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Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:18 pm
by RobRegish
OK man....on with the show!! :)

"Overtraining. In reading other "BPrs" posts-I felt I was takng too long to complete GLP 1 & then 2, so I decrease my "off" days. I have always needed a longer recovery peroid than any of my lifting partners. It sounds weird, but I remember gaining while not having to be in the gym as much as other guys, and when I try to train as hard as the next guy, I wind up paying a greater "tax" on the deal."

A. By FAR your most savvy analytical point, this is the REAL key here... although your other analytical points are excellent as well!!!

Great work!!!

"Rob, looking into a chiropractor (he'll have plenty to say I'm sure) and getting a decent massage (mama is petite) and not strong enough to give a decent massage. Should I be taking any supps at this time?"

A. SMART move!! OK, you're going to think I/we've lost our minds but... I/we're finding "Planet Fitness's", "Black Card" program one of the best deals on the planet!!

Why, you ask?

A meager $20/month gives you get UNLIMITED massage chair sessions, as well as transdermal vitamin D therapy sessions (tanning.. :)) at ANY, "judgment free zone location"!!!

It's not the perfect "happy ending" massage we all strive for, but it DOES have its benefits!!

Otherwise, find yourself a GREAT chiro AND massage therapist and STICK WITH 'EM!!!

Worth their weight in gold... :) :) :)