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Post by LHockey »

RobRegish wrote:I occasionally see the heart rate abberation here and there. It doesn't seem to affect things. The only explanation I have is that for a very few, your work capacity has increased so much and your weight decreased, the heart doesn't have to work as hard to carry around the weight.

Whatever the case, it's never adversely affected anyone. You should be good to go!
sounds good, i'm not worried then!

October 8th:

Famine Day 5

Weight: 143.5s (-4.5lbs from day 1)

Calories: 2000

Supplements: 1 rockstar sugarfree, 1 small latte

Workout 3:
Rather than writing down the weights and reps, which dropped super quickly, i'll just say this was INTENSE! somehow i actually felt better towards the end than at the beginning... cranked out squats at 110x15 for my second to last squat set which surprised me (still low, but it felt freaking heavy as hell!).

i finished the workout without killing myself and i'm done with famine!

Thoughts: famine was definitely tough, and i was in no way 100% mentally there, so if i had anything really important due for school this week i probbaly wouldn't have done it.

that said, it really wasn't as bad as i thought it might be, and i'm glad i did it just to have the experience of it. can't wait to start eating a shytload again :)

i went over my calories today because my dorm has a party that provided sugary drinks, so i had 800 calories before the party and probably 1000-1200 calories at the party in 5 drinks + a PB sandwhich (could've been worse :oops: ). didn't get nearly as drunk as i thought i might coming from such low calories! fun night though and a great end to the famine.

ROB, i just want to be clear about this:
tomorrow i start feast, and also kre-anabolyn at 2 caps a day. is this right?

and should i wait 3 full days before starting phase 1 of feast, or just 2 days? (i.e. last famine workout was friday, so can i workout on monday or do i have to wait till tuesday?)

lastly, i just want to make sure that i'm supposed to be packing in the calories even though i won't be lifting over the next few days.

thanks so much! can't wait to get started for real :wink:
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Post by RobRegish »

First, GREAT work delivering the good. Now it's time to reap the rewards!

ROB, i just want to be clear about this:
tomorrow i start feast, and also kre-anabolyn at 2 caps a day. is this right?

A. Correct. Ideally at breakfast and dinner. These should be your highest CARB based meals and include some protein, of course.

and should i wait 3 full days before starting phase 1 of feast, or just 2 days? (i.e. last famine workout was friday, so can i workout on monday or do i have to wait till tuesday?)

A. Stick with 3 days. I know it's pain but small price to pay given where it gets you :)
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Post by LHockey »

RobRegish wrote:
A. Stick with 3 days. I know it's pain but small price to pay given where it gets you :)
finee it's tough but i won't lift before then :twisted: (my knee was hurting a little today so probably a good call)

October 9th:

Feast Day 1

Weight: 143.5lbs

Calories: 3200-3500

MASS kre-anabolyn
Slin Sane
Creatine Mono (no real cruise phase since i'm going on a month long trip at the end of november)

Cardio: played a 40 minute indoor soccer game subbing in for a missing player on my friend's team. we tied 2-2 and i scored the tying goal, felt great despite sore legs from yesterdays workout.

Thoughts: WOW it feels good to be pounding down food again :D. first day of feast went great! i didn't sleep all that well last night, but i attribute it to the end of famine and my body being out of wack.

it's harder to count calories when i'm eating this much food because the dining hall doesn't give us any real indication of how may cals or ingredients are in food. complimented my two main meals where i ate at LEAST 1000 calories for lunch and dinner with 3 scoops of whey + milk + pb so i'm sure i was over 3k today. gonna do the same thing tomorrow! love me some food :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, that first steak is very, very good going down lol!!

Now it's time for the BIG rewards. Right here for you if you need me!!
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Post by JlCh »

LHockey wrote:how did your BP run go overall? did the famine still gear you up for nice gains?
As I'm sure you know now, still currently on it. I saw 15 lbs increase on bench and 30+ increase on squat after the first 5 workouts. This is without the ecdy's and all that stuff. Going very well over all, although I'm a bit more excited to try it out with the adaptogens.

As for the famine, I was determined to squat 185 lbs for the 5 sets and failed miserably after the 4th set. Got super light headed and had to stop completely. But it was definitely worth the feeling I got during the first 5 feast workouts :). Felt like I was on top of the world.
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Post by scump »

nice man! now these first 5 workouts bring the gains... dont half-ass any of it, make sure your diet is massive the whole time and get ready to pack on some mass!

these first 5 worksout (2 weeks) i noticed a BIG difference, and also crazy gains.
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Post by LHockey »

JlCh wrote: As I'm sure you know now, still currently on it. I saw 15 lbs increase on bench and 30+ increase on squat after the first 5 workouts. This is without the ecdy's and all that stuff. Going very well over all, although I'm a bit more excited to try it out with the adaptogens.
i'm usins kre-anabolyn now can't wait to see how i do! i've never noticed much from supplements, part of the reason i picked up BP was to learn ho to use supps more efficiently. seriously, even creatine didn't seem to affect my training.

that said, i figure there are much worse things i could waste my money on than supps, so why not continue to experiment :wink:
scump wrote:nice man! now these first 5 workouts bring the gains... dont half-ass any of it, make sure your diet is massive the whole time and get ready to pack on some mass!

these first 5 worksout (2 weeks) i noticed a BIG difference, and also crazy gains.
first workout tomorrow morning! can't wait to get back to the weights, it'll take some getting used to only working out 2-3 times a week vs. 3-4 times.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK good, a supp minimalist. I'm down with that. We'll show you when and where to use what to maximal advantage.

I hate all the motherf'rs over on swalling Pink Magic galore "hoping" it'll do something for them.

Good god man, wake up. I know that's not you so please don't take offense. I mean, why not send that $ to charity? At least it'll help someone!
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Post by LHockey »

October 18th:

Important Note: I went to sydney thursday-monday morning, and while there was outside all day probably walking 5-10 miles a day friday-sunday. friday i tried to fit in a lift without having much sleep the few nights earlier due to a hectic school schedule and had a HORRENDOUS lift. only got 1 rep for both DB Bench and Squats when i needed 4-6 reps... didn't do the EDT blocks and called it a day

Fastforward to monday's workout!

Feast Day 4

Weight: 145

Calories: 3700

creatine mono

Feast Workout 1:

DB Bench
felt strong and strength is already back after the famine!

DB Pullover

EDT Block: 15 minutes
Incline DB Bench: 50'sx25
Supported Barbell Rows: 110x25

wasn't expecting more than 8, this was my previous PR

Dimel Deadlift

EDT Block: 15 minutes
Seated Leg Press: 120x33
Romanian Deadlift: 154x35

Thoughts: strength is back and weight is going up! enough said
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Post by scump »

good stuff man! keep up the good work n keep those cals up, will see some impressive gains coming through.
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks fantastic!

Keep up the great work man... you're doing it justice.
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Post by LHockey »

October 13th:

Feast Day 5

Calories: 3500

Cardio: 45 minute walk

creatine mono

Thoughts: holyyy shit do i have DOMS today! lower back and legs are FRIED and my chest/upper back are feeling it too. wow! well, i was shooting for 3300 cals today but ended up with 3500 because i was still hungry. surprised since i've been working in my room literally all day, but i can deal with that :wink:

also ended up with about 3800 cals yesterday, got hungry late at night. definitely been hungrier than usual lately!

turned in a 2000 word paper earlier today, cranking out another 2000 research paper due tomorrow. this is gonna be tight... aiming for at least 7.5 hours of sleep tonight because i function better with 8+ hours (and my recovery has never been great). flying to sydney tomorrow night!
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Post by LHockey »

scump wrote:good stuff man! keep up the good work n keep those cals up, will see some impressive gains coming through.
cals are DEFINITELY up... always hungry it seems! can't wait to workout again on friday
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man now DON'T feel guilty about taking an extra rest day if you need it. Doing so can only benefit you!
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