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Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:49 pm
by matter2003
OK, Had 2 appointments today. At the first, they cleared me back to full duty
although I still have a very slight trap strain. No matter, it doesn't bother me with most of the lifts. At my chiro appointment I got the best, most forceful massage from a short skinny student(its a chiropractic college). It really felt awesome. They re-aligned a vertebrae in my back(one of the two from a few weeks ago), my pelvic area, and my C3 and C4 vertebrae. My C3 had a lateral right flexion and my C4 had a lateral left flexion. He said sometimes it takes a few visits to make sure they stay in place properly because the muscles are used to it being misaligned and it takes a little while for them to get used to being back in the right place. Big time cracks and pops when he did the neck.

He said I should be OK for lifting but be careful with overhead pressing and pulling movements for a little while. I can avoid them for now.

I get to the gym and really got after it. Did just about everything just to test it out.

Squats: 145 x 10/235 x 6/325 x 10
-stopped at 325 because I could feel some pressure on my neck area...probably from the compression of the shoulder harness.

Dips: BWx10/BW+20x10/BW+30x10/BW+40x8/BW+50x6/BWx10
-very little rest between all of these, triceps were starting to fail

DB Curls(with Fatgripz): 20x10/25x10/30x10/35x8
-brutal on the forearms with the fatgripz...

Seated TriPressdowns: 210x10/250x10/270x8

Machine Curls: 125x10/140x8

Close Grip Decline Bench: 125x10/215x3,195x4,175x4,155x6,135x8

Close Grip Decline Static: 305x15 secs/395x10 secs

Standing EZ Bar Curl(w/ FatGripz): 75x8/75x8/75x6
-biceps felt like they were going to explode....

Felt really good to lift some meaningful weight finally, getting ready to start Sunday with my 12 week program and looking to go full speed ahead!! Body is very tired, right now and triceps are completely shot, they are shaking and can barely pick up or support anything...

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:10 am
by DaCookie
Matter I havent been keeping up with this log since I dont have time anymore but I have a question on this

'GH Surge Workout 1(lift slow, lower fast to produce lactic acid which produces a corresponding increase in GH) '

Whats up with that?Im doing the exact opposite right now, lifting as fast as possible and lowering as slow as possible and I get insane lactic acid.It has worked very well for me for size gains since ive always lifted fast and lowered fast.Am 6ft meso with strong ecto qualitys, very light bones, 200lbs now and somewhere like 10-12% bf.

What is the reasoning for your method?

Also do those fatgripz work and what are they for?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:25 pm
by drtda

I'll give my 2 cents worth on the Fat Gripz. They are for forearm and general arm work. They really force you to grip the heck out of the bar, activating your forearms much more than normal. They essentially turn any bar into a fat bar.

I've been using them for about 6 weeks, but have had to back off a little bit because of some tendonitis in one of my elbows. I really think it is from going from no fat bar work to almost all fat bar work all at once. I'm going to ease back in to it in a couple of weeks and try to slowly build up this time.

I haven't use it enough to at this point to gauge results, but I can say that any results would be an improvement. My biceps and triceps are pretty good for my size, but my forearms have always sucked. My brother and I both lament over how we got our mom's skinny forearms, while our dad, who has never lifted, has always had Popeye forearms.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:07 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:Matter I havent been keeping up with this log since I dont have time anymore but I have a question on this

'GH Surge Workout 1(lift slow, lower fast to produce lactic acid which produces a corresponding increase in GH) '

Whats up with that?Im doing the exact opposite right now, lifting as fast as possible and lowering as slow as possible and I get insane lactic acid.It has worked very well for me for size gains since ive always lifted fast and lowered fast.Am 6ft meso with strong ecto qualitys, very light bones, 200lbs now and somewhere like 10-12% bf.

What is the reasoning for your method?

Also do those fatgripz work and what are they for?
Cookie, I am getting ready to follow a rapid fat loss program by John Romaniello...he seems to know his stuff as he trains celebrities and a lot of actors in movies where they have to get in shape quick. He says that the reverse of what people normally do is what will produce lactic acid and that produces the corresponding rise in growth hormone.

Fatgripz are amazing. They turn any lift into a thick bar lift and help protect your joints by forcing you to have a proper grip that utilizes your muscles more. Forearms will burn like crazy after using them, and stay sore for days. Also provide cushioning for static holds as well. Basically they force you to get a forearm workout no matter what you do. I love them. Forearms have gotten noticeably bigger. I also have small forearms like drdta...

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:32 pm
by DaCookie
I have small forearms to.It is my lagger I think but my arms are a lagger in general.But I think that might be because of the way I usually lifted(fast negative fast positive) and that I pretty much have always done all compounds.

I have really small hands, like im 6ft and have the same size hands as most 5'3 girls...will I be able to hold the bar with the fat gripz on them?

But the reverse of what people normally do I thought would be lift slow on positive and negative?

So the fat gripz would be a great idea for arm work say an EDT block of bicep curls with skull crushers?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:01 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:I have small forearms to.It is my lagger I think but my arms are a lagger in general.But I think that might be because of the way I usually lifted(fast negative fast positive) and that I pretty much have always done all compounds.

I have really small hands, like im 6ft and have the same size hands as most 5'3 girls...will I be able to hold the bar with the fat gripz on them?

But the reverse of what people normally do I thought would be lift slow on positive and negative?

So the fat gripz would be a great idea for arm work say an EDT block of bicep curls with skull crushers?

I think what he meant is its the reverse of what people normally do when they lift slow one way...its usually slow on the way down, versus slow on the way up.

FatGripz can be used on virtually anything. I use them on DB's, EZ Curl Bars, Barbells, Pulls, Dips, etc...I'll send you a PM to the site and you can check them out for yourself, they got a whole bunch of tips and FAQ's that might help you out...

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:26 pm
by matter2003
Very excited as today was my first day on the 10 day program. It is a full cheat day where I can eat whatever I want with no restrictions, other than alcohol, which I cannot drink at all. I plan to take full advantage of it and am going out to eat for my birthday(its tomorrow) to my favorite Mexican Restaurant in the area.

However, my excitement was quickly tempered upon doing the first assigned exercise, the dreaded front squat. I have never attempted this exercise before, but I can safely say if I ever find out who invented this, I will go find them and beat them into oblivion. Not only was it hard to keep the bar from rolling down my arms, causing bruising from the weight, but the bar kept trying to shift on me. I finally sort of got the hang of it towards the end, keeping my arms crossed and up slightly higher than my shoulders.

This was what is called Density Workout I, which basically is 3 sets of modified EDT Blocks.

Workout Set A: timed for 5 minutes

Front Squat: 135 lbs 5R x 4, 4R x 1(24 reps, 3,240 lbs)
Bent Row: 135 lbs 5R x 5(25 reps, 3,375 lbs)

Rest 5 Mins, Increase Weight 5-10% and repeat for another 5 minutes

Front Squat: 145 lbs 5R x 2, 4R x 2, 1R x 1(19 reps, 2,755 lbs)
Bent Row: 145 lbs 5R x 5(25 reps, 3,625 lbs)

Set A Reps: 93
Set A Weight: 12,995 lbs
Set A Time: 15 minutes
Reps/Min: 6.2
Weight/Min: 866.33 lbs

Rest 5 Minutes and continue to Workout Set B:

Workout Set B: 6 minutes each

Reverse Lunge: 25 DB 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,000 lbs)
Upright Row: 60 lbs 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,200 lbs)
Chest DB Press: 40 DB 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,600 lbs)

Rest 5 Minutes, increase weight 3-5% and repeat

Reverse Lunge: 30 DB 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,200 lbs)
Upright Row: 70 lbs 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,400 lbs)
Chest DB Press: 45 DB 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,800 lbs)

Set B Reps: 120
Set B Weight: 8,200 lbs
Time: 17 minutes
Reps/Min: 7.06
Weight/Min: 482.35 lbs

Rest 5 minutes and continue on to Workout Set C:

Workout Set C: 4 minutes/5 minutes

Bicep Curls: 30 DB 5R x 4(20 reps, 1,200 lbs)
Lateral Raise: 17.5 DB 5R x 4(20 reps, 700 lbs)

Rest 2 minutes, keep same weight and repeat, this time for 5 minutes

Bicep Curls: 30 DB 5R x 5(25 reps, 1,500 lbs)
Lateral Raise: 17.5 DB 5R x 5(25 reps, 875 lbs)

Set C Reps: 90
Set C Weight: 4,275 lbs
Time: 11 minutes
Reps/Min: 8.18
Weight/Min: 388.64 lbs

Total Workout Reps: 303
Total Workout Weight: 25,470 lbs
Total Workout Time: 53 minutes
Reps/Min: 5.72 reps
Weight/Min: 480.57 lbs

Holy crap, this was a tough workout...that is by FAR the most weight I have ever lifted in that type of timeframe. Over 25,000 lbs in under an hour!!

I am completely spent right now, going to be eating soon...gotta eat up and get ready for tomorrow and no real food until Tuesday at 1pm(allowed to take a postworkout shake only).

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:12 pm
by drtda
I'm pretty sure the guy that invented the front squat is dead by now, but you can always go and piss on his grave.

Thanks for the laugh!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:41 pm
by matter2003
drtda wrote:I'm pretty sure the guy that invented the front squat is dead by now, but you can always go and piss on his grave.

Thanks for the laugh!
hahaha, yeah probably...I just really hate them tho...

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:15 am
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:I have small forearms to.It is my lagger I think but my arms are a lagger in general.But I think that might be because of the way I usually lifted(fast negative fast positive) and that I pretty much have always done all compounds.

I have really small hands, like im 6ft and have the same size hands as most 5'3 girls...will I be able to hold the bar with the fat gripz on them?

But the reverse of what people normally do I thought would be lift slow on positive and negative?

So the fat gripz would be a great idea for arm work say an EDT block of bicep curls with skull crushers?

I think what he meant is its the reverse of what people normally do when they lift slow one way...its usually slow on the way down, versus slow on the way up.

FatGripz can be used on virtually anything. I use them on DB's, EZ Curl Bars, Barbells, Pulls, Dips, etc...I'll send you a PM to the site and you can check them out for yourself, they got a whole bunch of tips and FAQ's that might help you out...
Right, gonna try the slow positive fast negative, never done it and I had never done fast positive slow negative before and that got me sick gains so gonna give it a try I guess.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:47 pm
by matter2003
Woke up today with bruises all up and down my arms from the bar rolling around doing front squats. Not fun at all. I look like someone took a bat and started whacking away at my arms and shoulders...pretty nasty.

Took in 10g of BCAA's and got to the gym around 7am today. Here goes the workout:


Squats: 235 lbs x 20
-probably could have gone slightly higher, but not much. 20 reps was not fun at all.

Decline Bench: 175 x 6,145 x 6/145 x 12/125 x 12
Bent Barbell Row: 155 x 10 x 10 x 10
Plank: 60 secs/60 secs/60 secs

-reps done with very slow lifting(4 seconds) and fast lowering to build up lactic acid. 10-30 seconds between exercises, 90 second rest after plank


Lateral Raise: 10 DB x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
DB Deadlift: 50 DB x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
-again reps were done very slowly on the lifting portion(4 seconds) and lowered quickly. 10 second rest between exercises and 90 second rest after each set.


Bodyweight Squats: BW x 25
-set of 25 squats ends the workout

This was pretty tough after getting creamed the day before. The 4 second lifting phase was very tough and the amount of weight I could handle was pretty light.

Also per the program I did 30 minutes of moderate steady state cardio tonight.

Tomorrow I have another morning workout, no cardio at least at night...

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:41 pm
by matter2003
Tuesday morning went to the gym, started doing a circuit workout where you do 5 exercises, then 4 exercises and then 3 exercises in a circuit. Well, I ended up having to stop after the 2nd circuit because I started feeling light headed and like I was going to pass out. Likely from a combination of not being properly hydrated first thing in the morning, worn out from previous days workout, and not having any food in my for about 30 hours at that point, other than a post workout shake on Monday consisting of 30g carbs and 15 g protein.

WORKOUT SET A: Rest 10-30 secs between exercises and 90 seconds after completing the full circuit before starting over.

Alt Reverse Lunge: 30 DB x 8 x 8
Pushups: BW x 10 x 10
Explosive Switch Row: 40 DB x 12/50 DB x 12
Standing Calf Raise: 415 x 15/465 x 15
Planks on Stability Ball: 30 secs/30 secs

Rest 3 minutes

-Explosive Switch Row is kinda crazy, you do a 1 arm row on one side then at the top of the movement, you release the DB catch with other hand and lower it, and then do the same thing on that side, alternating back and forth.

WORKOUT SET B: Rest 15-45 secs between exercises and 90 seconds after completing the full circuit before starting over.

Bulgarian Split Squat: 30 DB x 8 x 8
DB Push Press: 25 DB x 10 x 10
Pull Down: 120 lbs x 8 x 8
DB Deadlift: 60 DB x 12/60 DB x 12

-Bulgarian Split Squat really sucks...toe on bench, then take DB's and do a squat with the other leg, with the knee touching the floor of the leg with the toe on bench.

WORKOUT SET C: Did not Complete...

Squeeze Press(DB)
Zottman Curl
Garhammer Raise

-had to google all 3 of these exercises(along with BSS and the ESR) cause I had never heard of them...squeeze press is basically a DB chest press with DB's squeezed together and touching, Zottman Curl is a biceps curl where you turn the DB 3 separate times while doing the motion, ending with your hands actually being overhand on the DB coming down. Garhammer raise is a move where you hang from the pullup bar, and do knee pullups without putting them all the way back down, but in a swinging type motion.

Thinking about getting these done today before I have my cardio session, but am not sure if I should or not...probably will just let it go since I don't want to screw anything up and have to workout tomorrow morning again before eating at noon Thursday...

Have dropped significant weight, weighing in today at 200.6 lbs, which is almost 6 pounds lower than starting weight Sunday. Expecting to be in the 190s tomorrow, also body composition scale is showing this is the lowest bodyfat I have ever been at by almost a full percent.

Planning on running this 10 day rapid meltdown program another time, probably halfway through the 12 week program, somewhere towards the end of March, seems to be chewing through fat...

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:42 pm
by matter2003
Wow, weight and fat are dropping quick...weighed in today at 198.0 lbs, down 8 lbs since Sunday morning!!

Did a complex workout this morning, which consists of doing multiple exercises in a row with no rest and without putting down the dumbbells. Basically I had to determine what exercise would require the least amount of weight and then use it for all the exercises.

Complex Workout:

Workout Set A: 8 reps of each exercise and 3 total sets
30 lb DBs

High Pull
Front Squat
Overhead Press
Bent Over Row
Reverse Lunge

Workout Set B: 15 reps each exercise and 2 total sets
25 lb DBs

Floor Press
Romanian Deadlifts
Bicep Curl
Lying Tri Extensions

Ab Workout:
30 x 10/40 x 10/50 x 10/60 x 10/70 x 10/80 x 10/90 x 10 (superset)
90 x 10/80 x 10/70 x 10/60 x 10/50 x 10/40 x 10/30 x 10 (superset)

This workout was easier than I thought it would be, especially following a full 32 hours of fasting...

Tomorrow morning is cardio only, and can't wait for Saturday and another cheat day...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:46 pm
by matter2003
Cardio this morning for 30 minutes and following the "Warrior Diet" today for the first time ever. Had an apple and 30g of protein this morning, then ate 3 cans of mackerel, 3 cans of tuna, a half bag of broccoli and 2 TBSP of Olive Oil in the overeating phase.

Got a brutal workout early tomorrow morning in the form of modified EDT Blocks, but at least it is followed by a cheat day, and after the last 6 days I have had, I am going to be eating everything in sight.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday left in the 10 day Rapid Meltdown phase I am running, am interested to see where I am at after that. Definitely can tell I am dropping body fat though, ribs are very prominent now, as well as a flattening lower stomach area...