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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:41 pm
by PushingTheLimit
I need to look into that DMSO...Shoulder is feeling better but still has pain when i perform awkward movement. Reached back to hold a door for someone the other day and a sharp pain hit me. It was the most painful thing since first injuring my shoulder.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:55 pm
by RobRegish
I'm telling you, this stuff is liquid magic.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:34 pm
by PushingTheLimit
How does it work and where can I find some of the non smelling one for a good price?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:06 pm
by RobRegish
Briefly, DMSO is a byproduct of wood pulp production. It's used as an industrial solvent.

It permeats the skin quickly (almost immediately) and carries with it ANYTHING with a MW of 500 or below. Likely even higher than that. It's a supremely effective anti-inflammatory/free radical scavenger. Emphasis on extremely.

If you apply it to a bruise right after you bruise yourself, you either get no bruish or just the hint of one that fades in a day vs. getting worse. Much controversy surrounds it (read, it's effective) but I'll tell you this: it works like no other.

When I stumbled across it, some old time powerlifters were using it in a gym I visited. I was like "what is that smell"? (it gives off a pungent, garlic like oder). This odor comes out your breath, skin etc within minutes of applying it. Fun stuff and your co-workers wife/GF will definately notice.

My curiosity peaked, I visited a local racetrack (used on horses). I asked a trainer if the horse he was applying it to if it worked. He said "ain't no placebo effect on horses". Then I asked if it was safe. His reply?

"See this horse sir, it's worth over a million dollars. We don't take chances on million dollar horses.."

The sulfer/garlic like taste apparently is due to some impurities even in the 99% sold commercially. It's not a metabolite causing it. The odorless stuff PA originally used in his "Skulpt" product. It apparently is pricey stuff but I was quoted a pretty reasonable $25 for a pint. WAY more expensive than regular DMSO but if truly odorless, well worth it. I haven't seen it sold anywhere (PA had a drum of it laying around, apparently). Google "odorless DMSO" and you might find a chem house with it somewhere. I seem to recall seeing it somewhere.

Dr. Stanley Jekot is likely the best resource for such in this country.

Further reading:

I'll keep you posted on the odorless stuff when it arrives.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:14 pm
by PushingTheLimit

I dont think I could do the normal DMSO with the odor. I am out and about with college, work and other tasks around lots of people to smell like garlic. It would be a bad situation most likely. If that oderless one works I would like to give the stuff a shot. I will do anything to get this shoulder back to normal.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:15 am
by RobRegish
Well, another idea..

Consider using primarily d-limonene or emu iol.

With the d-limonene, pour 14 oz into a 16 oz bottle. Add 2 oz DMSO. D-limonene is a constituent of orange peel and has a pleasant, citrus like aroma. Link to a good, low cost product: ... ry_Code=SN

You'll still get a hint of DMSO smell but not nearly as bad.

Finally, on the Emu Oil.. please see following link:

Stuff is a bit pricier but worth an experiment, IMO if the D-Limonene/DMSO isn't treating you right..

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:11 am
by PushingTheLimit
Thanks I will look into that...I believe letting my shoulder rest right now is helping. Going to continue with that and see how that feels.

Also I have begun German Loading Pattern 2. Legs feel strong and lifts have been pretty easy. I have a feeling it will start to get progressively harder as I continue. My workout today looked like this....

Ab routine

Then Legs

GLP 2 Squats 4x6 @235lbs

Dimel Deadlifts 2x15 @155lbs

Plyobox jumps for height

Jump rope

Static holds calves

Donkey Calf machine
100lbs for 20secs, 5sec stretch
200lbs for 15secs, 10sec stretch
300lbs for 10secs, 15sec stretch
400lbs for 5 secs, 20sec stetch

Bodyweight burn out.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:09 pm
by RobRegish
Good to know..

One suggestion... put those abs at the end of the workout.

Performing prior can weaken them, causing the lower back to pick up more of the work during squats... don't want to see you injured.

Good to hear on the shoulder too :)

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:52 pm
by PushingTheLimit
I usually do abs at the end...figured now being injured I could put more focus on them. Dont want injury though so will make the change

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:20 pm
by askmass
It's not something we could easily incorporate into our product line, nor should I comment on it too extensively from a professional standpoint...

However, PERSONALLY speaking, I am a definite proponent of DMSO and have done extensive personal research that is ongoing.

It is a free radical scavenger powerhouse, and an amazing nutrient absorption enhancer.

I agree with Rob that the effective MW rider can be effectively a good bit higher...

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:01 pm
by RobRegish
Well, Rob really did it to his shoulder today. Max day on the final workout of German Loading pattern #2.

Dull ache setting in. Perfect time for that off week and thankfully, transitioning to the Russian Program next. I'll only be working in the 80th percentile for the next 3-4 weeks.

Hope that odorless DMSO gets here soon...

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:41 pm
by PushingTheLimit
Shoulder injuries are a pain. Hopefully a week off will help yours heal

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:43 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah, time for more sled work.. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:02 pm
by PushingTheLimit
I have taken a break from that...I need to get back in it