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Post by MSR9889 »

another workout today. i was tired but i dont think thats the sole reason today wasnt so great. it seems like my chest and shoulders just arent into it which is why ive always had trouble developing them in the past.

took e, focus xt, ultima and pumpbol preworkout
intra drank ~2 scoops purple intrain

bench- 95x10, 135x5, 160x5, 160x5, 160x4

db shoulder press- 30x8, 45x5, 45x5, 45x4

overhead vbar pushdowns- 30x10, 70x5, 75x5
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Post by MSR9889 »

so i did my workout fasted. my abs were still a little sore so idk if that hurt me at all. im going to try doing abs on just leg day and not on lower back day and see if that helps with my benching.
i played basketball for a few hours last night so maybe my shoulders were worn out but i wasnt sore.

im going to try just eating healthy and high protein for a while and see how things go without counting calories. im going to be playing basketball as much as i can for cardio and ill be working good hours which will also burn extra calories.

pwo i took 1 scoop whey and 2 scoops ONE
lunch was pan cooked chicken breast with sesame ginger sauce, 8 eggs, 2 slices high protein bread, 1.5 tbsp natty peanut butter and 1 tbsp chocolate chips
during basketball i drank 24g bcaas and 1 sample pack purple wraath
after basketball i had 2 scoops trutein an 1 cup greek yogurt

had the big meal for lunch so my stomach will be empty when i play basketball tonight.
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Post by MSR9889 »

deciding to just dose ephedrine without caffein so i can drop my tolerance a little. im only gonna be taking caffein before my workouts.

took e before breakfast
breakfast was 4 eggs, turkey bacon, and 1 scoop intrapro
took e and slin sane before lunch
lunch was 4 eggs, turkey bacon, 1 scoop intrapro, 2 slices high protein bread, 1 tbsp peanut butter
dinner was 2 tbsp almond butter and 2 scoops intrapro
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Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:deciding to just dose ephedrine without caffein so i can drop my tolerance a little. im only gonna be taking caffein before my workouts.

A. Personally, I wouldn't do this. REASON: Ephedrine don't do much, w/o caffeine.. :)

Hope that helps Matt!!

took e before breakfast
breakfast was 4 eggs, turkey bacon, and 1 scoop intrapro
took e and slin sane before lunch
lunch was 4 eggs, turkey bacon, 1 scoop intrapro, 2 slices high protein bread, 1 tbsp peanut butter
dinner was 2 tbsp almond butter and 2 scoops intrapro
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Post by MSR9889 »

well i guess ill keep dosing it with caffein for now then.

any thoughts on why my bench is struggling again? im going to try a closer grip next time and see what happens. i naturally use a wide grip because its more comfortable and more stable for me. but even the light weights dont feel as easy as they should.
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Post by MSR9889 »

did squats today but didint finish because i had to get to work. my shoes were sliding on the floor so i struggled a bit with the weights but it wasnt terrible. between work and basketball, im going to up my calories in order to get my protein higher.

preworkout took ultima, pumpbol, focus xt and x factor
intra i drank 18g bcaas and 4g citrulline malate
pwo drank 1 scoop whey and 2 scoops ONE
lunch was 8 eggs, 1 cup of greek yogurt, and 2 scoops trutein
drank 2 scoops ONE, 18g bcaa and 4g citrulline malate at work
dinner at work was romaine lettuce, slices tomatoes, few purple onions, breaded chicken breast, buffalo ranch sauce and some romano cheese and 2 slices of pizza with chicken
before bed took 1 cup greek yogurt and 1 scoop trutein

squats- 95x10, 135x5, 185x5, 230x5, 230x5, 230x7

knee raises- 1x20

again, if it werent for my feet sliding and a stiff back (think i slept on it wrong) the weights would have been easier.
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Post by RobRegish »

Terrific work, Matt!!

Love the eggs- update!!! :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

still workin on my sleep schedule now that im home. im still waking up earlier than id like to.

took ec and slin sane before breakfast
breakfast was 1 scoops intrapro, 4 eggs, 4 egg whites, 2 slices high protein bread
took ec, ultima and xfactor preworkout
drank most of 24g bcaas, 4g citrulline malate and a sample pack of green mag intra workout
pwo took 1 scoop whey and 2 scoops ONE
lunch will be a chicken breast and spinach with sesame ginger sauce
dinner was some mixed nuts, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoops trutein and 1 cup egg whites
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Post by MSR9889 »

great workout today even though i was a little tired and a bit stiff. i stretched extra and did more of a warm up than usual and i think it helped.

lat pulldown- 100x15, 100x5, 150x5, 200x5, 200x5, 200x5, 200x5, 200x4 drop set to 150x3

standing ez bar curls- 75x5, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5 and the bar x15

light jogging on the elliptical with max incline, burned 75 calories

and ill be playing basketball or running a bit more tonight
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Post by RobRegish »

Another string on the workout, set of pearls!!

Way to go, Matt!! :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

my chest is really sore today, maybe from stretching and swinging my arms so much yesterday.

took ec and slin sane before breakfast
breakfast was 8 eggs and turkey bacon ~840 calories
took ec before lunch
lunch was 4 turkey breasts and bbq sauce ~500 calories
dinner was 3 slices pizza and 2 scoops intrapro
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work Matt!

Do take an extra rest day (or two!), to ensure full recovery. Still lovin' the egg updates... :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

i get free pizza when im off work which is why im eating it for dinner. most slices have less than 300 calories per slice. if theres time ill make some breaded chicken breasts in a salad but i havent had time yet.

took ec before breakfast
breakfast was 2 scoops trutein and 2 tbsp almond butter ~460
took ultima and xfactor preworkout
intra drank 12g bcaas and 3g citrulline malate
pwo took 1 scoop whey and 1 scoop ONE
took ec with lunch
lunch was 3 chicken breasts with spinach and sesame ginger sauce and some mixed nuts
dinner was 2 slices of pizza and 2 scoops whey

todays workout went well. back was a little stiff but things were fine overall. grip held me back a little again but it seems to be getting better each week.

deadlift- 135x10, 225x10, 275x5, 315x5, 315x5, 275x5

seated calf press- 90x15, 180x10, 180x8, 180x10

second set something in my hip/groin started bothering me and i stopped because of the pain. not sure what it is, randomly happens sometimes during calf press and decline crunches.
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Post by RobRegish »

COMMENTARY: You've reached a point in your training Matt, much like myself...

You absolutely need, to devote as much (if not more) to restorative measures (pre-hab/re-hab), etc. vs. your gym time!!

Some related starting points for you, here!!

Active Recovery Ideas: Accelerate RecoveryBetween Workouts! ... modalities

Some ideas to facilitate active recovery between workouts:

1.) GPP such as sled dragging
2.) Push a weighted wheelbarrow up a slight incline
3.) Medicine ball throws
4.) Some HIIT cardio
5.) Treat yourself to a massage
6.) Get a chiropractic adjustment
7.) Daily hot/cold showers. Alternate 1 minute of each for 10 minutes.
8.) Cryotherapy on sore muscles: Take a dixie cup, fill it with water and place in the freezer. Have you GF/wife or mistress (ideally all 3) apply to said muscles, peeling the cup as the ice melts.

You can add Cayenne Pepper to this when you freeze it, but unclear as to if that's legal in your state. Since I'm not up on these things, you can cite cite Rob's recommendation and ignorance of the law. That'll work in every state*

Any of the above is going to GREATLY benefit you and shave days off of recovery between heavy workouts.

Hope this helps!

*Excludes states with vowels in their names
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