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Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:54 pm
by RobRegish
That's fine for cruise..

Nice work on the de-load! And yes, it's odd to miss like that but come back strong you did on the final set. Maybe your rest intervals were shorter??


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:43 pm
by mars88
GLP 5 for Squats

My lower back was a little sore still so instead of my usual deadlift/leg press pr zone i took it easy and went with leg curls for hamstrings and quads.

I know for sure that come glp 6 tomorrow for squats i will be setting a new PR and my previous max of 275 will be in distant memory.

GLP 6 Bench NEW 1 RM DAY

Coming into the workout i must say i had my doubts. With the missing of reps here and there i found it hard to beleive that i would have increased my bench and was rather concerned and demotivated. But i decided to go for it and see what happened.


Previous max was 210 for 1 rep barely after the 5 workout HIT program. and now? 220 FOR 1 REP Thats a twenty pound increase for my 1 rep max on bench press during this entire blueprint run. I am simply amazed at this and could not believe i got that rep up. Feeelt good man. This blueprint run was a success indeed! +18 lbs in body weight +20lbs in 1 rm for bench and we will see what the squat and deadlift numbers will be tmmrw.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:53 am
by RobRegish

Awesome work Mars!!! Fantastic indeed. Now please share with the WORLD on :)

Just kidding. Do as you see fit. The PR's are so frequent here people are having a hard time believing them. Still, I have to imagine there are many members that could use +18lbs and 20lb increase in 7-8 weeks, no?

So happy for you :)

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:45 pm
by mars88
Absoutely Rob, Thanks! I will def do a write up and let every1 know how great the blueprint is.

Here are some updated pics, let me know what you think and where you see muscle gain.




I can tell that my legs and chest have gained the most mass with some going to my lats as well!

Im weighing in at 156 pounds.. do you think i can be 145 and 10% bf? in a months time

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:54 pm
by RobRegish
Huge muscle gains all over, especially the pecs, lats, traps, arms and legs.

I think you hit everything! Cripes you know how much bigger you'd look with a tan! :)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:55 pm
by mars88
Darn its been a while haha! i forgot to post my other 1rm maxes here Rob i think u will be pretty impressed my squat 1rm went from 275-290 and my deadlift also went from 275-290. I then tried 315 and failed but felt i coulda easily did 300 but didnt attempt it. So basically to conclude from my first run my bench 1rm went up 20 pounds, my squat 15 and my deadlfit 15 but easily coulda been 25 if tested again.

I've been in cruise esentially for the past 4 weeks or so and losing bodyfat while maintaing strength for the most part. Im down to about 151 pounds from 155-156 and look leaner now. I'm going to continue cutting for about 3 weeks or so and then begin my 2nd blueprint run which i am going to dominate and take my strength and size gains to a whole new level. I've got lots of ideas in mind for this 2nd run and cant wait to share it with you and get your opinion.

I will be beginning the 2nd run probably the last week of august or 1st week of september. I will also be focusing on my form for squats so i imagine the weight ill be using will be a bit lighter but i want to make sure im going at least parallel or it seems like im really wasting the squat as a great excercise. This time around i will also peak all 3 lifts, for a GLP and with that said considering i didnt even do a GLP for deadlift and still increaed my 1rm max speaks alot for this great program! The 35$ i spent on the blueprint is actucally worth alot more to me than the 200+ i spent on the supplements i used for the run.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:02 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic progress!

And I'm glad you got an excellent return on your investment. Everybody should!!