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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:05 am
by RobRegish
To bring some clarity... two points to keep in mind when running Sheiko!!

1.) You absolutely MUST periodically (consider once every 10 days or so), insert extra rest days.

REASON: As you lift heavier weights for more reps (and you will.. :)), it logically follows that the stresses increase on your body.

Any "fixed" training frequency then, will ultimately fail with time, and result in symptoms of over-training. If your brain doesn't stop you your body will, via sickeness and/or injury.... maybe both!!

Yours truly made that mistake, and is sharing it here w/you in the hope you too, don't fall victim!!

2.) With Sheiko, there is an absurb amount of work devoted to work in the 90th percentile of your 1RM (or close to it!), particularly on the SQ/DL.

This results in too much vertical compression of the spine!

Keep that up for 5,10 or more years and you'll wind up like me - 41 years old and unable to perform these full range movements anymore.

Again, sharing this with you such that you too - don't have your dream taken away like I did...

The solution?

Look no futher than here!! Use these gems to replace at least 1/3rd of your barbell work in the SQ and/or DL to take vertical compression OFF the spine and STILL reap the benefits... of these fantastic exercises!!

If you're concerned about your lower back given the time it takes to execute the squats (over 3 minutes for all 20 reps if using the SuperSquats routine!!), look into the Ironmind hip belt or Spud Squat Belt.

Briefly, the hip belt suspends the weight between your legs vs placing the bar on your back. This removes the vertical compression of the spine during the lift and allows for unrestricted breathing (deep breaths)
during the lift.

Whether or not you have back problems, this is a lift worth looking into. It takes a few sessions to get used to but you can finally open the throttle with very little risk of injury and really reap the benefits of this fantastic routine.

There are two quality hip belts available for sale: The IronMind Hip Belt and the Spud Belt available here:

IRONMIND HIP BELT ... umber=1220

SPUD SQUAT BELT ... D&pid=1595

If you do order either one, I highly suggest getting the Ironmind loading pin FIRST, which can be found here and makes loading/unloading a snap:

15" LOADING PIN* ... ber=1314-C

*Get this one FIRST, as you can always rig something up with an old weight belt, chain etc..

I personally use the Ironmind belt and loading pin and have had over 900lbs on there with no problems. The carryover to your barbell squat is almost pound for pound too (provided you're doing your SCT ab holds, top range rack pulls, etc.)

Solid investment and can also be used for weighted chins, dips, sled
dragging etc.. Very versatile!!! [/b]

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:10 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

Sheiko MS Comp Day 6

Even with this weightloss my deadlift strength is holding up pretty well. Interestingly enough the reps on 480 felt easier than the reps on 450.. who'da thunk it!

Another sidenote Rob - I'm very excited to start using my hipbelt/loading pin four weeks from now :) I can't wait to do another westside run!

workout was as follows;



Deads to knees



Video For the day

Deadlifts to knees 420x3

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:31 pm
by RobRegish
"I'm very excited to start using my hipbelt/loading pin four weeks from now I can't wait to do another westside run!... "

Fantastic!! Call me tomorrow if you need guidance!!

So happy to hear it... :) I taped another episode of SuperHuman Radio today, devoted to Blueprint.

Listen for your name Hani when it airs (shortly). You an a whole lotta' deserving BP Believer's(tm) got the credit.... you finally deserved.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:02 pm
by Big.jazayrli
any exact time when the show will air?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:10 pm
by Linkiroth
RobRegish wrote:"I'm very excited to start using my hipbelt/loading pin four weeks from now I can't wait to do another westside run!... "

Fantastic!! Call me tomorrow if you need guidance!!

So happy to hear it... :) I taped another episode of SuperHuman Radio today, devoted to Blueprint.

Listen for your name Hani when it airs (shortly). You an a whole lotta' deserving BP Believer's(tm) got the credit.... you finally deserved.
He definitely does deserve the credit: The two of you convinced me to pick up the Blueprint based on what I was seeing from Big.Jaz over on the forums.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:44 am
by RobRegish
Big.jazayrli wrote:any exact time when the show will air?
"Carl" the producer will let me know..

Won't be long. I'll put the announcement up in Dino's, such that "Corporate America" can listen, too... :))

So DONE, with the red tape/beurocracy/vmail tree, etc. BULLSHIT that is... "Corporate America/The Medical Establishment..."

You guys (most of you), have no idea... They're a giant, $$$ sucking machine that will leave you DEAD, if you allow their non-sense to get to you.

Me? I'm bringing ALL the bills they send me to my next Dr visit, whereupon I'm saying the following,

"Here are your bills. Do NOT call, write or contact me until you can tell me WHAT'S DUE and FINAL!!... and from this point forward, I'm dealing with ONE person to straighten YOUR mess out... the F'N Dr!!

Not down with that? Fine, I'll find a new Dr.. He goes by the name of "Scott Connelly, M.D.... :) "

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:21 am
by drtda
I think you'll like the Ironmind Hip Belt. I had one for several years and it works pretty darn well. It got trashed a few years ago when my basement flooded and I haven't replaced it, since I've been using the Zane Leg Blaster. But a great investment for the price.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:45 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

Sheiko MS Comp Day 7

Cruised through today's workout pretty well. The squats got a bit heavy in the fourth and fifth set on 410, but that's not exactly abnormal is it?


workout was as follows;





Ab work (boring)

Video For the day

nooo video ya greedy bastards

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:15 am
by RobRegish
"The squats got a bit heavy in the fourth and fifth set on 410, but that's not exactly abnormal is it?"

A. Nope, BUT... make sure you don't "push it"/come close to the 90th percentile during Cruise. Also, this may or may not be a sign it's time to insert an extra rest day... :)


A. Amen!! I HAD one... I can't find it. I'm sitting here, almost crying now.


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:48 pm
by Linkiroth
Serious lifting in here, Big.Jaz. A really phenomenal job.

Have you used other belts before? How does the Inzer Forever Lever compare?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:36 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Linkiroth wrote:Serious lifting in here, Big.Jaz. A really phenomenal job.

Have you used other belts before? How does the Inzer Forever Lever compare?
I had a basic 10mm double prong economy belt before this one and it was around 50$, the 85$ for the forever lever was MORE than worth it.

Its a much stiffer belt, as soon as the bruise on my left side goes away it will be very comfortable as well. In terms of ease of putting on its just ridiculous, the only issue I have is unhooking the latch when I want to take it off, but it just takes an extra 5 seconds .. call that an 'issue'

moral of the story: Invest in yourself and get a quality belt.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:10 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

Sheiko MS Comp Day 9

Like I mentioned in my previous mini-update, day 8 was just a garbage workout. I was nowhere near recovered enough to be doing 80% plus on deadlifts and ended up just choosing to stop. This is not a decision I regret.

Today (day 9), however, is a totally different story. I was totally on the ball and good to go. I think I may have found the sweet spot in terms of stims now that I'm using 1 scoop vengeance (~100mg caffeine) and 1 cap ergoburn (~80mg caffeine) preworkout. Quite possibly my favorite stim blend I've used. Soon to be getting back on EC though (likely this week) as I have some weight to cut quickly before 5/20.

workout was as follows;

^^ those last two sets were supposed to be on 290, but the weight was just flying up


Close Grip Bench

Cable Chest Pressdowns

BB Good Mornings

Video For the day

nooo video ya greedy bastards

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:21 pm
by Linkiroth
Beautiful workout, Big.Jaz. Looking forward to what else you've got in store. How do you feel about Sheiko as compared to Westside or something similar? At what point in your lifting career do you feel Sheiko is appropriate?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:00 am
by Big.jazayrli
Linkiroth wrote:Beautiful workout, Big.Jaz. Looking forward to what else you've got in store. How do you feel about Sheiko as compared to Westside or something similar? At what point in your lifting career do you feel Sheiko is appropriate?
Sheiko and I have definitely agreed as its extremely challenging for me. Its hard for me to find a workout routine that makes me want to quite in the middle of my workouts (this isn't necessarily a good thing but I enjoy the challenge)

For someone who hasn't been training as long as I have the volume would likely be a bit much, but #29 is a GREAT place to start and try it out.

Next on the list is an advanced 5x5 of some sort.. I've never run one so I can see myself milking some gains out of it. Or perhaps some static contraction training like Rob has laid out in 3.0. Gotta talk to the man and we'll figure something out!

Its totally different to westside.. But I also love conjugate training. Speed training works and works WELL.