Rob’s custom lean bulker program for my 2nd round

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Post by bigpelo »

Feast day 3 - January 17 2011

3600 calories
270g proteins (30%)
360g carbs (40%)
120g fats (30%)


3447 calories
265g protein (33%)
354g carbs (39%)
100g fat (28%)

carbs composition
244g complex (69%)
75g sugar (21%)
35g fibre (10%)

Should I try get more fibres?
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Post by Hank! »

are you shitting okay? If so then I wouldn't worry about the fiber
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Post by bigpelo »

Everything is fine in the toilet department. I am use to more with past diet though. No that of a worry.

Thanks hank!
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Post by bigpelo »

Feast day 4 - January 18 2011


Goal as same as 3 previous day

3722 calories
281g proteins
345g carbs
137g fats

Feast bridge workout #1:

Total workout time including warmups: 61 minutes
Incline barbell bench press: 225x9
Dumbbell pull over: 90x11 (should have use more)
Squats: 345x8
Alternate leg curl: 90x9

EDT seated cable row / dips
195 on rows and body weight +45 on dips
6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8 (should have put more weight on rows?)
6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6 (should I increase weight on dips too?)
total EDT reps: 79 in 14 minutes
Kinda easy...

Romanian deadlift:
245x6 (supposed to do between 8 and 10 but I was too close to failure...)

Overall felt great. This workout made me sweat a lot and blast every muscle of my body despite the fact that I could have used heavier weight on couples of excercies.

Remember I said my muscles felt full? Well I weight at 244 after working out! so already gaining weight! (+1 from famine day 1)
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic work man!!

Should you increase weight? Not until you've increased the TOTAL # of reps by 20% from your baseline workout.

Then add 5% to the weights used and start over, keeping all other variables consistent.

Hope that helps!!
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Post by bigpelo »

Thank Rob!

I will try to start with 8 reps/set on EDT tomorrow, see how it's go because it was easier than I thought.

On a side note: I did had the formula during this first feast bridge workout. I try to sip it evenly during the training and ending the workout with 1/3 left to swallow my kre-anabolyn post workout dose. Well during the last 5 minutes or so, I noticed the taste of the formula have turned bitter. Is that normal? It starts like 50-55 minutes after I put water in the shaker bottle if that can be a clue.
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Post by RobRegish »

Hasn't been the case for me. I suspect the particular form of creatine we use may have settled at the bottom.

Solution? Shake well :)
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Post by bigpelo »

Feast day 5 - January 19 2011

3000 calories (100% maintenance)
225g proteins (30%)
300g carbs (40%)
100g fats (30%)

3238 calories
94g fat (27%)
208g proteins (27%)
400g carbs (46%)

Carbs composition:
285g complex (71%)
79g sugar (20%)
36g fibre (9%)

Diet analysis: too much calories from waaaaay too much carbs. My next 100% maintenance calories day is friday so I need to adjust this.

Today is day 6 of feast so bridge workout #2. I am excited to lift weight in the 4-6 reps range. I feel that it's my sweet spot. And with a 3600 calories day, it should feels good. The downside is that I didn't sleep very well last night. The damn cat mewed from 1:00am to 3:30 am. My girl says because it was full moon and was like: "WTF! it's not a wolf. It's an 8 year old indoor domestic cat male without balls! Never went outside and he would care about the moon??"

Anyways, I feel good and I will train tonight after work. I will report training numbers and diet macros before going to bed.

Workout motivation song of the day: DevilDriver - These fighting words
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Post by RobRegish »

Do me a favor... give it just one more night. No more full moon = kitty silent.

Gains trump kitty. Sorry to all you PETA folk. I have a cat and dog too but priorities people :)*

*Unless it's getting down to end game. See here as to why: ... oghts+otis
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Post by bigpelo »

RobRegish wrote: Gains trump kitty. Sorry to all you PETA folk.
I understand all your post except this part...

Sorry but frenchy just face is English limitation :?
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Post by Hank! »

PETA is an Animal Rights Group

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Rob is joking saying
1. The cat should be quiet tonight because La Lune is not full, but if you have to kill the cat its okay because gains are your goal
2 The PETA folks shouldn't bother him because he has a cat and a dog and treats them well

Dont kill your cat
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Post by bigpelo »

Rob's sarcastic humour! Should have guess...

Thanks a lot Hank!!

Now can someone explain me when to use "then" vs "than"? I am trying to improve further :)

Thank you!
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank! wrote:PETA is an Animal Rights Group

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Rob is joking saying
1. The cat should be quiet tonight because La Lune is not full, but if you have to kill the cat its okay because gains are your goal
2 The PETA folks shouldn't bother him because he has a cat and a dog and treats them well

Dont kill your cat
Hank knows me well :)
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Post by bigpelo »

Feast day 6 - January 20 2011

I did train anyway (sorry Rob, but I was really feeling like it)


3600 calories (120% maintenance)
360g carbs (40%)
270g proteins (30%)
120g fats (30%)

3484 calories
318g carbs (32%)
241g proteins (28%)
149g fats (39%)

Carbs composition:
206g Complex (65%)
70g sugar (22%)
42g fibres (13%)

Diet analysis: I ate two meal with pork meat, pork chops for lunch and baby back ribs for dinner. That made the fats total through the roof! At the beginning of this run I wasn't getting enough fats because I was eating meanly chicken breasts, egg whites and fish. I will try to balance with one chicken meal and one pork or beef meal per day.

Feast bridge workout #2

Total of 59 minutes including warm ups.

Incline barbell bench press: 245 x 6 (couldn't do 7)
Incline dumbbell pull over: 114 x 11 (should be in the 4-6 rep range but I underestimated my strength.
Squat: 385 x 4 to parallel + 1 sissy halfway
Alternate standing leg curl: 120 x 5

EDT block
Cable row 195: 8,8,8,8,8,7
dips at body weight +45 8,8,8,8,7,6
total of 92 reps in 15 minutes
Great pump in the arms, chest and upper back. Sweat like crazy. Loving it! 16.5% more from previous workout with 1 more minute. I am trying to do those exercise quickly because gym is crowd at time I go and I don't want to be all over the place like if it was my house. 15 minutes in place of 16 is not a huge difference, isn't it?

Romanian dead lift
275 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 6 maybe 3 reps from failure, not that hard.

Then I did a total body stretch, finish up the formula with 1 cap kre-anabolyn and 1 gel of fish oil, went home for dinner and finally made peace with the cat.

Today I feel ready to go again. No soreness at all! :D Still I will wait for tomorrow but I believe that all the adaptagens I am taking + the formula + the calories are helping a lot. I am enjoying it big time!
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