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Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:16 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:Oooh... XFA plus MORE arachadonic acid in the eggs!!

EPIC.. Bill Lewellyn, would be in ecstasy. Either that, or you're already getting plenty of AA?

Gonna' be interesting to say the least :)
i actually wondered if that may have been the case. wouldnt be surprised if i was already saturdated when i started using it.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:22 am
by RobRegish
I ran tons of olive oil w/the original Molecular Nutrition X-Factor.

Results? Zilch. Probably my fault..

To his credit, Bill Lewellyn comped me a few jugs of "Whey Fruity", lemonade.

Absolutely fantastic!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:25 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:I ran tons of olive oil w/the original Molecular Nutrition X-Factor.

Results? Zilch. Probably my fault..

To his credit, Bill Lewellyn comped me a few jugs of "Whey Fruity", lemonade.

Absolutely fantastic!!!
is that something MN is going to be putting out? havent heard of it

took slinsane, pumpbol and e before breakfast
breakfast was french toast sticks and 2 mini egg and cheese omelets ~900 calories
took ultima, xfactor and ec preworkout
intra started to drink my usual but someone kicked my gym back and the lid popped off and everything spilled
pwo was 1 scoop ONE, 1 scoop whey ~190 calories
dinner was buffalo chicken with ranch and 2 scoops muscle infusion ~600 calories
snack was 2 scoops intrapro and 1/2 a serving almonds ~370 calories

total calories ~2060

i should also mention ive been taking pumpbol earlier on in the day rather than preworkout because it seems to have more of an effect. i still havent noticed much from it however and will probably trade away the 2 tubs i have left.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:13 pm
by MSR9889
strange workout today. my head wasnt really in it and im still not gonna be able to sleep well until wednesday. chest felt weak but my shoulder felt very strong. something in my shoulders felt soar, im guessing from holding myself up for knee raises in my last workout but im not really sure.

bench- 95x10, 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x4
wasnt sure how much id be able to bench so i increased the weight after each set. 135 felt tough so i kept it low. my hands were sliding out on the bar so that messed me up a little. my abs held me back on 165 or i would have gotten the last rep. i might switch abs to squat day, we'll see.

db shoulder press- 30x10, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5
my left shoulder was really shaky but the weights went up easy. my last set i went to see how many reps i could do and i got 5 easy but couldnt get a 6th for whatever reason.

again, strange workout today but good enough considering i havent benched in over 2 months.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:14 am
by MSR9889
weighed in this morning since i havent in a while. was 206 in a tshirt and shorts before going to the bathroom which was surprising, especially after my poor diet/over eating while sick. i havent eaten such low carb that it would just be glycogen depletion, so im not sure what to credit the 4 lb loss in 2 weeks to. with that in mind, the dining hall has my favorite breakfast today so ill be having a small cheat meal :)
muscles are also much fuller since starting xfactor.

took xfactor, e, and focus xt first thing in the morning
took slin sane before breakfast
breakfast was 2 egg and cheese buscuits, 6 eggs, and 2 scoops muscle infusion ~1320 calories
took slinsane before lunch
lunch was buffalo chicken and ranch ~500 calories
dinner was 2 scoops intrapro, half a serving of almonds, and some boneless wings ~375 + wings calories

total calories ~2195 + wings

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:16 pm
by RobRegish
Nice breakfast Matt!!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:47 am
by MSR9889
not a lot of sleep last night. ill workout tomorrow if i sleep well tonight, otherwise i have to wait until thursday.

took e and focus xt before breakfast
breakfast was 8 eggs ~560 calories
lunch was buffalo chicken and ranch ~500 calories
took slin sane before dinner
dinner was chicken parm and 2 scoops intrapro ~1000 calories

total calories ~2060

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:40 am
by MSR9889
about to go to the gym fasted, got about 8 hours of sleep last night. if i dont lift today ill have to wait until thursday so im gonna push myself.

took pumpbol, e, ultima, and a sample packet of nanovapor preworkout (300+mg caffein/packet)
intra will be 1 scoop purple intrain, 12g bcaa, and 3g citrulline malate
pwo was 3/4 scoop whey (ran out) and 1 scoop ONE ~150 calories
lunch was buffalo chicken with ranch ~600 calories
snack was 2 scoops muscle infusion ~295 calories
dinner was buffalo chicken strips and 2 scoops intrapro ~1100 calories

total calories ~2245

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:06 pm
by MSR9889
great workout today, though the 300mg caffein in nano vapor was too much for me. wont be doing that with 20mg e again any time soon.

squats- 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5
weights felt heavy in the beginning but on my last set i never had to hold the weight up to breathe, every set was just a steady flow of 5 reps. usually after the 3-4 i need a few breathes before going down again.

seated calf press- 90x15, 180x5, 135x15

knee raises- 15, 15

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:54 am
by MSR9889
no sleep again last night. today is my last day of finals and i should be good once this day is over.

took focus xt and e before breakfast
breakfast was 6 eggs and 2 scoops muscle infusion ~770 calories
took e and slin sane before dinner

exams are finally over for me, i still have a chance at straight a's for the first time in my life despite my lack of studying

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:06 pm
by MSR9889
did upper back ad bis today. tweaked something in my neck trying to finish a rep, feels like when i tweaked it last year around this time. hurts to move and i have less range of motion but i was still able to finish workin out.

lat pulldown- 100x15, 200x5, 200x5, 200x4, 180x5, 190x5

standing ez bar curls- 45x10, 75x5, 75x5, 75x7

and i played 1 game of full court basketball

took e, amino energy, xfactor, and ultima preworkout

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:40 pm
by MSR9889
great workout today. weights went up easy but my skin felt like it was going to get ripped off by the bar. i need to get my calluses back.

deadlift- 135x10, 225x10, 295x5, 295x5, 295x5, 295x3

sit ups- 1x30

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:41 am
by bigpelo
MSR9889 wrote:did upper back ad bis today. tweaked something in my neck trying to finish a rep, feels like when i tweaked it last year around this time. hurts to move and i have less range of motion but i was still able to finish workin out.
Last time I felt something like that, I had a twisted vertebra... I will quote Rob: "Make yourself a favour, treat yourself to chiropractor/osteopath"

Osteopath is my add on. He really helps me!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:21 am
by MSR9889
bigpelo wrote:
MSR9889 wrote:did upper back ad bis today. tweaked something in my neck trying to finish a rep, feels like when i tweaked it last year around this time. hurts to move and i have less range of motion but i was still able to finish workin out.
Last time I felt something like that, I had a twisted vertebra... I will quote Rob: "Make yourself a favour, treat yourself to chiropractor/osteopath"

Osteopath is my add on. He really helps me!
i plan on going once im back home. last summer my chiropractor had me coming in once a week and something in my neck kept slipping out of place so things werent healing. but he said id be fine once it stayed in place.