Dozer's First BP Run!

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Workout #2: 15 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

Heres todays training:

Weight: 70.4 kg today. So Im up 1.4 kilo since my last workout, so about 3 pounds! Still not where I was prior to famine, but its definitely climbing up! Im very excited about that

Bench Press:202.5x5

Immediately Performed 1 set of slight incline DB pullovers:28kg DBx6


Immediately performed one set of Stiff Legged Deadlifts:205x6

EDT Block 1 (15 mins)

Incline DB Press: 28kg DBs/6,6,6,5,5,4
Cable Row: 65kg/6,6,6,5,5,5
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/65

EDT Block 2 (15 mins)

DB Shoulder Press: 20kg DB/ 6,5,5,5,5,5
Barbell Shrugs: 205/ 6,5,5,5,5,5
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/62

EDT Block 3 (15 mins)

Leg Extensions: 30kg/6,6,6,6,6,6
Leg Curls: 25kg/6,6,6,6,6,6
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/72

Ab static holds:
60kg/15 secs
70kg/15 secs

So todays workout was awesome as well. I find I miss the gym greatly on my rest days. Im not used to having so many rest days in between training days, but they definitely help. Distance makes the heart grow fonder! LOL

I felt great today, everything was going smooth, took my time warming up compared to the last session. I FINALLY BENCHED OVER 200LBS!!!! I have never ever done this much I was so happy and thrilled, really set the tone for the rest of the session. So I know the weight looks weird, but its because I had to mix pound plates with kilo plates, I dont like mixing but I had no choice. So I had one 45# plate and one 10kg plate plus a 5kg plate on each side so it comes out to 202.5

I realized last time that I completely misread where it said to rest 2 mins inbetween EDT sets. Last time I only rested enough to catch my breathe, so this time I rested a little bit longer, but the weights increased and it felt great.

I love my progress so far, Im looking at Tuesday to hit the gym again, but we shall see. Soreness level will determine that.
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Post by bulldozer »

A question I had:

When we are warming up prior to hitting our goal weight for "X" amount of reps, are we also warming up with the DB pullovers inbetween sets? Or is it just the ONE set of DB pulloevers immediately after the working set of bench?
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Post by RobRegish »

bulldozer wrote:A question I had:

When we are warming up prior to hitting our goal weight for "X" amount of reps, are we also warming up with the DB pullovers inbetween sets? Or is it just the ONE set of DB pulloevers immediately after the working set of bench?
"FINALLY BENCHED OVER 200LBS!!!! I have never ever done this much I was so happy and thrilled"

Soooo happy... you're happy :) The reason I wrote the book man!!!

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Post by bulldozer »

Rob you have NO idea how happy I am! only 2 workouts into the BP and Im already hitting a PR?!?!? Thanks so much for writing this thing and for all the help, when I finally hit 2 wheels I may just cry!

LOL but seriously very happy with my progress thus far and I looking forward to going forward!
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Post by RobRegish »

Well, I can tell you this then... you're in for a LOT more happy days going forward.

This is a repeatable system, which means you've found your anti-depressant. And it doesn't come from big - pharma :)
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WORKOUT #3: 19 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

So for me 3 days of rest inbetween workouts seems to be working. I never imagined missing 3 days in a row, I never went past 2, I always felt fat and useless missing that many days in a row. But I can honestly say, after giving each of these workouts everything I have, 3 days is much needed. My legs are sore all 3 days, upper body usually gone by day 2. I know I can honestly say that these have probably been my most productive 3 workouts in a VERY long time. I mean everytime I train, I give it all I have, but by pure strength increases, the BP is killing it for me.

Weight: 70.5 kg. Only gained 0.1 kg in between workouts 2 and 3. definitely alot less than what I gained between 1 and 2, but its ok I will just eat more!

On to the training:

Bench Press:215x2

Immediately Performed 1 set of slight incline DB pullovers:32kg DBx4


Immediately performed one set of Stiff Legged Deadlifts:225x4

EDT Block 1 (15 mins)

Incline DB Press: 28kg DBs/6,6,6,6,6,7
Cable Row: 65kg/6,6,6,6,6,8
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/75

EDT Block 2 (15 mins)

DB Shoulder Press: 20kg DB/ 6,6,6,5,6,8
Barbell Shrugs: 215/ 6,6,6,6,6,8
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/75

EDT Block 3 (15 mins)

Leg Extensions: 35kg/6,6,6,6,
Leg Curls: 25kg/7,6,6,6,
Totals: Sets/4, Reps/49

Ab static holds:
50kg/15 secs
50kg/15 secs

So another great workout. Bench went up again. Now 215 is the most I have ever benched, heck more than Ive ever ATTEMPTED! Says alot about me, and of course how effective the BP is. Im not looking forward to deload, I dont wanna use less weight! LOL but I know its for a reason, so its all good. Cant wait to try to hit 225 for my 1RM, should be next week! As for my last EDT block, I ran out of time, the gym got really crowded, so I had to wait for the machines to be free, but I ran out of time before I had to go to work. Also I rushed the ab static holds, I did them on a crunch machine instead of on the cables. Abs are still sore though.

A question, for the EDT blocks, I know I read to pick a weight that you can do 10 reps with, and to begin with doing 5-6 reps for sets until your reduced to doing less, and not to go to failure too soon in the sets. Now if we can do more reps than 5-6, should we? I know I can do more, but I always stop at 6, but as I stated in the workouts above at the end I was able to do 8. So should I do more reps, or up the weight? Thanks.
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Post by RobRegish »


A question, for the EDT blocks, I know I read to pick a weight that you can do 10 reps with, and to begin with doing 5-6 reps for sets until your reduced to doing less, and not to go to failure too soon in the sets. Now if we can do more reps than 5-6, should we? I know I can do more, but I always stop at 6, but as I stated in the workouts above at the end I was able to do 8. So should I do more reps, or up the weight? Thanks.

A. Yes, but only AFTER you establish your EDT baseline workout #'s. After that, you MUST beat that # of reps until you can do 20% more!!
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WORKOUT #4: DELOAD! 22 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

This workout was done after only 2 days of rest. So far I had been going afer 3 days of rest. But I wasnt sore, like I was after the previous workouts. Whats going on? Usually by day 3 late in the day I wont be sore, but this time after day 1 I wasnt sore. I think the E-BOL is helping with recovery greatly. So on to todays training:

Weight: 70.9kg I gained half a kilo since thursday, which is a little over 1 pound. Still not where I was prior to famine, but I will get there. No doubt.

Bench Press:195x7

Immediately Performed 1 set of slight incline DB pullovers: 24kg DBx8


Immediately performed one set of Stiff Legged Deadlifts:185x7

EDT Block 1 (15 mins)

Incline DB Press: 28kg DBs/7,6,7,7,7,8
Cable Row: 65kg/8,8,8,8,8,10
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/92

EDT Block 2 (15 mins)

DB Shoulder Press: 20kg DB/ 7,6,7,7,6,5
Barbell Shrugs: 215/ 7,7,8,8,8,7
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/83

EDT Block 3 (15 mins)

Leg Extensions: 35kg/8,8,8,7,7
Leg Curls: 25kg/8,8,8,7,7
Totals: Sets/5, Reps/76

Ab static holds:
70kg/30 secs
70kg/30 secs

Notes from today: Ok so I know this was supposed to be a deload, but man when I was warming up everything felt so light. I was going to go with 185 lbs but when I hit the first couple reps, I was like no F that you can do more, so I threw on 10 more pounds and hit 195 for 7 reps. I could barely do 185 for 5 reps prior to the BP but now Im hitting more weight for more reps. Rob what have you done to me??? LOL this is amazing, I cannot wait until my 1RM day, I WILL HIT 225lbs!!! Its mine I can feel it, I want it. I should have gone heavier on the DB pullovers it was a little too easy but its all good. These workouts are so intense and amazing, the BP is the real deal. I also rushed through my warm up sets for bench, because we only have one squat rack so I wanted to hurry up and finish my bench so I could grab it up before someone used it. If I hade waited properly to warm up, man it would have been easier.

I didnt get all my sets in for EDT#3. We only have one machine for the leg ext/curls and I didnt want to be that guy who didnt let anyone else use it so I finished early to let someone else use it.

Other than that, everything is great. Cant wait for max day, Im looking at wednesday, again it all depends on recovery.
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Re: WORKOUT #4: DELOAD! 22 Jan 11

Post by RobRegish »

bulldozer wrote:This workout was done after only 2 days of rest. So far I had been going afer 3 days of rest. But I wasnt sore, like I was after the previous workouts. Whats going on? Usually by day 3 late in the day I wont be sore, but this time after day 1 I wasnt sore. I think the ebol ecdy is helping with recovery greatly. So on to todays training:

Weight: 70.9kg I gained half a kilo since thursday, which is a little over 1 pound. Still not where I was prior to famine, but I will get there. No doubt.

Bench Press:195x7

Immediately Performed 1 set of slight incline DB pullovers: 24kg DBx8


Immediately performed one set of Stiff Legged Deadlifts:185x7

EDT Block 1 (15 mins)

Incline DB Press: 28kg DBs/7,6,7,7,7,8
Cable Row: 65kg/8,8,8,8,8,10
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/92

EDT Block 2 (15 mins)

DB Shoulder Press: 20kg DB/ 7,6,7,7,6,5
Barbell Shrugs: 215/ 7,7,8,8,8,7
Totals: Sets/6, Reps/83

EDT Block 3 (15 mins)

Leg Extensions: 35kg/8,8,8,7,7
Leg Curls: 25kg/8,8,8,7,7
Totals: Sets/5, Reps/76

Ab static holds:
70kg/30 secs
70kg/30 secs

Notes from today: Ok so I know this was supposed to be a deload, but man when I was warming up everything felt so light. I was going to go with 185 lbs but when I hit the first couple reps, I was like no F that you can do more, so I threw on 10 more pounds and hit 195 for 7 reps.

I could barely do 185 for 5 reps prior to the BP but now Im hitting more weight for more reps. Rob what have you done to me??? LOL this is amazing],

A. I did nothing. My information yes... Lifeless though, until you breathed air into it. Great work man. I didn't sell a single BP today but you know what? That's OK.

The world is a better place :)

I cannot wait until my 1RM day, I WILL HIT 225lbs!!!

A. And when you do.. I will be there with you, making sure you do it justice. Remember that when you walk in there....

Its mine I can feel it, I want it. I should have gone heavier on the DB pullovers it was a little too easy but its all good. These workouts are so intense and amazing, the BP is the real deal.

A. Yes, it is. And I am grateful you benefitted. More than you'll ever know..

I also rushed through my warm up sets for bench, because we only have one squat rack so I wanted to hurry up and finish my bench so I could grab it up before someone used it. If I hade waited properly to warm up, man it would have been easier.

I didnt get all my sets in for EDT#3. We only have one machine for the leg ext/curls and I didnt want to be that guy who didnt let anyone else use it so I finished early to let someone else use it.

A. Your selfless act was not without causation. Someone else was there with you in that gym my friend.

Recall it was a de-load workout?

Do the math :)

Other than that, everything is great. Cant wait for max day, Im looking at wednesday, again it all depends on recovery.
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Re: WORKOUT #4: DELOAD! 22 Jan 11

Post by RobRegish »

RobRegish wrote:
bulldozer wrote:
Notes from today: Ok so I know this was supposed to be a deload, but man when I was warming up everything felt so light. I was going to go with 185 lbs but when I hit the first couple reps, I was like no F that you can do more, so I threw on 10 more pounds and hit 195 for 7 reps.

"I could barely do 185 for 5 reps prior to the BP but now Im hitting more weight for more reps. Rob what have you done to me??? LOL this is amazing"],

A. I did nothing. My information yes... Lifeless though, until you breathed air into it. Great work man. I didn't sell a single BP today but you know what? That's OK.

The world is a better place :)

"I cannot wait until my 1RM day, I WILL HIT 225lbs!!!"

A. And when you do.. I will be there with you, making sure you do it justice. Remember that when you walk in there....

"Its mine I can feel it, I want it. I should have gone heavier on the DB pullovers it was a little too easy but its all good. These workouts are so intense and amazing, the BP is the real deal".

A. Yes, it is. And I am grateful you benefitted. More than you'll ever know..

I also rushed through my warm up sets for bench, because we only have one squat rack so I wanted to hurry up and finish my bench so I could grab it up before someone used it. If I hade waited properly to warm up, man it would have been easier.

"I didnt get all my sets in for EDT#3. We only have one machine for the leg ext/curls and I didnt want to be that guy who didnt let anyone else use it so I finished early to let someone else use it".

A. Your selfless act was not without causation. Someone else was there with you in that gym my friend.

Recall it was a de-load workout?

Do the math :)

Other than that, everything is great. Cant wait for max day, Im looking at wednesday, again it all depends on recovery.
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Re: WORKOUT #4: DELOAD! 22 Jan 11

Post by RobRegish »

RobRegish wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
bulldozer wrote:
Notes from today: Ok so I know this was supposed to be a deload, but man when I was warming up everything felt so light. I was going to go with 185 lbs but when I hit the first couple reps, I was like no F that you can do more, so I threw on 10 more pounds and hit 195 for 7 reps.

"I could barely do 185 for 5 reps prior to the BP but now Im hitting more weight for more reps. Rob what have you done to me??? LOL this is amazing"],

A. I did nothing. My information yes... Lifeless though, until you breathed air into it. Great work man. I didn't sell a single BP today but you know what? That's OK.

The world is a better place :)

"I cannot wait until my 1RM day, I WILL HIT 225lbs!!!"

A. And when you do.. I will be there with you, making sure you do it justice. Remember that when you walk in there....

"Its mine I can feel it, I want it. I should have gone heavier on the DB pullovers it was a little too easy but its all good. These workouts are so intense and amazing, the BP is the real deal".

A. Yes, it is. And I am grateful you benefitted. More than you'll ever know..

"I didnt get all my sets in for EDT#3. We only have one machine for the leg ext/curls and I didnt want to be that guy who didnt let anyone else use it so I finished early to let someone else use it".

A. Your selfless act was not without causation. Someone else was there with you in that gym my friend.

Recall it was a de-load workout?

Do the math..... and I'm not talking about Rob/Mix this time..... :)

Other than that, everything is great. Cant wait for max day, Im looking at wednesday, again it all depends on recovery.
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WORKOUT #5: 25 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

Today was the day, goal #1 of the BP....was mine! 225 pound bench, 2 wheels, I got it. I believed I would and I did it. On my last training post, I told myself I would get it, I would nail it. Well I did, and I feel great. Heres todays training:

Weight: 71.1 kg/159.97 lbs, LOL almost where I was pre famine. Still climbing up, very happy about that.

Bench Press: 225x2 <------PR!

Immediately Performed 1 set of slight incline DB pullovers: 30kg DBx5

Squats: 315x3 <-------PR!

Immediately performed one set of Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 205x5

EDT Block 1 (15 mins)
Incline DB Press: 28kg DBs/7,7,7,7,9
Cable Row: 65kg/8,8,9,9,9
Totals: Sets/5, Reps/80

EDT Block 2 (15 mins)
DB Shoulder Press: 20kg DB/ 8,6,7,6,6
Barbell Shrugs: 205/ 7,8,8,7,8
Totals: Sets/5, Reps/71

EDT Block 3 (15 mins)
Leg Extensions: 35kg/8,8,8
Leg Curls: 25kg/8,8,8
Totals: Sets/3, Reps/48

Ab static holds:
did not do

Notes from today: Well as you can see I hit my 2 PR's. Im so excited about my bench. Just a couple weeks ago I could barely hit 185 for 5 reps, with ok form. Now after just 5 workouts, the BP has me with a 225 max at 2 reps with great form!

I was a little worried going in, i was fired up and ready to attack it, but when i was warming up, the same way I have been doing it, something was just off, The weights felt heavier and my shoulders started to hurt. So in my rest time, I got loose, I think I was tensing up too much in anticipation of the big lift. So I calmed down regrouped refocused and hit another warm up of 205, and then slapped on the other 2 45's. I again regrouped refocused, walked around a little bit, really got my mind into it. I was worried about finding a spot but luckily I found one of the regulars who was very enthusiastic about helping me, seeing his excitement fired me up! So I got under took a deep breathe, had some Chevelle blaring in my ears, looked at my spotter he nodded and lift off, lowered slowly, then bam shot it up, felt good, i resettled back in, drove off my heels, lowered again and then bam again I threw it up! I was so happy and amazed, racked it and the guy was giving me a fist bump! LOL that fired me up man. I wont lie, I was emotional after I hit it. I mean I had this goal for so damn long, spinning my wheels getting nowhere, and here it was I conguered it. After 5 workouts?!?! Rob man, thanks so much. I wish I would have baught this BP a whole lot sooner. I was so happy, and just overcome by emotion. I stared at the 2 wheels on each side and just got teary eyed, almost forgot about my DB Pullovers!!! LOL

Then came the squat I was warming up perfectly everything was spot on. Threw on the the belt, knelt under the bar, looked up said a little prayer, and bam unhooked it. Dropped down one,two, three times, then came up and racked it. Euphoria was AMAZING! I had a fellow gym goer with decent size and strength give me compliments on my form. I was so out of it, I didnt understand what he was saying! I had to say huh like 3 times. But he told me "impressive lift man, thats some heavy ass weight, perfect form, great execution, damn impressive lift man!" Thats the first time anyone has ever complimented me in the gym before! I was shocked and ecstatic, i was like thanks man, that means a lot to me, I appreciate it.

Unfornutely I greatly underestimated how long this would take and I ran out of time. I didnt get to do the EDT's as well as I would have liked and rushed to get in the 3 jumps sets for legs. I wasnt able to do the ab static holds. But I was just on cloud 9 from reaching my goal. It didnt matter. Sorry Rob for cutting it short, but my main focus was nailing those 2 PR's no matter how long it took.

I got my new max's and I cant wait to keep going. thanks so much for all the help Rob, you one very happy and satisfied customer!
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Post by thething301 »

congralutation, for your 2 PR, when you put the focus on something nothing can stop you.
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Post by bulldozer »

Thanks alot man, I appreciate it! And your right, when you put your mind to nothing can get in your way. There is no I cant, or I will try, theres only I will do!
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