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Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:54 am
by scoooter
RobRegish wrote:What's the poop update Hank? That's what everyone's really waiting for!! :)
So, will you be changing the "famine" to a 'cleanse" phase .......eww

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:57 pm
by Hank!
I welcome the cleasne!

Test strips shows that
1 I am in slight ketosis
2 I have a minuscule amount of protein in my urine
3 I am PH balanced

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:09 pm
by beefcake66
so... wait a min.....
are you on your like, 4th famine, like... 4th run of the cut? what's going on in here?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:23 pm
by bigpelo
beefcake66 wrote:so... wait a min.....
are you on your like, 4th famine, like... 4th run of the cut? what's going on in here?
I think it's 3rd run, take 2...

Hank, can we call you: "sir poop-a-lot" ?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:48 pm
by Hank!
yes this is my fourth run since I started

2 were for strength last one and this are to recomp

btw i just finished that last famine workout and i can say that i hate that workout more than any other

I think i did close to 80 squats, serisuly Rob you are a sadist

i got sick half and went on a vacation before i finished last run so maybe this is full run 3.5 but defiantly Famine 4

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:34 pm
by Hank!
Multistix post workout

1. more protien in urine
2. further in Ketosis
3 ph increased

so if my pulse doest go up rob is this enough to say alarm state?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:31 pm
by RobRegish
Hank! wrote:Multistix post workout

1. more protien in urine
2. further in Ketosis
3 ph increased

so if my pulse doest go up rob is this enough to say alarm state?
Yeah Hank you're there :)

One diagnostic measure being off is no big deal. If you're sitting there on day 5 though and thoughts like "what's so hard about this?" are running through your head..... you've likely done something wrong :)

Nice work!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:33 am
by Hank!
Feast 4 Day 1

Saturday Jan 23

Over all I didn't eat as much as i fantasied about eating when I was thinking about eating somewhere on famine day 4.

I weighed at 258 so typical weight loss for me on the famine

about 24% Bodyfat according to the little monitor deal I use

6a Coffee with cream and sugar
8a 2 eggs 4 slice bacon Isology shake
10 Fried chicken breast
11:30 2 sccops Wheology in 10 oz milk
6p :
Oyster Casino
10 oz Hanger Steak
Sauteed Spinach
Fingerling Potato's
Baked Cheesy Grit cake
Sweet Potato Bread pudding
10p one scoop epi protein absolutely the shitiest protein I have ever tried in milk had to add ovaltine in milk
10:30 Isology Whey in Milk

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:05 am
by RobRegish
"Sauteed Spinach..."

Hank, can you please post your recipe in the diet section and also PM it to me?

LOTS of guys can benefit from this. Including yours truly.... :)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:22 am
by Hank!
Okay Bub this is easy

I use a big skillet
Youll need

Olive Oil (or any oil you like)
Garlic ( i use 4 cloves but its a matter preference)
Crushed red pepper

Slice onion ( i prefer pretty thin)
Mince garlic
Skillet on stove to medium or lower (dont want to burn garlic)
Add olive oil I usually use about a sliver dollars size worth
Once oil is warm ad garlic and onion
You want to keep an eye on the garlic an onion and cook till it becomes translucent
add a ton of spinach
gently turn spinach in the garlic , onion and oil mixture
it will cook down and become dark green in about five minutes or sow
add salt to taste
add crushed red pepper to taste


Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:06 am
by Hank!
Feast Day 2
Sun Jan 23

Nice day of refeeding today
Coffee throughout dAy with half and half and sugar
Breakfast 8a
1.5c greek yogurt, 1 scoop isology, 1c bluberries, 3/4 granoloa
6 X cbol creatine
1 Gm Fish Oil
500 IU Vit D
Snack 11a
2 Scoops Wheyology in 1% milk
Lunch 1p
2 Ebol
Turkey sandwich with swiss, had ful of tater chips
Snack 3p
Dinner 6p
6oz flank steak 1.5c qiunoa( rissoto style), 1c broccoli
6-cbol creatine
2x AN
5000 Iu VIT D
Bucket of mini Wheats in milk with 1 scoop wheyology

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:25 pm
by Hank!
Feast day 3
Monday Jan 24

6a Coffee w/ half half and sugar
6:15 a 2x Ebol, 6x cbol creatine, 5000iu vit D 41gm Fish oil
6:45a 2cups spinach , 3 fried eggs 4 gloves garlic
9a 1.5 Cup greek yogurt with isology and 1.5 cup bluberries
12:00 6oz ground beef, 6 oz chicken breast, tomato, tomotillo and salsa
12"15 2x ebol
1p P-Bol
1:30 Work out
Warm up BB Bench 135x20/185x10/225x6
workout (super sets) with 3 minute break tween sets
Incline DB 90x6x 5 sets
DB Row 95x6 x 5 sets
Delcine Static Hold 395lbs
Military Static Hold 275lbs
Incline Bench DB Curls/Skull Crushers/Tricep press

3p 6x cbol creatine 2 ebol
3:30 4 Oz Boars head turkey, 2 slices swiss cheese, 1 cup cauliflower Gorgonzola soup
7:15 2 4oz burger on grill with 2 slices provolone on 2 buns
7:30 I scoop wheyology in 1% milk with Ovaltine

great day!

* had to do static hold after my bench work because the meat heads had the movable decline bench

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:55 pm
by Street-dreams
am I missing it or are you taking just 4 ebol a day?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:20 pm
by Hank!
Taking six just forgot to add to log