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Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:15 pm
by dracotdrgn
1/1/10 I was tired but knew my chances to workout were getting limited. A bad workout is better than no workout.....right?
Bench got better but not where I wanted to end the phase. The gym was sparse and no spotter was used. I just felt myself out and re-racked in doubt. I know this isn't the ideal way and results could have been better but it's what I've got.
It must have been a good push 'cause I'm still feeling it in my chest today.
Shoulder press and static hold as prescribed.
It looks like I won't have a chance to get to the gym for a while so I think I may be taking my two weeks off before I start the next cycle. I am at the end of the first one right? I forgot to check and I have to go to work.....let me know what you think

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:47 am
by RobRegish
You made a good call. Better safe than sorry..

Yes, you've completed your first cycle. You also learned a lot about what you respond to and built your training library quite a bit over the past 6-8 weeks!

Take this time to work on your master plan. Define your goals and let the fire burn for your next BP run.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:57 am
by dracotdrgn
The countdown begins. I am going through serious gym withdrawls and need to get this job over with to begin. Tonight should be the night, and I may start my famine after my lunch break. If I don't start right away I will have to wait another week. ???? I am not well rested but well gym rested. Is that good enough?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:18 am
by RobRegish
Yes perfect timing, actually.

Those gym pangs are a sign so smart to listen to them...

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:44 am
by dracotdrgn
I am a victim of my own success. I have been asked to return on day shift for a few more days. Good for the pocket bad for the workout. I have worked 18 nights straight with no days off. 12 hour shifts still but on days.
It is demanding work and I need to perform and perform safely, I will put off the next run until next week. I just have to, an extra week in the big picture won't do me harm. I will just have to train that much harder when I come back. I will eventually find a balance between work and bodybuilding but need this week.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:53 pm
by RobRegish
Understand man, you've got to do what you've got to do.

Training is a lifelong journey. Enjoy this time/challenge and learn from it. You may well look back and realize it as one of your finest moments...

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:10 pm
by askmass
Draco, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

I've often felt shortchanged on time to train over the years, but Rob makes an excellent point as I look back.

All in due time man, it's all good.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:37 pm
by dracotdrgn
I'm going to close this one with a thought. Next time you're standing in front of the mirror look closer and imagine what you would look like if you had never picked up a weight. What if lifting weights never appealed to you..... What is your normal body shape? For most of us we would be a lot thinner, but we're aging as well so where would that aged weight be hanging out?
We have gone against our genes, permanently altered our core, and changed our own make-up. ????Uh it's just fun, I never take my health for granted. The fact I can run or even walk, lift weights or even afford a gym membership and drive there. I am thankful for it all, and glad to find people with similar goals and tools to make me better. Thanks Rob, Thanks John Happy New Year!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:28 pm
by RobRegish
I have often wondered this too...

I'm just glad I never stopped. Make that VERY glad.