Swedishfish - Round 1

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Post by Swedishfish »

Famine Day 3
Weight: 196.4
Waking HR: 80?? BPM

35 g
15 mg
674 mg
274 g
43 g
42 g
180 g

Pretty standard for famine. I hate to say it but I'm actually getting used to it, I wasn't starving, still am not dying. I'm hoping that my body is reacting the way its supposed to.

Workout #2 was rough! I started out with a pretty low weight for my inc chest press and my shoulder press, by the end I had dropped both weights down by at least 10lbs. Triceps felt like I could've done more but by the time it was time to leave I was relieved.

Still no supps.

Decided my first meal of feast is going to be at Pappy's smokehouse in Saint Louis. I'm gonna try and polish off the 'Adam Bomb' - check it out https://pappyssmokehouse.com/Menu.php
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Post by RobRegish »

Getting used to it?!? I've heard that before..

That's both good and bad. Consider putting a Warrior Diet type spin on it at some point. The possibilities are endless....

Glad to hear you're doing well!!
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Post by Swedishfish »

In other words cramming it all into one meal later in the day? I can try that tomorrow I suppose, the reason why I went with leangains and not warrior diet is because eating that large of a meal is rather difficult for me just too much volume. I guess we'll see what happens.
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Post by warriorcookie »

Try blending your food. I find it easier to drink a big meal and your body makes better use of the fruits and veggies if the blender breaks apart the cell walls and what not.

The wife and I got a vitamix for a wedding gift. I can't imagine life without it. I have at least one blended something every day. It blends, makes smoothies, juices, hot soup (the friction from the blades heats up the soup), even ice cream... Sorry getting carried away.
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Post by RobRegish »

Swedishfish wrote:In other words cramming it all into one meal later in the day? I can try that tomorrow I suppose, the reason why I went with leangains and not warrior diet is because eating that large of a meal is rather difficult for me just too much volume. I guess we'll see what happens.
Yes, within say a 4-5 hour window.
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Post by Swedishfish »

Thanks Rob, I will try that today. I'll try and get down as much of my meals as I can between 4pm-8pm, and I'll see how I do. That being said it looks like I am off the hook for workout 3, my RHR this morning was up to 68. I might still do famine on Friday, just because I've already made plans to start feast saturday with a large meal at Pappy's smokehouse which I can't eat on a workday.

Is there any problem with completing famine as outlined even if my RHR is already elevated?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd skip it. You're there.

The problem comes in where if you take Famine too deep, you'll have trouble getting traction during Feast.

BP 1.0 proposed 5 workouts in 5 days. Yeah, that's right... 5 of these torture sessions in 5 days. I've explained why in 2.0, but suffice it to say the vast majority of guys running it don't have access to the recovery modalities that these athletes originally using that template did.

The 3 workout re-work has worked out perfectly. In fact, as I write 3.0 I'm not even touching Famine/Cruise they work so well.

It's a brief, elegant solution to disrupting homeostasis that lay dormant in many, teeing up your body for the super-compensation to come.....
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Post by Swedishfish »

Sounds good then it looks like my first three days of feast will be Friday-Saturday-Sunday. Tomorrow is going to be a bit unceremonious as I haven't been shopping in almost 3 weeks. I'll see if I can even scrape together enough food for tomorrow. First workout on Monday!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, shop wisely now. Can't wait to see how it plays out and right here for you if you need me!
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Post by Swedishfish »

I just cooked my first feast meal. Seafood Linguine - smells amazing, so hard to stay on famine right now, but I just sat down with my warmed skim milk which has become oddly comforting.

Do I start supplementation tomorrow, or wait until workout #1 to get into it all?
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Post by Swedishfish »

Famine Day 4
Weight: ???? (Forgot today)
Waking HR: 68 BPM

25 g
34 mg
1201 mg
217 g
36 g
41 g
141 g

I did a different variation on IF today, called the warrior diet, basically you try and get as many calories in one large meal after roughly 19 hours of fasting, leaving a 5 hour feeding window. I ate lunch at 3:00 PM, it was about 900 calories, and then I had 300 more around 8:00 PM to last me through the night. Today I stalled out volume wise before I hit my calories. But tomorrow is going to be a food masacre. Feast day #1.

No Training Today. Chest and Tri's are a bit sore. Legs still a bit sore from workout #1. No workout #3 tomorrow.

Still no supps.

Figuring out my last tweaks to supplementation. Going into feast fully armed and ready to go.

$250.00 at the grocery store today and that doesn't even count the 2 meals I have reservations for later this week. Seafood Linguine, Tandori Pork Loin, 3lbs of ground turkey, 3lbs ground sirloin tip, 96oz of egg whites. That's just what I remember off the top of my head.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah, good food costs but it's worth every penny. Why?

Because it's true: You ARE what you eat. Those proteins build into your very structure. "You" a year from now is truly a new you, from your hair right down to you toenails.

This has been validated by radio-isotope studies. So how do junk food junkies, smokers etc get by? The body will do an amazing patch work job to keep you alive.

House of cards though my friend. Linus Pauling said it on his deathbed: "Host cell resistance is the key".

Keep feeding your body quality proteins, complex carbs etc. and supplement with micro-nutrients such as those found in Multi-Life or another quality mutiple to fill in the gaps.

There is no cheaper health insurance in the world... I work in health insurance. I see the stats morbidity/mortality stats.

Believe it!!
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Post by Swedishfish »

Famine Graph:

I thought this was pretty interesting. Can you tell when I started famine?


Here's to feast!
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Post by JlCh »

Oh man, reading that BBQ place's food made my mouth start watering. I'll be having pulled pork sandwiches my 2nd night of Feast. :)
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