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Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:38 am
by RobRegish
OK now heed this advice: APPROACH WORKOUT #3 cautiously. If you at all feel off, sick or just "not right" - DISCONTINUE!

Health first. You can't make gains when you're sick.

Having said that, if you do choose to contine don't feel bad about being reduced to bodyweight squats and the like.

If you've lost 1lb/day or thereabouts, observe a resting heart rate 8 beats above average or anything close to it or just feel too drained.... you get a waiver on workout #3.

I'll leave it up to you..

With respect to your questions:

Does anyone know if there's a correlation between overhead pressing, and rotator cuff damage?

A. No, not unless you use poor form or have a pre-existing injury/aren't flexible enough.

This is what I was told by my baseball coach, and as a result my team is discouraged from lifting weight above their head.

A. Baseball coaches aren't strengh coaches. Tell him this... you'll probably wind up cut from the team but that just leaves more time for BP :)

Also could I fit heavy, weighted dips in my EDT blocks, or since I would go heavy would it constitute as my BB lift?

A. You could and it's an excellent alternative. When you move the body and the weight through space the CNS/brain are at a much higher activation level. You won't be able to brag "I bench X amount of weight" but dips are well respected man makers. If so inclined, they're a terrific substitute. In some ways vastly superior!

Heavy as in 50+ lbs on a belt. Dunno if anyone else would call this heavy...

A. Heavy is a relative term. That wouldn't be heavy for me but it'd be heavy for you and plenty of others. My heavy is around 150lbs. That'd be a warmup for other people, so I'm careful not to get too high and mighty :)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:33 am
by jjones11
Thanks Rob. I don't know how to even repay you for all the help. I haven't done any overhead pressing, just in case it actually did. I can't wait to start again! Weighed in this morning at 162.8 which is about a 4lb loss I think. I took my RHR thrice this morning. Two were 52, and one was 48. My baseline was 44. So it's either 4 above baseline or 8 :P . Should I finish famine out all the way or stop after today? If I take famine deeper, would my results in feast be better? Or could it potentially be too tough on my body to bounce back from?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:53 pm
by RobRegish
You sound like you're there.

Simply continue the diet for day 5 and ride Famine out. You can re-pay me by blowing the doors off your old PR's during Feast :)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:04 pm
by jjones11
Excellent. Have a surf and turf lunch planned on sunday. Is it bad that I can't put how excited I am into words? Famine got suprisingly easy around day 3. It's not too bad right now. A majority of the weight of lost has actually been fat too. My muscles still feel full. In other news, My kre-anabolyn, gamma gh, and greens supps came in today. I was worried I wasn't gonna have them for when my feast started. They definitely hooked me up on the samples too. a serving of mass pro, and burn it up. I'm thinking I need to order another bottle of KA after I get my paycheck. Only ordered 1.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:11 am
by RobRegish
Terrific. I think you'll find they're excellent products. I've been a paying customer of MASS since 1993. They've won over many...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:44 am
by jjones11
Morning BP. Well I got through famine :D . When I weighed this morning, I was at 161 even, which is a ~7 pound loss from famine. But I do have a concern. When I took my RHR this morning it was only 4 beats above my baseline. Could this be my body adapting too famine? Friday and Saturday felt like walks in the park compared to the first 3 days.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:11 pm
by RobRegish
Great work! The hard part is OVER. Now, it's time to reap the BIG rewards!!

No worries on the RHR. You did lose more than is "normal" during Famine but the 1lb/day guideline is just that... a "norm".

Train to Gainseville leaves first day of Feast!!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:37 pm
by jjones11
RobRegish wrote:Great work! The hard part is OVER. Now, it's time to reap the BIG rewards!!

No worries on the RHR. You did lose more than is "normal" during Famine but the 1lb/day guideline is just that... a "norm".

Train to Gainseville leaves first day of Feast!!

Oh man you have no idea how much I've eaten already. I figure for the first few days I'll just let loose . I won't eat like crap but if I want something I'm gonna eat it. Then after that I'll start keeping track of how much I eat again. Given my age and activity level 3500-4000 calories a day should yield good results. I'm already itching to get back into the gym, but I'm gonna be patient until I know I'm back to 100%. Very, very excited. Stay tuned!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:16 am
Good work gettn through it man!! we get to have fun!!.ill see ya in Gainsville bro!!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:44 pm
by jjones11
Had my first workout of feast yesterday. It kicked my butt.


Bench Press
Pullover (never ever done these before. Took a little getting used too.)

EDT Block 1- 66 reps in 11:10
Incline DB Bench-50lbs
1 Arm DB Row-55lbs
EDT Block 2- 56 reps in 9:17
Shoulder Press
Seated Row

Notes: I was going to try for a 3rd EDT block, but they really really kicked my butt. I really underestimated them. I've been sleeping really really deep lately. My assumption is from the GammaGH. It's pretty nice. Strength still isn't fully back yet but I'd imagine it will be here pretty soon.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:24 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah your work capacity will pick up quick. For me, it hits workout 2 or 3. Like somebody stuck an air hose in me :)

Feels awesome. Hopefully you'll feel the same soon. Good to hear on the Gamma GH. It DOES put you into a very deep, relaxing sleep. And vivid dreams at that. Hopefully good ones!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:25 am
by jjones11
RobRegish wrote:Yeah your work capacity will pick up quick. For me, it hits workout 2 or 3. Like somebody stuck an air hose in me :)

Feels awesome. Hopefully you'll feel the same soon. Good to hear on the Gamma GH. It DOES put you into a very deep, relaxing sleep. And vivid dreams at that. Hopefully good ones!
I love the sleep I can get with GammaGH. The other day i overslept by 2 1/2 hours which gave me 10+ hours. I only woke up one time that night in order to pee. And I can remember almost all of my dreams that I've had since I started taking it. I do not remember 1 dream without.... well I think you might be able to figure this out. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:03 am
by RobRegish
It's an amazing relaxant, GH booster and sleep inducer. Pricepoint is VERY reasonable for the benefits and you'll grow to appreciate it with age.

It is a staple for me.. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:55 pm
by jjones11
Just did my first lower body workout for feast. Wasn't too bad.

225x9 (went for a 10th but it was a 1/4 squat)
EDT Block- 80 reps in 8:13
Leg Curls-70lbs each leg
Leg extension-165lbs
Decline situps-3 15 second holds w/ a plate

Notes: Squats really put alot of pressure on my lower back. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the feeling I'm talking about. All in all a good workout though. My legs are a bit shaky, so that's a good sign. My DOMS usually takes about 24 hours to set in, so I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. Need to do more weight, or more volume on abs. Didn't feel it that much, but we'll see how they feel this time tomorrow. Weighed in at 167.5 and 15.9%. I know exactly why my bf is so high so I'll fix that. Too much dietary fat in one day=no bueno for me. I usually have no problem with too many carbs or protein though. And again a good 9+ hours of straight sleep from GammaGH. I'm truly amazed at this. If I had no progress whatsoever, I would still be happy because without blueprint, I wouldn't have found this stuff. 10/10 product.