Urban Monk's Reincarnation Blueprint

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Urban Monk
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Famine: Day 5

Post by Urban Monk »

I approached my diet in the following fashion:

Meal 1: (2:30 PM) 500 calories of fruit and vegetables
Supplements 1: A, B, C, D, E, Green Tea, DHA Capsules, CLA Capsules, Cissus, Elastamine, Magnesium Potassium Asparate

Meal 2: (6:00 PM) 500 calories of fruit and vegetables Carrot Juice, Nut Mix, 15grams Coconut Oil, Carrots,
Supplements 2: Trader Joes Greens Powder, A, B, C, D, E, Green Tea, DHA Capsules, CLA Capsules, Cissus, Elastamine, Magnesium Potassium Asparate

Meal 3: (10:00PM) 500 calories of vegetables, 20 grams Lecithin, Olive Oil
Supplements 3: Trader Joes Greens Powder, A, B, C, D, E, Green Tea, DHA Capsules, CLA Capsules, Cissus, Elastamine, Magnesium Potassium Asparate, NAC

Other miscellaneous supplements used: Taurine, ZMA, Probiotic

As far as workouts go:

Walked for one hour with a weightvest on.

Overall thoughts:

Did not do famine workout #3. I think I am already there. Rob told me to look out for my health, and I simply could not stay awake and felt terrible all day. My heartrate this morning was between 58-60BPM, so I thought it best to just take it easy.
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Post by RobRegish »


To all: This is a great example of someone who listened to his body, read the signs and made the RIGHT decision. He knew (and I agree) he was already there.

Congrats on making it through man. Now rest up, get ready and we're on our way to an incredible recomp run. Can't wait.

Again, SMART call. Very proud of you...
Urban Monk
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Feast Days: 1-3

Post by Urban Monk »

I decided to create a template for my feast days 1-3 as I'm pretty much doing the same thing every day.

As far as workouts go:

I didn't do anything.

As far as food goes:

I subscribed to a diet that was 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs. These carbs mostly came from incidentals and vegetables.


I was really worn down after famine. These past 3 days, I just mostly took it easy. I went for a few leisurely walks, and ate quite a bit.

This diet is really hard. I am not used to eating this high an amount of fat. It is definitely keeping the works "gummed up" if you know what I mean. I am also never hungry.

Starting workouts on Thursday! Let's see how it goes. Not looking forward to how painful this routine looks.
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha. Well, best I can offer is high fiber veggies and such. Other than that, benefiber in your shakes.

The diet is hard, yes. The training harder still. But there is no reward without sacrifice, you well understand this I know.

Excited for this journey and following along... even on very little sleep :)
Urban Monk
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Feast General Guidelines

Post by Urban Monk »

Just to denote my diet in general as I don't have much variety on it, I will be doing meals w/ the following macronutrient breakdowns:

I usually eat in a feeding window between 12PM-8PM. In the course of this, I have 3 meals which I balance as evenly as possible.

I rotate between maintenance days and deficit days with maintenance calories coming on workout days.

My 3 meals on a maintenance day have the following macronutrient profile:

Fat: 70 grams
Protein: 55 grams
Carbs: Veggies and incidentals

Deficit days will be listed as a percentage of maintenance intake.

As far as supplements I am taking, I am using the following things:

Vitamin A (mixed caretenoids)
Vitamin B (complex)
Vitamin C (500mg w/ every meal)
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Green Tea
Korean Red Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng
Super Cissus
Potassium-Magnesium Asparate
Urban Monk
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Feast Day 4

Post by Urban Monk »


As denoted in diet post. At 100 % of maintenance calories. I added a shake w/ the following during my workout:

75 grams of carbs (From gatorade powder)
25 grams of BCAA's (from bulk)
7 grams of whey di-tri-peptides (from 1 scoop intrabolic)


All exercises were done w/ a controlled negative and a super-slow positive. I used a count of 2-3 for each set. I also had one minute of rest between each and every set, except during deadlifts (i took 2 min then).

1) Chin-ups OR Lat pulldowns, (palms facing you)
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 8) (Bodyweight x 7)

2) Squats
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(135x10) (135x10) (135x10)

3) Push-up
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10)

4) Deadlifts*
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(135x10) (135x10) (135x10)

5) Hanging leg raises
Sets: 2
Reps: 10

6) Decline reverse crunch
Sets: 2
Reps: 10

Overall thoughts:

Had to really drop weights today to do these exercises. This workout is an ass kicker. I can't say I'm a fan as I'm used to working out all of my exercises in an explosive manner. The sheer boredom of each set is going to be hard to get over; but I trust Rob and hope to see great results from this.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. Keep it going and remember; the changes you are making are essential to changing.... YOU!
Urban Monk
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Feast Day 5

Post by Urban Monk »


As denoted in diet post. At 90 % of maintenance calories.


Ran sprints.

15 seconds at full intensity with 1 minute walks inbtwn.

5 total rounds.

Overall thoughts:

Urban Monk
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Feast Day 6

Post by Urban Monk »

Took off
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Feast Day 7

Post by Urban Monk »

Took off
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Feast Day 8

Post by Urban Monk »


As denoted in diet post. At 100 % of maintenance calories. I added a shake w/ the following during my workout:

75 grams of carbs (From gatorade powder)
25 grams of BCAA's (from bulk)
7 grams of whey di-tri-peptides (from 1 scoop intrabolic)


All exercises were done w/ a controlled negative and a super-slow positive. I used a count of 2-3 for each set. I also had one minute of rest between each and every set, except during deadlifts (i took 2 min then).

1) Chin-ups OR Lat pulldowns, (palms facing you)
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 8) (Bodyweight x 7)

2) Squats
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(135x10) (135x10) (135x10)

3) Push-up
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 10)

4) Deadlifts*
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(135x10) (135x10) (135x10)

5) Hanging leg raises
Sets: 2
Reps: 10

6) Decline reverse crunch
Sets: 2
Reps: 10

Overall thoughts:

Because it was a monday and I had taken the previous two days off, I wanted to just start with the same workout from the last thursday.
Urban Monk
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Feast Day 9

Post by Urban Monk »


As denoted in diet post. At 90 % of maintenance calories.


Ran sprints.

15 seconds at full intensity with 1 minute walks inbtwn.

5 total rounds.

Overall thoughts:

Urban Monk
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Feast Day 10

Post by Urban Monk »


As denoted in diet post. At 100 % of maintenance calories. I added a shake w/ the following during my workout:

75 grams of carbs (From gatorade powder)
25 grams of BCAA's (from bulk)
25 grams of whey isolate


All exercises were done w/ a controlled negative and a super-slow positive. I used a count of 2-3 for each set. I also had one minute of rest between each and every set.

1) Standing Military Press
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(75 x 10) (75x10) (75 x 6)

2) Walking Lunges
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(30x10) (30x10) (30x10)

3) Dips
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(Bodyweight x 10) (Bodyweight x 8) (Bodyweight x 8)

4) Bent-Over Barbell Row
Sets: 3
Reps: 10

(75x10) (75x10) (75x10)

5) Hanging Leg Raises w/ Twist

Overall thoughts:

Decent workout. Couldn't hit all the reps I wanted. Felt the bent-over barbell rows in a way I've never felt them before by going super slow. Back is VERY sore.
Urban Monk
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Feast Day 11

Post by Urban Monk »


As denoted in diet post. At 90 % of maintenance calories.


Ran sprints.

15 seconds at full intensity with 1 minute walks inbtwn.

6 total rounds.

Overall thoughts:

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