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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:39 am
by bigpelo
Hey Hank!

How is this cut going? I notice you lose 3.5 pounds in 2 days. Mostly fat I hope!

My next run will be a cut, program design by TFOF themselves so I am very interest in your progress.

It would be appreciate if you could give me a quick review when you get a chance.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:54 pm
by Hank!
Going well

Been busy at work so posting is difficult but next week is last week of feast, I will et you know finals.

I have changed workouts a bit, doing some lighter and more explosive reps..gets HR up fast and the pumps are incredible


squats 225x10x5
leg curls 110x20x5
Leg press 300 x 20x 5
deads 275x10x2//225x10x2

no rest


forgot formula AM SORE

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:41 pm
by Hank!
HIIT today

60 secs work
90 secs rest

repeat 10x

Work run // 90 secs rest at 2.2 // 1.5 incline
1 @ 7.8/2.5 incline
2 @ 8.2/2.5 incline
3 @ 9.2/1.5 incline
4 @ 7.2/3.0 incline
5 @ 8.0/3.0 incline
6 @ 7.2/8.0 incline
7 @ 7.8/8.0 incline
8 @ 6.6/13 incline
9 @ 6.2/15 incline
10@ 5.5/15 incline

575 calories burned..legs like the jello

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:30 pm
by Hank!
SHIT ..workout

1 Set 100lbs db on decline..9 reps felt good. I Sat up and had sniffles, and turns out it was blood, I popped a capilary..

Call it quits for today , back on Wed

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:06 pm
by scoooter
may I suggest some core style yoga breathing technique as a possible preventative measure :)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:11 am
by Hank!
scoooter wrote:may I suggest some core style yoga breathing technique as a possible preventative measure :)
Thanks scooter, I will try that.

I hadnt had a nosebleed that bad since the time i broke my nose.

I did a solid chest workout on Tuesday, went up to 95lb DBs on my incline press and just avoided decline press all together

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:31 pm
by Hank!
Nice lower workout today

some highlights

810lbs on the leg press for 3 reps (top range)

600a 2DCP 1 HEAT / 2 tbol trib/6 cbol creatine/200mg caffeine
615a 16 oz coffee 3 tbs Half and half
645a 2 Eggs, 2 Canadian Bacon, Kraft Cheese, Lite English muffin
830a 16 oz coffee 3 tbs Half and half
10a 1 Cup Greek yogurt (lowfat) .5 cup bluberries , 1scoop Isology
1145a 1 handful spinach, 6 oz flank steak, 25 grams feta, kens lite dressing
1230p 2DCP 1 HEAT / 2 tbol trib
115p P-Bol
130p LitUP
2p Peri workout drink 30gms pro/75gms carbs
2 Workout Legs Day
5 Sets Squats 225x8/leg curls 120x10x5/leg extensions 150lbs x 20x3/ leg press (weight on press) 370x10/530x8/620x6/810x3(top range). ran out of time
3p Almond milk and Wheyology
530p 2DCP 1 HEAT /
6p Dinner 1 handful spinach, 6 oz flank steak, 25 grams feta, kens lite dressing
7p 4 girlscout cookies >thanks a lots<
830 Bowl of ceral and lowfat milk
2866 cals consumed
450 burned
240 carbs
224g pro
Feeling great nice and warm all day, though i was a little disappointed in my workout however looking back seems like i had okay volume

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:32 am
by Hank!
Hey all here is a little update .

I was struggling with the nose bleed for a good 5 days. Went to my Dr. (for annual physical) and he checked it out ands said it was most likley a burst capillary up higher in my nostril and said to chill for a week or two, not pick my nose, use humidifier etc. If that failed he recommend an ENT. Good news is that all is well, no issues for a few days now. I just need to remember to breathe doing declines.
Real life has been very hectic for me the last 2 weeks so I haven't dedicated much time to updating here fro that i apologize

some cliff notes

Weight down to 257lbs . Leaner
Work capacity increased, strength maybe a slight increase focus has been on capacity
The formula works PERIOD but it tastes bad
EBol vs KreAnabolyn tough to say. KA = more dramatic changes (quicker)
I think EBOL may have some had a hand in helping me lose some fat.
I would love to see what ever is in KA minus the creatine so that I could take with creatine nitrate

In cruise now but not running a program. typically in cruise I do coninue to lift but I stay out of the 80-90% max most of the time. I consider this healing time. In cruise I normally get back to some fitness classes at the Y, casual biking , ect. Goals for this cruise are to to get my aerobic capacity back up, and take it easy on my back (which i keep tweeking).

thanks all

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:22 am
by RobRegish
Fantastic work Hank!!!

Overcoming all the obstacles to reach a new phsysical zenith, in terms of LBM vs. fat ratio, strength, power and work capacity.

Sounds a lot like something..... something like, 3.0 maybe? :) :) :)