Thanks. I think my HR is starting to go up some, because before when I took it I would get 60-66 like I said, but now I only get 66. I am guessing by Friday it will be 66-72.RobRegish wrote:Totally natural part of the plan as Draco mentioned. Still, your work here is outstanding and I commend you for it.
"RHR 60-66. Which one should I be looking to go up by 8BPM"
You want to watch your avg waking heart rate during famine (at rest) and in MOST, it increases. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't. It's just one indicator.
Lastly, do take care to observe extreme caution during workout 3. If you at all feel sick, nauseous, "off" or just not right discontinue.
Health first, always.
I think today will be the worse day, at least on workout days I get a 4-5 hour window where I do not even think about food(I dont like eating within an hour of gym, then go to gym, take a break and go run).
Weighed in at 215.5 this morning. The last time I was ever this low was last year during two a days and that was more just because of dehydration. Yesterday I came in around 1600 cals again, looking to do the same today.