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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:07 am
by Hank!
Feast Day 17
Wed Feb 9

Today is an off day, so no workout

2 ecdy, vit d, fish oil
coffee, eggs, spinach, bluberries
greek yogurt, bluberries, protein
2 Chicken Thighs, spinach, feta, 2x ecdy
Wheyology w/ milk

wieght @ 262

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:21 pm
by Hank!
Feast Day 18
Thursday Feb 11

6a 2x Ebol
6:20 coffee with steva, h/h
7 4eggs, Chocolate Whey, banana, 8 oz milk smotthie
845 Coffee with setva h/h
11 Greek Yogurt with bluberries and whey
1:30 Work out all super sets duration 50 minutes
Flat DB/ Probne Rows
120lbs x 4 (PR)/ 110lb6
Decline Bnch /Assisted pullup
100lb Dbx6x5/BWx6x5
Incline Bench/narrow grip lat pull down (overhand grip)
230 Lunch Spinach, Tziki, tomatos and hummus 2x ebol
4p Snack 3 spoons natty pb
6:45 12oz ground beef, 1/2 can Trader Joes refried black beans 2x ebol
9p Chocolate Sludge


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:59 am
by Hank!
Feast day 19
Friday Feb 11

Had a kid out of school so kind of a lazy day no work out and diet was crap

here is what i had all day
6x ebol
3x coffee with h/h
1 chunk of chocoalte bday cake
1c greek yogurt, 1c bulberries
2 scoops whey
1c milk
8oz grass fed beef
1 bowl ice cream

funny side note

I got a laugh out of this

I have access to 2 gyms one is Powerhouse the other is the Y.

I do most of my lifting at Powerhouse because its close to my work, the Y i typically use for classes and cardio. However back in December I was lifting at the Y because i had a lot of days off/ I would routinely load the power rack and do my benching in there where i could rep 275lbs and work up to 335lbs

At powerhouse I have the hardest time 275lbs is a struggle, 3x45lbs per side seeems impossible very frustrating

then i weighed the plates
Plates at the Y are all metal, slim and the 45s weigh 45lbs
Powerhouse are covered in heavy plastic and weigh 49.5lbs per! SUMBITCHES!

No wonder my back was sore 14x45lb plates which are really 49.5lbs
new PR rack pull 738lbs

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:15 am
by Hank!
SAT and Sunday were out of spec diet wise, and no workouts

wt 264.8

I am going to take my calories down below maint for the rest of this run. I will start dosing my ebol 3 pre, 3post workout.

If i remember i will post some measurments later today

Feast day 22
Monday Feb 14

6a Coffee wSH (stevia and half/half)
6:45a 1.5 Whole eggs, 2 egg whites 1 grapefruit juice
7a 1 ECA , 1 Shift, 1 Erase
8a Coffee with Stevia
9:15 1 Cup Greek yogurt, i scoop whey, 1 cup blueberries
12a 2 spoons natty pb
1p Formula
130 Workout Upper
3 4oz Turkey with spinach
5 Natty pb
630 6 oz salmon, with squash and mushrooms, small ham sandwich
9 Cottage cheese, whey

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:47 am
by Hank!
Feast Day 23
Tuesday Feb 15

Fish oil/ Vit D3
2 Eggs, 2 Canadian bacon, coffee

Greek Yogurt, Whey Bluberries, 2 Spoons PB

Formula, 3ebol, 6cbol

Spinach, 4oz Turkey

Hot Cocoa, CoffE (at lax game was cold)
12oz Chix Breast, Mushrooms, cottage cheese, 4 slices salami, laughing cow cheese

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:33 pm
by Hank!
Today is an off day, went and got a massage..had her work on my elbow tendons..ouch


Coffee with Stevia-HH
Smoothie 2 Whole eggs, 2oz egg whites, 2 scoops whey, 3/4 cottage cheese, 1 cup blueberries

Snack Cocoa Almonds

Spinach with 2 oz Salmon, onions, Thziki?, 2oz brie

2 good size burger patties 5-6 oz ea , and about 3 oz of chix breast, 1 cip broccoli

Cottage Cheese with cinnamon

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:30 pm
by JML2011
mMm.... massage sounds really nice... Im a little sore today...

Funny story about the plates being nearly 5lbs heavier a piece!

Keep up the good work!!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:31 pm
by Hank!
Thanks JLM it was funny and answered a alot

Feast Day 25
Wed Feb 17

2x ebol, 4gm fish oil, 1 shift, 1 erase
Coffee with Stevia-HH
Smoothie 2 Whole eggs, 2oz egg whites, 2 scoops whey, 3/4 cottage cheese, 1 cup blueberries

5-6oz homemade chix salad 2x ebol, 6x cbol creatine
40 minutes intervals on Treadmill

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:08 am
by Hank!
Feast day 26
Thursday Feb 18

Diet was pretty mich identical to the last few days

Today i did 40 minutes of cardio, 30 of them HIIT withouy the FORMULA.

Calves still tight, and its monday

Feast Day 27
Friday Feb 19

Diet in check except for late night bowl of cheerios

Work out was a deload

Flat, incline, decline, back

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:13 pm
by Hank!
Feast Day 30
Monday Feb 21

2 x Coffee
2 Baked Chicken Thighs
1 Scoop Cottage Cheese

The Formula

Bench Worked out at the Y today so a different chest workout

70lbs DBs for 7
then Bar

Decline Bar

lat Work

Feel really good, could have stayed in the gym 2 more hours

Post Workout
Yogurt and protein

10 oz of some fish my brother cought and about a soda cans diamiter of asparagus
Cottage Cheese with banana and toasted pecans

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:15 pm
by RobRegish
Great work boss.. like I knew it would be :)

I'll be calling you shortly to finalize my thoughts re: the 3.0 training/dietary template prior to releasing.

Your candid feedback is much appreciated...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:35 pm
by Hank!
Absolutely Rob!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:15 am
by JML2011
log is lookin really good Hank.

Cant wait for 3.0!

Hopefully I will be able to help with 4.0!! haha

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:08 am
by Hank!
Feast Day 31
Tues Feb 22

Using KA (have about 4 days worth. Need more ecdy of some sort)

Breakfast 6a
2x tbol trib, 1x Shift, 1x Erase, 1x KA (with 6 fishoil caps)
Smoothie .5c cottage cheese, 2 whole eggs, 2oz egg whites, 1c blueberries, 1 scoop wheyology, 1tbs lecithin, greek yogurt & protein

Snack (10:15a)
1 Serving Vasolate

Pre-workout ** forgot formula**
1x Ka. 1x scoop Lit-up, 1x erase, 1x Shift

Workout was another deload and felt fantastic
135/145/165/185/205/235 x10
Bar Bell Shrugs
225x20/245x20/245x20/360x1 (had to show a bro how its done)
Bar Bell overhead press (bar only)
2x50 reps
Farmer walks
80lbs dbs 2 laps around gym..maybe 50 yds

Felt great incredible burn and pumps in shoulders

Post wokout
1x KA
2 Baked Chicken Thigh, 1x Clementine, handful almonds

14-16oz ground beef, shredded cheese