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Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:18 pm
by matter2003
Been a little tied up, so I have 3 days worth of logs to post right now. Thursday was a complete off day. Friday was morning Complexes followed by Warrior Diet and 20 mins of SS cardio at night.


Workout Set A: No putting DBs down/No rest between exercises/Rest 3 mins between sets
DB Squat: 40 DB x 6/45 DB x 6 x 6
DB Clean/Press: 40 DB x 6/45 DB x 6 x 6
Alt. Forward Lunges:40 DB x 6/ 45 DB x 6 x 6
Upright Row: 40 DB x 6/45 DB x 6 x 6
Renegade Row: 40 DB x 6/45 DB x 6 x 6
Rest 5 mins
-Renegade Rows suck...pushups while holding onto DBs then a 1 Arm Row

Workout Set B:No putting DBs down/No Rest between exercises/Rest 3 Mins between sets
Romanian DL's: 30 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
High Pull: 30 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
Step-Up: 30 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
Bicep Curl: 30 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
Rest 5 Mins

Ab Work:
Hammer Strength Ab Machine: 60lbs to 120 lbs 10 reps each done as a giant superset, then back down from 120 lbs to 60 lbs the same way...


SS Cardio was done for 20 mins Friday night

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:20 pm
by matter2003
Saturday morning was HIIT cardio....5 mins warmup followed by 8 sets of 30 sec sprints followed by 30 rest periods, and then 17 mins of slower cardio to burn off all the fatty acids floating around in the bloodstream...

went to a St. Patricks Day party that night and got started on my cheat day a few hours early... :twisted:

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:48 pm
by matter2003
This morning was pretty rough for a few reasons. First, I didn't get to bed until about 3:30AM because we were out having fun last night(no drinking green beer for me unfortunately). Secondly, I didn't sleep well once I got home, getting about 4 hours or so of sleep. Thirdly, I had to get to the gym much earlier than I like on Sunday, around 10:45AM because we were going to the zoo since it was so nice out...

Weighed in today at 192 lbs, which is 1 pound lighter than last week. Have only lost 2 lbs the past 2 weeks, but I still am losing fat, as I FINALLY can see the tops of my 3rd set of abs coming in...should be into the 180's by next week as I am getting ready to run the 10 day rapid fat loss again starting today.


WORKOUT SET A: 5 Mins/5 Mins
Front Squat: 165 lbs 5R x 5(4,125 lbs/25 reps)
Bent Row: 175 lbs 5R x 5(4,375 lbs/25 reps)
Rest 5 Mins-Increase weight 5-10%
Front Squat: 175 lbs 5R x 5(4,375 lbs/25 reps)
Bent Row: 185 lbs 5R x 5(4,625 lbs/25 reps)
- fell short of last time when I completed 6 sets of each one all 4 times for more reps and more weight, although I did heavier weights this time

Total Weight: 17,500 lbs(-1250 lbs from previous workout)
Total Reps: 100 reps(-20 reps from previous workout)

6 Mins/6 Mins
Reverse Lunge: 35 DB 5R x 5(1,750 lbs/25 reps)
Upright Row: 80 BB 5R x 5(2,00 lbs/25 reps)
Bench Press: 155 lbs 5R x 5(3,875 lbs/25 reps)
Rest 5 Mins-Increase weight 3-5%
Reverse Lunge: 40 DB 5R x 4(1,600 lbs/20 reps)
Upright Row: 90 BB 5R x 3(1,350 lbs/15 reps)
Bench Press: 165 lbs 5R x 3(2,475 lbs/15 reps)
- was really sucking wind by the end of the second set...
Rest 5 Mins

Total Weight: 13,050 lbs(+1,650 lbs from previous workout)
Total Reps: 125 reps(+5 reps from previous workout)

4 Mins/5 Mins
Bicep Curl: 40DB 5R x 4(1,600 lbs/20 reps)
Lateral Raise: 22.5DB 5R x 4(900 lbs/20 reps)
Rest 2 Mins-use same weight
Bicep Curl: 40DB 5R x 5(2,000 lbs/25 reps)
Lateral Raise:22.5DB 5R x 5(1,125 lbs/25 reps)

Total Weight: 5,625 lbs(+675 lbs from previous workout)
Total Reps: 90 reps(same reps as previous workout)

-was pretty impressed that after all this I was hammering out 40 lb DB bicep curls pretty easily...

Total Time: 53 minutes
Total Workout Weight: 36,175 lbs(+1,075 lbs from previous time)
Total Reps: 315 reps(-15 reps from previous time)
Lbs/Rep: 114.84 lbs/rep(+8.47 lbs/rep)
Reps/Min: 5.94 reps/min(-.28 reps/min)
Lbs/Min: 682.54 lbs/min(-20.27 lbs/min)

All in all, not a bad workout considering everything, went up 1,075 lbs in fewer reps...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:49 pm
by matter2003
Monday morning was a lactic acid building workout, which don't like, not because the workouts are that difficult, but because they make me nauseous for about 2 or 3 hours afterwards for some reason...


Squats: 325 lbs x 20
-was a little bit of struggle on reps 19 and 20, but I got them without too much difficulty
Rest 3 Mins

WORKOUT SET B: Rest 10-30 seconds between exercises/4 seconds up and lower as fast as possible
Bench Press: 155 lbs x 12 x 6,3,2,1 x 6,3,2,1
Bent Barbell Row: 185 lbs x 8 x 10 x 6,2,2
Plank: BW x 60secs x 60secs x 60secs
Rest 2 Mins after last set

Lateral Raise: 12.5 DB x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
DB Deadlift: 55 DB x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Rest 2 Mins after last set

BW Squat: BW x 25

10g BCAA's both pre and post workout, no food intake until 9am Tuesday after workout in the morning...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:02 pm
by matter2003
This morning was the 3rd straight workout, and was especially tough since I lifted yesterday morning, then did cardio at night for 20 minutes, and then lifted again this morning...all while being in a fasted state and not having eaten anything since 9pm Sunday night...


Alt Reverse Lunge: 40DB x 8ea x 8ea
Push Ups: BW x 10 x 10
Explosive Switch Row: 55DB x 12ea x 12ea
Standing Calf Raise: 555 lbs x 15 x 15
Stability Ball Plank: BW x 30secs x 30secs
Rest 3 Mins

-no issues with any of these, hammered out the calf raises to the point I felt I could have done an endless number of reps with calves are so big and strong it is really a problem to try and find enough weight to challenge them.

Bulgarian Split Squat: 40 DB x 8ea x 8ea x 8ea x 8ea
DB Push Press: 35DB x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Pull Down: 145lbs x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
DB Romanian DL: 80DB x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
Rest 2 Mins

-last time I ran this workout on the 10 day meltdown, I had to stop after this part of the workout because I thought I was going to pass out. This time, I had no issues continuing, so my conditioning definitely is improving by leaps and bounds

Squeeze Press: 35DB x 12 x 12/40DB x 12
Zottman Curl: 22.5DB x 10 x 10 x 10
Garhammer Raises: BW x 15 x 15 x 15

Finished off pretty strong, those Zottman Curls are really rough for me, so I can't do a lot of weight, mainly because when I turn my wrists and bring it down, it is hard to handle a lot of weight...squeeze presses are something I really like, as it really works the inside of your chest...

Broke the 36 hour fast this morning after the workout with 40g of Whey and 10g of BCAAs an hour after the workout, then another 40g of Whey and 40g of Dymatize Flud another hour after.

Cardio tomorrow morning, and another 36 hour fast starting tonight at 9pm

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:57 pm
by matter2003
Another full fast day today, 20 mins of SS cardio this morning...complexes tomorrow morning before breaking fast with protein shake...

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:17 pm
by matter2003
Woke up this morning weighing 191 lbs...

morning complexes always suck, and today was no different...


WORKOUT SET A: No rest between exercises/no putting DB down
High Pull:40DB x 8 x 8 x 8
Front Squat: 40DB x 8 x 8 x 8
Overhead Press:40DB x 8 x 8 x 8
Bent Over DB Row:40DB x 8 x 8 x 8
Reverse Lunge:40DB x 8 x 8 x 8
Rest 3 Mins between sets/Rest 5 Mins after last set

WORKOUT SET B: No rest between exercises/no putting DB down
Chest Press:40DB x 15/35DB x 15 x 15
DB Deadlift:40DB x 15/35DB x 15 x 15
Bicep Curl:40DB x 15/35DB x 15 x 15
Lying Tri Extension:40DB x 15/35DB x 15 x 15
Rest 3 Mins between sets/Rest 5 Mins after last set

AB Work:2 Supersets
60/70/80/90/100/110/120 x 10 reps each weight with no rest in between
120/110/100/90/80/70/60 x 10 reps each weight with no rest in between

Weight went up on complexes, although I had to put down DBs once or twice on last 2 sets as my forearms were completely worn out...

Warrior Diet tomorrow with morning cardio...

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:00 am
by beefcake66
So... you're obviously not running the Periodic anymore, right? lol

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:20 am
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:So... you're obviously not running the Periodic anymore, right? lol
Nope...running a program called Fat Loss Forever by John Romaniello to drop body fat...down from 206 to 191 in a little over 4 weeks...progress has really slowed the last 3 weeks tho on the weight loss front...lost 12 lbs and first 2 weeks and 3 pounds in last 2.5 weeks...

Going to likely test out another program called MI40 to start bulking when this is done before coming home to run multiple BP runs, probably starting with a customized plan from Rob...

This program will be done in Mid-May after 12 weeks, MI40 is a 40 day program, so I will be back on the BP by July...

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:35 pm
by dropthebeats
matter2003 wrote:C

I am going to be following a 10 day cycle, which is actually pretty brutal both diet and workout wise.

Diet is as follows:

Sunday: Full Cheat Day to reset leptin levels. Last food intake at 9pm.
Monday: Full Fast Day--water/tea/coffee only
Tuesday: IF 16/8 Fast Day with meals at 1pm/4pm/9pm
Wednesday: Full Fast Day--water/tea/coffee only
Thursday: IF 16/8 Fast Day with meals at 1pm/4pm/9pm
Friday: Warrior Diet---fruit/protein shake in AM then 12 hour fast, then large meal at night.
Saturday: Full Cheat Day to reset leptin levels. Last Food intake 9pm
Sunday: Full Fast Day---water/tea/coffee only
Monday: IF 16/8 Fast Day with meals at 1pm/4pm/9pm

-in this timeframe there are 3 times where nothing is eaten for 36 hours, from 9pm one night to 1pm a day and a half later.

-training is initiated in a fasted state with 10g BCAA's being intaken beforehand

Workout Schedule:

Sunday: Density Workout 1(EDT Blocks)
Monday: GH Surge Workout 1(lift slow, lower fast to produce lactic acid which produces a corresponding increase in GH)
Tuesday: 5-4-3 Dynamic Workout 1(fast paced circuit training with 3 circuits)
Wednesday: Cardio Only
Thursday: Complex Workout 1(Series of 5 exercises all done in a row without putting DBs down)
Friday: Cardio Only
Saturday: Density Workout 2(EDT Blocks)
Sunday: GH Surge Workout 2(lactic acid producing workout to increase GH)
Monday: Cardio Only

Is the 10th day a rest day? What's your diet like on that day?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:46 pm
by matter2003
dropthebeats wrote:
matter2003 wrote:C

I am going to be following a 10 day cycle, which is actually pretty brutal both diet and workout wise.

Diet is as follows:

Sunday: Full Cheat Day to reset leptin levels. Last food intake at 9pm.
Monday: Full Fast Day--water/tea/coffee only
Tuesday: IF 16/8 Fast Day with meals at 1pm/4pm/9pm
Wednesday: Full Fast Day--water/tea/coffee only
Thursday: IF 16/8 Fast Day with meals at 1pm/4pm/9pm
Friday: Warrior Diet---fruit/protein shake in AM then 12 hour fast, then large meal at night.
Saturday: Full Cheat Day to reset leptin levels. Last Food intake 9pm
Sunday: Full Fast Day---water/tea/coffee only
Monday: IF 16/8 Fast Day with meals at 1pm/4pm/9pm

-in this timeframe there are 3 times where nothing is eaten for 36 hours, from 9pm one night to 1pm a day and a half later.

-training is initiated in a fasted state with 10g BCAA's being intaken beforehand

Workout Schedule:

Sunday: Density Workout 1(EDT Blocks)
Monday: GH Surge Workout 1(lift slow, lower fast to produce lactic acid which produces a corresponding increase in GH)
Tuesday: 5-4-3 Dynamic Workout 1(fast paced circuit training with 3 circuits)
Wednesday: Cardio Only
Thursday: Complex Workout 1(Series of 5 exercises all done in a row without putting DBs down)
Friday: Cardio Only
Saturday: Density Workout 2(EDT Blocks)
Sunday: GH Surge Workout 2(lactic acid producing workout to increase GH)
Monday: Cardio Only

Is the 10th day a rest day? What's your diet like on that day?
Yeah, 10th day is a rest day...I do a 16/8 IF day usually...then Wednesday I start back with the normal weekly program...

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:10 pm
by matter2003
Woke up this morning at 190 lbs...almost into the 180s...a number I haven't seen on the scale in a very, very, very long was a cheat day, and cheat I did!! However, before any of the cheating, I got myself up nice and early before going to work at 6:30am for some EDT blocks...


WORKOUT SET A: 5 Mins/5 Mins Increase weight 5-10% on 2nd EDT Block
Romanian DL: 195lbs 5R x 7(6,825 lbs/35 reps)
Barbell Push Press: 80lbs 5R x 7(2,800 lbs/35 reps)
Rest 5 Mins
Romanian DL: 205lbs 5R x 6(6,150 lbs/30 reps)
Barbell Push Press: 90lbs 5R x 6(2,700 lbs/30 reps)

Total Weight: 18,475 lbs(-1,250 lbs from last time)
Total Reps: 130 reps(-20 reps from last time)
Lbs/Rep:142.11 lbs/rep(+10.61 lbs/rep from last time)

WORKOUT SET B: 6 Mins/6Mins increase weight 3-5% on 2nd set
Pull Down: 150 lbs 5R x 5(3,000 lbs/20 reps)
Goblet Squat: 80 lbs 5R x 4(1,600 lbs/20 reps)
Push Up: BW 5R x 4(BW/20 reps)
Rest 5 Mins
Pull Down: 170 lbs 5R x 4(3,400 lbs/20 reps)
Goblet Squat: 90 lbs 5R x 4(1,800 lbs/20 reps)
Push Up: BW 5R x 4(BW/20 reps)

Total Weight: 9,800 lbs(-2,225 lbs from last time)
Total Reps: 120 reps(-40 reps from last time)
Lbs/Rep:81.67 lbs/rep(+6.49 lbs/rep from last time)

WORKOUT SET C: 4 Mins/5 Mins use same weight on 2nd set
Calf Raises: 775 lbs 5R x 5(19,375 lbs/25 reps)
DB Fly: 35DB 5R x 4(1,400 lbs/20 reps)
Rest 2 Mins
Calf Raises: 775 lbs 5R x 6(23,250 lbs/30 reps)
DB Fly: 35DB 5R x 5(1,750 lbs/25 reps)

Total Weight: 45,775 lbs(+4,800 lbs from last time)
Total Reps: 100 reps(-10 reps from last time)
Lbs/Rep: 457.75 lbs/rep(+85.25 lbs/rep from last time)

Total Workout Time: 53 Mins
Total Workout Weight: 74,050 lbs!! + 40 BW pushups(+1,325 lbs)!!
Total Workout Reps: 350 reps(-70 reps)
Weight/Min: 1,397.17 lbs/min(+25 lbs/min)!!
Reps/Min: 6.60 reps/min(-1.32 reps/min)
Lbs/Rep: 211.57 lbs/min!!

Obviously was not at my best on the first 2 sets, as I lost both weight and reps on these, but my calves bailed me out again...fully loaded V-Squat machine(12 plates) with 4 additional plates on top. Still banging out reps like I was lifting a sack of potatoes...honestly have no idea what my max calf raise is because I cannot find a heavy enough weight to challenge them...

Not my best training session, but not bad considering I started at 7am. Still improved slightly thanks to my calves, but my reps were way down...

Tonight at 9pm begins a 36 hour fast and lactic acid training first thing tomorrow...

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:47 pm
by matter2003
Lactic Acid workout this morning to drive growth hormone release and fasting today to boot...getting ready to start taking Controlled Labs AM/PM REDuction shots to help burn through fat a little a great deal at nutraplanet for 9.99 each, so I figured it can't hurt...


Romanian DL: 205 lbs x 20
Rest 3 Mins

WORKOUT SET B: 4 Seconds Up/Lower Quickly/Rest 10-30 seconds between exercises/Rest 90 secs between sets
Pull Down: 105 lbs x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Overhead Press: 70 lbs x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Feet Elevated Plank:BW x 45 secs x 45 secs x 45 secs x 45 secs
Rest 2 Mins after final set

WORKOUT SET C: 3 Seconds Up/Lower quickly/Rest 10 secs between exercises/rest 90 secs between sets
Pushup: BW x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
Bicep Curls: 25DB x 15 x 15/22.5DB x 15/20DB x 15 x 15
Rest 2 Mins

Romanian DL: 115 lbs x 25

Felt pretty good during this workout, looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow morning, expecting to see a 1 followed by an 8 on the scale...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:24 am
by RobRegish
Some FINE work here, AGAIN!

For those new to BP, this is where i'd like you to be after a few runs with it. Matter is a master manipulator - meaning he's using programs that look promising NOT discussed in BP, within it's "shell". This is uber helpful to EVERYONE here, b/c provided these experiments are successful - they'll be another arrow in your quiver.

Great work Matter. I appreciate your ingenuity, hard work and constant vigilance, insofar as what's appearing on :)