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Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:24 pm
by matter2003
I had an absolutely epic workout this morning, completely obliterating my previous record for weight lifted in an EDT fact, I almost doubled it!!

I have to say that, I really would like to punch John Romaniello in the face for having me start out a Saturday morning workout with Deadlifts EDT style...this has got to constitute a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

Density Workout II

Workout Set A: Two 5 MIN EDT Blocks

Romanian DL: 155 lbs 5R x 9(6,975 lbs/45 reps)
BB Push Press: 60 lbs 5R x 9(2,700 lbs/45 reps)
Rest 5 Mins
Romanian DL: 175 lbs 5R x 8(7,000 lbs/40 reps)
BB Push Press: 70 lbs 5R x 8(2,800 lbs/40 reps)
Rest 5 Mins

Set A Weight: 19,475 lbs
Set A Reps: 170 reps

Workout Set B: Two 6 MIN EDT Blocks

Pull Down: 140 lbs 5R x 5(3,500 lbs/25 reps)
Goblet Squat: 70 DB 5R x 5(1,750 lbs/25 reps)
Push Up: BW 5R x 5(BW/25 reps)
Rest 5 Mins
Pull Down: 160 lbs 5R x 4(3,200 lbs/20 reps)
Goblet Squat: 80 DB 5R x 4(1,600 lbs/20 reps)
Push Up: BW 5R x 4 (BW/20 reps)
Rest 5 Mins

Set B Weight: 10,050 lbs(Plus 45 BW Pushups)
Set B Reps: 135 reps

Workout Set C: One 4 MIN EDT Block/One 5 MIN EDT Block

Calf Raise: 415 lbs 5R x 4(8,300 lbs/20 reps)
DB Fly: 25 DB 5R x 4(1,000 lbs/20 reps)
Rest 2 Mins
Calf Raise: 415 lbs 5R x 7(14,525 lbs/35 reps)
DB Fly: 25 DB 5R x 7(1,750 lbs/35 reps)

Set C Weight: 25,575 lbs!!!!
Set C Reps: 110 reps

Total Time: 53 minutes
Total Weight: 55,100 lbs!!!!!
Total Reps: 415 reps!!!
Weight/Rep: 132.77 lbs!!
Weight/Min: 1039.62 lbs/min!!
Reps/Min: 7.83 reps/min!!

All I got to say is HOLY CRAP!!!! Over 55,000 lbs in under an hour!! I cannot believe how much more efficient this seems than doing a 20 Min EDT Block...

The sad part is, I could have EASILY added another 180 lbs to the calf raises and done the same reps, probably added another 20-30 lbs to the DLs(maybe even more), added another 10-20 lbs to the Push Press, added another 10-15 lbs to the Flys...could have probably pushed 70,000 lbs, but since it was the first time I did this particular workout and it was in the morning, when normally am not at my best lifting wise, I played it a little safe.

My body is wrecked right now, only great part was I had a full cheat day til 8pm tonight, and took in about 8,000 calories or maybe even more. I got it in all day long and ended with a huge cup of ice cream from ColdStone...however, all good things must come to an end, and now starts 36 straight hours without meal 1pm Monday...

Tomorrow I have a Lactic Acid workout...

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:33 am
by matter2003
I looked at today's workout and see that I am starting it out with a set of 20 DL's, and ending it with a set of 25 DL's...ugggghhh

Getting ready to hit the gym in about an hour, will post log when I get back

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:37 pm
by matter2003
My body is a complete wreck right now after this lactic acid training. Slow tempo going up is extremely challenging and even 5 hours later, my muscles still feel like jello.

GH Surge II


BB Deadlift: 185 lbs x 20
REST 3 mins
- could have likely done more weight, haven't ever attempted this many reps tho

WORKOUT SET B: 4 seconds going up/4 sets

Pull Down: 100 lbs x 10/85 x 10/70 x 10/85 x 10
Overhead Press: 60lbs x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Feet Elevated Plank: 45 secs each time(I hate this exercise!!)
REST 3 mins

3 seconds going up/5 sets

Push Up:
BW x 12 x 12 x 8,4 x 6,4,2 x 4,3,2,2,1
Bicep Culrs: 55 lbs x 15/45 lbs x 15/20 DB x 15 x 15 x 15

-this was the worst of all...started failing on pushups on set 3 and had to
start taking pauses between reps due to triceps failing...switched from EZ bar on first 2 sets of curls to DB's...


BB Deadlift: 75 lbs x 25

Got home and took 15g protein and 30g of Dymatize Flud, which is all I am allowed to take in until tomorrow at 12pm...

Body was shaking and felt extremely weak, still feeling pretty weak after 5 hours...assuming that is the lactic acid built up in the muscles...

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:56 pm
by Dragon
Looking at these logs make me realize that people like matter and Big.Jaz are from another f+king planet. U guys are made of some tough stuff. geez dude!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:55 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in at 199 lbs today, down 7 lbs from start of the 10 day program.

Got up to do some steady state cardio today for 30 minutes this morning. Finished up my 36 hour fast at noon today and ate 9 oz chicken, 3 TBSP olive oil and a crapload of broccoli at 12pm, 3pm and 8pm.

Tomorrow morning is the final weigh in and I will post my results. Expecting to be 197-198 lbs, which would be an 8-9 pound loss in 10 days.

Taking tomorrow off, then will continue with the regular program for 3 weeks before doing another 10 day Rapid Meltdown...following the Warrior Diet tomorrow, before doing a Dynamic Workout Wednesday afternoon and following a 16/8 IF day...

Something I have noticed quite a bit is that my fat is becoming very "squishy". I used to have a hard time grabbing it to do caliper readings but recently I have been grabbing and pulling it very feels different for some reason, I can only hope its due to it being utilized...

I am excited to be leaning out, but I have to say I cannot wait until May when I can go back to lifting heavy and doing what I do best, and that is packing on muscle. I think even if I end up losing a little muscle mass, I would be OK with it since I know that I can get that back in no time flat since my body seemingly builds muscle before it burns fat...sounds dumb, but that is pretty much the way I feel...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:01 pm
by matter2003
Final weigh-in this morning was 198.0 lbs, down a full 8 lbs in 10 days. I also lost 1.25" off my waist!! Pretty incredible. For the first time in a long time, I am noticing the sides of my abs and can see them flexing. Also, a ring that was a little too big for my finger but stayed on, now falls completely off with very little movement...

No training today, followed the warrior diet, eating an apple and 30g of protein this morning, then going all in on 14 oz of chicken breast, 6 eggs, 2 handfuls of nuts, 1 cup of brown rice, huge handful of spinach leaves, and 2 TBSP of olive oil.

Tomorrow is high-paced circuit training in the later afternoon...

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:52 am
by dropthebeats
matter2003 wrote:Final weigh-in this morning was 198.0 lbs, down a full 8 lbs in 10 days. I also lost 1.25" off my waist!!
That's excellent Matter! Great job!

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:52 am
by matter2003
dropthebeats wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Final weigh-in this morning was 198.0 lbs, down a full 8 lbs in 10 days. I also lost 1.25" off my waist!!
That's excellent Matter! Great job!
Thanks bro! I see u are a fellow WNYer, where do u live? I am in Depew/Lancaster area...down another full pound today to 197....

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:18 pm
by dropthebeats
I live in Jamestown. It's about 1 h 45 m south of you.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:58 pm
by matter2003
dropthebeats wrote:I live in Jamestown. It's about 1 h 45 m south of you.
Cmon bro, I am from WNY and you don't think I know where Jamestown is?? :P

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:16 pm
by matter2003
OK, Completed today's workout, and I have to say I am hating this guy more and more each day. These workouts are every bit as brutal as the BP, but in a different way.

Dynamic Workout II

-Rest 15-30 secs between exercises

Left Leg DL/Lunge Combo: 35DB x 10/40 DB x 10 x 10 x 10
Arnold Press: 35DB x 8/30 x 8/ 35 x 8 x 8
Right Leg DL/Lunge Combo: 35DB x 10/40 x 10 x 10 x 10
DB Upright Row: 40DB x 12/35 x 12 x 12 x12
Pot Stirrer Plank: BW x 8 reps each way x 8 x 8 x 8

-Pot Stirrer Plank was just horrendous, as you put your forearms on a ball and then act like you are stirring a pot while staying in a plank position. Abs were killing me...

Rest 3 Minutes
-Rest 15 to 45 seconds between exercises

Goblet Squat: 70 DB x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
1 Arm DB Row: 70 DB x 8/55 x 8 x 8 x 8
DB Fly Away: 17.5 DB x 8/25 x 8 x 8 x 8
Mountain Climbers: BW x 15 each x 15 x 15 x 15

-Goblet squats really activate core muscles...had to lower 1 Arm DB Rows after the first set, no way I was completing 8 reps each side with a 70 DB...Mountain Climbers really suck too...

Rest 2 Minutes
-Rest 10 seconds between exercises

Alternating Lateral Lunge: 30 DB x 8 x 8 x 8
BB Bicep Curl: 50 BB x 10 x 10 x 10
Push Up Plank: BW x 30 secs x 40 secs x 45 secs

-Never did the Alternating Lateral Lunge before and can't say I'm a big fan of it...push up planks were rough to hold that long especially after all the other stuff...

I am very tired, abs are extremely sore, and body feels drained. Came home and took other half of 40g Carb/40g Protein shake, then followed it up with 12 oz of chicken, 3/4 cup of black beans, and a few pieces of mango...

Thinking I am going to be feeling it tomorrow...possible cardio tomorrow morning depending on how I feel, otherwise a rest day...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:30 pm
by matter2003
Woke up and weighed in at 196.2 lbs, down another pound...this is getting crazy!! Body just giving up weight like nothing...

Did some moderate SS Cardio tonight for 20 mins...

Complexes tomorrow morning, followed by a Warrior Diet Day...

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:17 pm
by matter2003
A few days late posting these logs due to being busy. Friday morning I did Complexes, which consist of doing a bunch of exercises all in a row without putting the DBs down.


WORKOUT SET A Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets
35 DBs x 6/40 DBs x 6 x 6 for each exercises
DB Squat:
DB Clean/Press:
Alt. Forward Lunges:
Upright Row:
Renegade Row:

Rest 5 minutes
25 DBs x 12 x 12 x 12 for each exercise
Romanian DLs
High Pull
Step Up
Bicep Curl

Rest 5 minutes

Ab Superset on HS weighted ab machine

40/50/60/70/80/90/100 x 10 each no rest
100/90/80/70/60/50/40 x 10 each no rest

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:39 pm
by matter2003
Saturday morning HIIT cardio...

warm up 5 mins, all out sprint 30 secs, rest 1 min and repeat 6 times, followed by steady state cardio for 20 mins to burn up all those fatty acids floating around in the blood stream :>