:46 am
by KimJong-il
DaCookie wrote:they have me workin like a china man. havent been to my country yet!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:15 am
by DaCookie
Just to update I got 95kg bench 1RM and 137.5kg and 3reps in squat...really happy with that.My squat 1RM must have increased maybe 20-25kg.


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:28 am
by beefcake66
DaCookie wrote:Damn your bench makes mine look pathetic at your weight presuming your not talking about 1RMs, testing my 1RM tomorrow im hoping for 92.5-95kg which is 209lbs.But I am 179lbs and bench is definitely my weakest lift by far.Also im male so :oops:
120lbs is my 1RM... Weight is currently~140lbs... so no need for you to feel pathetic :P It's my weakest lift too...

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:57 am
by RobRegish

Fantastic work, DaCookie!!! Seems these customize Blueprint plans, deliver the good. That can only mean one thing...

YOU, reap the REWARDS!!![/b]

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:40 pm
by DaCookie
beefcake66 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Damn your bench makes mine look pathetic at your weight presuming your not talking about 1RMs, testing my 1RM tomorrow im hoping for 92.5-95kg which is 209lbs.But I am 179lbs and bench is definitely my weakest lift by far.Also im male so :oops:
120lbs is my 1RM... Weight is currently~140lbs... so no need for you to feel pathetic :P It's my weakest lift too...
What really helped me and its such a stupid mistake is to just test your 1RM more often, also getting technique right if using powerlifting form is pretty crucial.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:43 am
by beefcake66
I'm transitioning to feast soon (Friday or Saturday) so there will be lots of bench press related fun coming soon :D I haven't really learned power lifting form, I just stick to normal form for now. Works for me for now!