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cissus q…more confused.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:16 pm
by BrainSquirt
Original question was about post-operative healing of connective tissue – bones, joints (and strictly speaking tendons) not involved, but now starting to generalize out and have more questions.

Questions: (asking you guys bcse most of the Goog info is from vendors)
The percentages (%) means how much (standardized?) Ketosterones are in the powder ?
From what I’ve been reading, the lower %’s seem to be more effective (at least as effective) than the higher percentages. Does this mean the other components (tetracyclic triterpenoids, onocer-7-ene-3alpha, 21 beta-diol and onocer-7-ene-3beta, 21 alpha-diol and two steriodal principles I and II, alpha-sitosterol, delta-amyrin, etc) are synergistically involved? And anything above 20% is leaving other constituents in too low of a ratio - Is that logic correct?
Related question – are differing %’s better for different conditions ie one % better for bone healing, one better for connective tissue healing, one better for anabolic, etc ???
What part(s) of the plant are used to make the powders?

Many thanks.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:06 pm
by Hank!

I cant answer those questions, I can just tell you for general joint aches and pains I take one Super Cissus Cap per Day

And the stuff is on sale here for $18 ... 930&sr=1-7

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:12 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Yeah i just downed my dosage as well. Im at one primaforce cissus per day

but thats 40% ketosterones in 500mg.. so that's a pretty hefty dose for a good price

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:10 pm
by RobRegish
It's generally agreed that the lower % extracts are better for wound healing/joint, higher for "anabolic properties"/"cissus pump".

I'm using a 5% right now and love it for my shoulders. Haven't tried anything more than 10%. Anyone notice the Cissus "pump"?/anabolic properties?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:01 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:It's generally agreed that the lower % extracts are better for wound healing/joint, higher for "anabolic properties"/"cissus pump".

I'm using a 5% right now and love it for my shoulders. Haven't tried anything more than 10%. Anyone notice the Cissus "pump"?/anabolic properties?
definitely cant say i experience a pump .. not that i notice anyway

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:14 pm
by xxtotuxx
But how you diggin the cissus for the pain?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:00 am
by Big.jazayrli
xxtotuxx wrote:But how you diggin the cissus for the pain?
i lowered my dose and its great

currently im taking 1 animal flex + 1 primaforce cissus every morning and my shoulder is doing extremely well

even managed some CGBP the other day

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:38 am
by xxtotuxx
Big.jazayrli wrote:
xxtotuxx wrote:But how you diggin the cissus for the pain?
i lowered my dose and its great

currently im taking 1 animal flex + 1 primaforce cissus every morning and my shoulder is doing extremely well

even managed some CGBP the other day

That's great to know men! How long have you been on it. I bought some bulk powder. Was planning on dosing 4grams a day or something like that.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:13 pm
by Big.jazayrli
xxtotuxx wrote:

That's great to know men! How long have you been on it. I bought some bulk powder. Was planning on dosing 4grams a day or something like that.
i think this is week 3? if i'm counting correctly

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:47 pm
by PushingTheLimit
Wow this place has gotten busy. I just wanted to update how my shoulder rehab is going post surgery and also have a couple questions.

I am 4 months post op and my shoulder has its good and bad days. I was moving awhile back and tweaked it pretty bad setting me back awhile. I am currently strengthing it and plan on getting back to working upper body in the gym in about a month.

Until then I want to attack legs and my core. I did this before my surgery with great success. Unfortunately I am back where I started and would like some advice on a routine or loading pattern to get back my strength on legs, hit my calves really hard and strengthen up my core again.

He is week outline of my planned routine.

Monday-Legs and Core
Tuesday-Shoulder Rehab and Recovery
Wednesday-Legs and Core
Thursday-Shoulder Rehab and Recovery
Friday-Legs and Core
Sunday-Shoulder Rehab

I would like some ideas how to put this plan into action. I am thinking of a loading pattern on squats combined with the EDT system for calves. What loading pattern would you suggest if you suggest one and what would you suggest for calves. I really want to develop some calves and now seems like the perfect time to do it. What would you suggest for core taking into account I am limited with my shoulder?

I have got nothing but great advice from this place. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:33 pm
by RobRegish
First, welcome back PTL! Different scene, isn't it :) Now let's break it down for you..

He is week outline of my planned routine.

Monday-Legs and Core
Tuesday-Shoulder Rehab and Recovery
Wednesday-Legs and Core
Thursday-Shoulder Rehab and Recovery
Friday-Legs and Core
Sunday-Shoulder Rehab

I would like some ideas how to put this plan into action. I am thinking of a loading pattern on squats combined with the EDT system for calves. What loading pattern would you suggest if you suggest one and what would you suggest for calves. I really want to develop some calves and now seems like the perfect time to do it. What would you suggest for core taking into account I am limited with my shoulder?

I have got nothing but great advice from this place. Any advice would be much appreciated.

A. First thoughts; that's pretty high on the frequency of workouts. I understand what you're doing though, shoulder rehab and recovery hopefully being pre-hab/rehab work. Nothing onerous, so I'm down with it.

The M-W-F is a nice schedule - to start. To me, it speaks to the 10% solution. Have you run that yet? If not, I'd start there. Very intense very fast and you MAY be able to keep that schedule for the first 6-9 workouts. Better move would be to start spacing an extra recovery day out prior to the heaviest parts of that loading pattern. For as you grow stronger (and you will), the stresses increase on your body. Fundamental law: you'll need the extra rest days in order for the body to supercompensate.

On your calf work, I'd look at the following two EDT Blocks. Two min of rest between each superset.

IDEAL REP RANGE: 15-20 - higher than most EDT's

Hip Sled (toe extensions top of the range)
Seated calf raises


IDEAL REP RANGE: Standard EDT guidelines (start with a wt you can comfortably do for 10 reps, but only 6-7 your first set). Therafter get as many as you can, trying to manage fatigue.

Hack squat (facing inwards, pressure on the toes) raise the weight with the toes)
Standing calf raises

Run one pairing for 6 workouts and the other for 6 workouts. Alternate in that fashion.

Finisher: Seated calf raises. Two holds in the fully contracted position with a maximum weight. Hold for 5-15 seconds until static strength gives out. Then slowly lower. Rest 3 min in between static holds.

You'll hate me doing them but love me when its all over!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:23 pm
by PushingTheLimit
That looks great. Thanks :D

I have yet to do the 10% solution but it looks like killer fun. I can easily take extra rest days when needed and I am sure I am going to need them. With that would I pair it with Dimel or Stiff Leg deadlifts as before with the other loading patterns to hit the hamstrings?

I like the EDT calf workouts. I have done everything and they havent grown. I really want to make them a focus point. I will definately give those workouts a shot.

Because of this layoff from the gym I have lost a lot of core strength and with my shoulder still recovering I cant do much of my usual core work. Do you have any suggestions on working my core?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:10 am
by RobRegish
Romanian DL's are your ticket. See the tutorial video in my sig line.

On you LAST exercise for the day, perform static ab crunches. Briefly, attach a handle to a high pulley. Holding the handle behind your head, kneel on the ground and have someone assist you into the crunch position and hold a MAXIMAL weight for 5-15 seconds until your strength gives out. 2 holds in this fashion with 3 min in between sets gets it done.

SUPERB for building rock hard abs!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:05 pm
by PushingTheLimit
Alright that sounds tough. I will give it a shot. Im just curoius how that will affect my shoulder.