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Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:20 pm
by BrainSquirt
Cycle 5 Phase 2 Day 10 Tue. 12/28/09

The four day rotation is working out really well so far. Protocol is ‘instinctive’ – boils down to lifting close to max and ‘muscle testing’ btwn sets, etc.
Almost pain (from injuries) free – which really helps with lifting strong and ‘easy’. Bench press has taken a spontaneous jump in 1rm. I think that is in large part from shoulder and elbow area recoveries.
Keeping up both the full body joint mobility work and the back/spine health with alignment work in inversion boots, etc.
For wind day, going to do racquetball tonight and the key is to do just the right amount wide open and then just stop and go home and start feasting for tomorrow nights workout…

Still need to do a little more tweaking on the diet rotation. Composition is ok but I think the phasing needs to be shifted some more… need more ‘feasting’ early in the off day, etc. Also, shifting to doing the oatmeal ‘recipes’ only from noon to 4 now etc.

Have gained almost 4 lbs and I don’t think the quality is dubious. The only day I ate too much for system to actually handle was Christmas day and I did get in a full pressing workout that afternoon (but truncated the stretching because of time). Also took a bloomin handful of enzymes at bedtime.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:51 pm
by dracotdrgn
BrainSquirt wrote:Cycle 5 Phase 1 Day 4 Thu. 12/17/09
Breakfast: None
Snack: None
Lunch: None
Early dinner: Fresh vegetable juice
Post Workout: ¼ scoop MASS
Christmas party in PM. Dropped in and had 2 drinks – not sure that meets standards for ‘BP famine partying’ … :twisted:
How'd those drinks treat you with nothing in the system? During my famine I was golfing with the guys and had to settle for an O'Douls. I didn't know the rules to BP partying either.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:37 pm
by RobRegish
Sounds like you're on to something here Brain. Watching it closely....

What supps are you using in the Feast?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:15 pm
by BrainSquirt
dracodrgn, re:
How'd those drinks treat you with nothing in the system? During my famine I was golfing with the guys and had to settle for an O'Douls. I didn't know the rules to BP partying either.
I got a nice quick zap off those 2 drinks! 8) (… and was fortunate to have no major CNS after effects ). Rob would have to review the BP Famine partying rules for us - but basically the idea in the famine is to tear down and get depleted and alcohol (in excess) will definitely tear you down, deplete the CNS, and hamper overnight recovery. I personally do less than 25 drinks a year... so it doesn't take much for me.
Would never use many drink bashes in Famine myself... but, in Famine, I also would pass on the O'Douls and drink a couple real beers after golfing, etc...

Rob, re
What supps are you using in the Feast?
My muscle building supps this feast are pretty much by the (BP) book-
Fine tuning protein intake - Mostly with MassPro
BCAA ‘flooding’ on workout days (ie every other day vs BP 3 on 3 off)
Kre-Anabolyn Heavy on heavy day – pre and post workout, with oils. Lighter on other days - post workout or in PM .
Kre-Alkalyn on heavy, off, and light workout days
NitroAKG on off and wind days
Adaptogen N as needed
Max Stress Vitamin B Nano-Plex, Quantum in on top of any unrefined carbs.
Bromelain to help ‘eat’ the swelling from around the torn up index finger.
Alkalyzing with fresh greens daily in afternoon
... etc etc

Profound squats tonight !

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:11 pm
by RobRegish
Spot on Brain.

Looks like you're doing everything perfect this time around and reaping the rewards.

Keep in comin'!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:54 pm
by BrainSquirt
Cycle 5 Phase 2 Day 17 Tue. 01/05/10

Off cycle by one day. Today is a rest day because I missed Sunday Heavy day due to travel in PM, etc.

Last night’s workout was a bit rushed but otherwise went ok. Did have a strength drop off near the end, but pushed on through.

Have gained over 7 very solid pounds this feast cycle! I’m going to push for 12, then see where it’s at with number of days in the phase to then make an evaluation whether to go for more, or change up the protocol, or take a real rest in the first part of Maint phase, or …

With the feasting, alternating days with the
‘oatmeal recipes’ in the afternoon on one day with
afternoon vegetables and late night root vegetables the next day
is working out well for me this cycle. Wonder if it will work as well in warmer weather?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:35 pm
by RobRegish
Could be. But boy, congrats again on the gains!

Great example of how you refined your approach from Blueprint cycle to cycle. I think you're on to something here Brain with the Feast workouts!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:43 pm
by BrainSquirt
Thanks Rob. Yeh the first 5-6 pounds just jumped on in the first 10 days or so. It's starting to level off now... Thankfully it's also going to the right places - legs, chest, and especially triceps

Re: the workout scheduling. It's basically individualized tuning of a daily progression of increasing exertion with a sudden, instead of gradual, dropoff to a rest. I'm liking the four day cycle because it keeps me active and at the same time provides enough rest.
Kept monkeying around with it, and honing the ways to test it and peaking at four days is working for me right now. For example, I could really feel being off cycle when I missed Sunday - even though some of that could be psychol...
Generally , monkeying around with the timing and scheduling is what I would recommend others do too - especially in Feast where timing and quality of rest is just as important as quality heavy.

PS FYI ( ie not an endorsement, I have no financial interests, etc.) ... mment-3790 ... -results=8
I should also note these guys are still miles and years behind Scott Sonnon and co... (Also not an endorsement, I have no financial interests, etc...)

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:38 pm
by RobRegish
Man you are the perfect cat for Blueprint. By that, I mean a "tinkerer".

Such was how the Blueprint was born!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:17 pm
by BrainSquirt
OK wrapping up Feast phase on Feb 1 at six weeks. Right at 11 excellent pounds gained. I started dialing back the intake and supplements about 10 days ago when strength increments started to level off by cycling the days to only feed heavy on the days before and of the heavy workout. Thought about extending the feast by doing a second wave / protocol to go for the 12 -15 pound goal but remembered my primary goal is health - and over eating and over training will not lead to long term health.

Maint. Phase plans: Mostly MMA. Taped and padded - Finger not quite ready to go wide open, but can still get in some good skills and conditioning work. Also, still slowly and deliberately working on learning the Prasara yoga correctly – no small feat for me… Plate weights once or twice a week - sculpting - like protocols...

Still stoked on the four day training intensity cycle. The only problem I’ve found is that it doesn’t fit to a normal week so scheduling can be an issue. That hasn’t been prohibitive in the middle of winter but I could see how it could be a mess when spring arrives. Thinking of trying a 3 ½ day cycle then and see if that works.

Sorry I haven’t been posting but been busy. All the best.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:00 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, 11 solid pounds. If that isn't a great run I don't know what is..

Brain is probably the foremost example of someone who has tinkered, toyed and refined his BP runs to maximum advantage.

Excellent work...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:28 pm
by BrainSquirt
Cycle 5 Phase 3 Day 15 Feb 16, 2010

Two weeks into Maint Phase of my fifth BP cycle and I’m going to start cleanses now so this is a good time to review the progress and process of the whole cycle. My original goal this cycle was 12 to 16 quality pounds. I stopped the Feast at 11, but have put on another pound in Maint so my gains for this cycle made it to 12!
Salient points of this cycle –
1. It was extremely close to ‘by the book’ on timing, supplements, and diet. Five day famine. Was fortunate to get a good convergence of the ‘depletions’. On diet, compromised very little on high quality proteins, carbs, and fats. Organic grass raised rare red meat at least once every four day cycle, barely cooked dark greens or spinach daily, fish oils, anti oxidants, no refined carbs or sugar except on wind days. etc. Tried to get a 4 day cycle on diet going but, to be honest, still working on that one. Oatmeal based concoctions were the base of my’ non regular meal’ Feasting. Did those mostly in the afternoons.
Synched up KA dosage with ‘heaviness’ of the day. Took them pre and then heavier post workout in PM. I typically use AdaptogenN only when I know I’ll need it for recovery, but ended up popping at least one of them almost nightly for a large part of the phase. Started light but near the end of the phase really pounded the mega BCAA’s around and post the heavy day. Did lots of MassPro. (I’d make the absolute perfect MASS poster child if only I didn’t do things like fuss about them including caffeine in Burn It Up, and…, and… :D )
2. Worked chest, arms, and squats each heavy day. Had no fixed protocol for lifting. I’m finally getting to what they call ‘instinctive’ lifting and am also progressively incorporating simple range of motion ‘muscle testing’ to in the moment choice of lifts and weights. Bottom line for this Feast though – the lifting was low rep, high weight, and very slow lifting, long rests btwn sets. One exception – on 3 of the workouts I did fast pushups to failure immediately after each bench and each tricep set. Killer! Effective! (…just don’t do it too often). Only did loaded stretches for chest this Feast. I worked hard - just saying that in case some reader is looking for a way around the hard work. All lifting workouts were done between 4 and 7:30 PM. Did all the heavy workouts of the phase at the gym (except one) so I could get quality spotting to grind out the ‘impossibles’ (and probably more important) get quick plate changes on command btwn individual lifts. Light lifting days (day 2) emphasis was on back, biceps, etc for ‘balance’.
3. Described the four day lifting cycle I used in posts above. Have since struck on the idea of running a 4 day cycle then a 3 day cycle so that I can stay in synch with the rest of the world’s week when needed. The 3 day cycle would probably drop the light lift day and just do 1 rest 2 wind, and 3 heavy. During a feast or other training cycle where I drop playing team sports or other things scheduled at the same time each week, etc will go back to 4 day cycles only.
Next Feast will try - First day will be rest as prescribed, 2nd day a light to moderate lift day, 3rd day light aerobic/mobility work and 4th day first heavy workout. This is close to the ‘first 72 hours’ as indicated in BP and gets me on cycle.

The first few pounds just jumped on, then the pace slowed down but stayed steady. The strength progress was more consistent. Only had one workout that wasn’t ‘right’ during or after. All the rest were hard but gratifying – almost enjoyable. I enjoy tweaking so I don’t know when I’ll do a BP (especially the supplements) so strictly ‘by the book’ again, but this one has been great. Goals met and the subjective experience of the process excellent. Some of this is that I’m getting experienced at recognizing the nuances of my personal BP’s – but this cycle has convinced me that my personal BP doesn’t deviate very much from the original generalized ‘BP’.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:10 pm
by RobRegish
What a great wrap up and congrats on achieving your goals!

Lots to learn here for those just starting BP. Brain got off to a rough start his first BP run but recovered quite nicely for a quality gain of 8lbs the first time around, if memory serves.

He has since refined, refined, refined to the point where he slapped on an amazing 12lbs this cycle. Fantastic. The lesson here is this:

You'll likely experience good gains (if not great) out of the gate. With a little tinkering though and learning to listen to your body, FANTASTIC gains such as this are possible. And note Brain did this in each phase: Famine, Feast and even Cruise.

Great effort all around and thanks for sharing!

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:51 pm
by BrainSquirt
Here’s some ‘bro-science’ ( from a girl with a feel for quality in creating health, btw. )

Nothing truly new here – just supports and improves on previously published material. Dovetails nicely with the protein dosages and scheduling I used this last feast with good results. Am also using it in the development of my diet cycling plan ( which is still definitely in the ‘scribbled on a napkin’ phase btw ) ... timal.html