Jwin's leading up to 1st BP run

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Post by JWIN »

Yesterday I trained legs. Here is where things get incredibly embarrasing for me!! Words cannot begin to describe my disdain for leg day. DOMS is incredibly rough for my legs usually lasting 4-5 days with 2 of them being unreal.


Squats- Following a warmup: 225X5, 225X5, 225X4, 225X4, 225X3 (the only positive from this is I go deep, I do more like a 1 1/4 squat!)

Stiff Leg Deads- Warmup stretch followed by: 225X10, 225X8, 275X6

Calf Extensions- 400lbs on Leg press 4X15-20

Leg Extensions- Light weight 3X10

Did a little bit of Ab work, nothing to speak of and a little cardio.

My eating yesterday was abysmal at best, I will not do that again until vacation! Going to rest today completely and do a little cardio tomorow.

I really feel like I have the BP down now, I get it and understand it for the most part, well as good as I am going to without having completed a run yet. Everyones logs on here are a great source of info, most people have the same questions as I have had. I feel my legs are going to benefit tremendously from this program, can anyone say Newbie like gains? I know this huge gain in my legs will transfer to more overall strength as well. I cant wait! 5 Weeks out!
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic groundwork being laid here. No doubt about it.

PR clouds are forming, as Hank would say :)
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Post by JWIN »

OK, today was supposed to be an off day with light cardio. Nah... I was feeling great and had time to go. So back to chest!

I used pretty much the exact same scheme as last week.

Flat BB Bench:

Warmed up the RR way but today I took it to a single of 295. Dropped back to 275 and knocked out 7 with maybe 1 more in the tank but again no spot. So +1 on last week, w/ my highest warmup a little higher. (Note, I think 10lbs above working set is optimal for me, 20 was a bit much)

Low Incline DB Press- 115s for 9, 20 second rest then 3 more. Plus 5lbs on last week!

Incline DB presses w/ DB Pullovers- 80s this week for 6/7, 6/7, 7/7, 5/8

Incline CG BB Press- 135x12, 135x8, 135x6 Super set with Tricep Pushdowns. Very light controlled movements on both. Good fun!

Finished off with Incline DB flys 40lbsX10, 45X10, 55X8

Did some weighted Ab work and opted out of cardio, I felt I needed to feed myself. I may go back and knock out cardio later tonight if I feel up to it. All in all, I give it a 8/10. I really need a spotter around for my BB set as I feel maybe I can knock out 2 additional reps. Gym is completely dead when I lift though. Should have also done some cardio so minus a point for that as well.

Weight is holding steady at between 235 and 240. This should be a good comparison against the BP protocol when I finally get on it!
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Post by JWIN »

RobRegish wrote:Fantastic groundwork being laid here. No doubt about it.

PR clouds are forming, as Hank would say :)
Yeah I have been checking out Hanks logs man, great stuff there. He is a good contributor to the community, that is golden.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice work and yep, Hank is gold here... :)
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Post by JWIN »

Got in my back work today, Pretty scatter brained workout but it got the job done.

Warmup w/ Lat Pulldowns

Mixed grip pullups/chins- 3 sets of between 6 and 10 reps with light pulldowns between.

Deads- 135X12, 225X5, 315X5, 335X3 (Kept it fairly light and well away from the 90% range)

Barbell rows- 135X12, 155X12, 185X10, 225X8, 225X6

Wide Grip Seated rows- 3 Sets of 10-14 with fairly light weight. Tried hard to really emphasize the right muscles, something I struggle with on back.

Finished up with close grip pulldowns sup set w/ straight arm pulldowns.

Nothing spectacular, I give it a 7/10 today. Usually I get into back day, today just wasnt that day. I really lack direction in a standard back day and always have. This is one of the huge areas BP is going to help me with.

Going to take 2 days off between now and Shoulders/legs. Please ban me if I do not take 2 off.
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha ban you. Funny man.

We'll for sure get your back work up with The Blueprint. We REALLY favor balancing every push with a pull, Romanian Deadlifts, rack pulls etc.

Soooo important to shoulder health too. Can't wait for your run man. Can't wait :)
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Post by JWIN »

Managed to keep myself away from lifting yesterday! Was an incredibly boring day at work so I had time. Did go do 20 minutes of light cardio and a quick Ab circuit. Got plenty of good food too, so that was a plus.

2 Weeks out form vacation and Deload. Can't wait. Feeling pretty good about everything now and my training is still going well. Other than on squats I feel I can beat all of my old PRs.

I will be setting my Pre-BP benchmarks at the end of next week. I will be getting maxes on Bench and Squats. I probably will include Deads, but they are not my focus, they are just a good overall indicator.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK great job.

One comment/suggestion: Be careful about ab work prior to heavy squats/deads even if it's on the preceeding days. You want strong, fully recovered abs for those lifts given the transfer of power goes through your core (both up and down and back up again).

It's for this reason I always counsel ab work be done at the END of your SQ/DL and lower body days.

Hope that helps!
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Post by JWIN »

Shoulders today! After 2 days rest I was feeling pretty good about getting back in the gym.

DB Shoulder presses:
Warmup, 85X5, 95X8, 100X6 (Little help on #5 & 6)

Smith Shrugs:
Worked up to 405X10 then drop set back to 1 plate

Upright Rows Sup Set w/ Lateral Raises:
45lb PlateX20 (Upright) 25lb DB X 12
45lb PlateX15(Upright) 30lb DB X 10
135X12 (Upright BB) 30lb DB X 8
135X12 (Upright BB) 30lb DB X 8, drop to 25X5

Front DB Raises:

Reverse Pec Dec:
3 sets of 10-12, good squeeze and slow reps

All in all a good workout. Had a partner today who is a shrug addict so we did shrugs second when I usually do them last. Stayed away from failure after the DB presses but did press pretty close for several sets.

Presses I feel were about the same as last week, maybe a hair stronger. I am pressing 90s fairly easily and 95s arent too bad. The hundos are a little rough but ill get them for reps soon enough.

Next week I am planning to drop the weight significantly on all of my workouts and really press for volume. Also going to up my cardio a great deal before going home on vacation. 13 days out from home, 4 weeks from my BP run!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work man. I am super excited for your first run... as I'm sure you are. Right here for you if you have any questions..
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Post by JWIN »

Really feeling yesterdays shoulder work this morning. First time I have felt shoulders the next day in quite awhile so I am pretty happy about it.

Legs later today. I have my angry music picked out and will be ready when the time comes. Today is the day, I have got to turn my attitude and my work ethic around legs around.
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Post by RobRegish »

Legs can be tough, no doubt about it. I'll give you some insight into how I did it.

I was cursed with bird legs like no other. Wore sweatpants/jeans in the summer to hide them. It was terrible. And yes, I tried training them but being honest with myself...not as hard as my upper body.

THEN, Super Squats arrived. That little book, which I provide a link to in The Blueprint... changed me forever. It explains why the legs are so important to develop and how the squat stimulates so much growth ALL OVER the body, not just in the legs.

I also highly recommend the hip belt in there for a reason. Once your legs (and body) start exploding with growth its sooooo easy to get carried away with the squat and deadlift. That's a LOT of vertical loading of the spine and even given good form, etc. ... over time it takes its toll. PLEASE hear me out on this...

The Hip Belt should be in your arsenal. You needn't use it all the time but I PROMISE you it will help and open a whole new world to your leg/body development.
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Post by JWIN »

Yeah I think I am going to give the Hip Belt a shot. Its hard to imagine ill ever get carried away with squats. Deadlifts, yes, squats, not so much. It did happen once before, became my favorite lift for a while. Now it happens to be shoulder presses! I love em.

But today is legs!


Warmup, 225X5, 225X5, 225X5, 225X5, 235X5 (yeah, I made the whole 5X5 progression!)


Warmup, 225X5, 225X5, 275X5, 275X5, 225X5 (Traps dying from yesterday)

Leg Press:

200X12X3 Sup set w/ Calf Extensions (on leg press)

BB curls:

100X6, 100X8, 110X6, 100X6 w/ a couple of Negatives

I never really train arms anymore but today thought I would get in a few sets since back day is a bit off from today. Tris, well, I kill them on Chest and shoulder day with heavy presses, every now and then I do a set or two. I am thinking now though, that my shoulders are starting to make my arms look smaller and I need to get them back up.

With the kind of split I use, what do you think would be the best way to get in some arm work? I just dont think I want to add in a day of just arms, never have wanted to do that. Maybe after Legs for Bis and maybe a little bit of triceps after shoulders?

All in all, a good day in the gym. Going to take tomorow off with maybe just a little cardio. Then I am going to re-evaluate to see if I need that second day off. 8 Ball is saying probably right now. Shoulders are cooked.
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