Vetrans 4th run

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Post by dracotdrgn »

I know I know, the sun was out the track was empty had to shed the shirt and run. After two miles I decided to try some football field suicides. The grass was so green and soft oh it's turf.
Start at the 50 run towards the 40 yl then to the other 40, 30 etc you basically go 10,20,30,40 clear through to goal to goal. Rest between sprints matches the distance, so 10yrd 10 sec 40 yds 40 sec after 60/70 I just kept it at a minute but this was fun. Vibrams are awesome my calves we burnin. Taught core class :? so much for my day off. I'll take Thurday off :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Things are not progressing the way I wanted. Think I'm movin 5lbs back on bench loading pattern. Today was test day and a panicked spotter bumped the bar up even though I told him not to touch it.... All good haven't been hitting all reps in all sets so 5 back is best. Test again next week. Just flustering bc it's a weight I can handle + took an extra day off.
Squats are fun went up to 370 with the hip belt, set 5~ six reps, got to three hit parallel and did not get back up. Wedged up did two more and a slow neg. Set 6 was 405 so I went to the rack and did it back style six times. Hip>Back tough transition.
Weight isn't climbing but neither is bf. Still tinkering, adjusting, and moving forward....
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Draco smart move on the loading pattern. 5lbs is about right. And yes, the hip belt takes some getting used to so give it some time... it will pay off :)

Too bad the spotter bumped the bar, you may be feeling differently if he hadn't.

Like you said though... keep moving forward!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Took a day and counted macros, I was a little suprised.
Cal-3374 Fat-100g Carb-405 Pro-230
Protein's got to bump up, maybe a few more cals but weight stays at 222. Haven't tested BF for a while but should have stayed in the 10% ballpark.

Tried benching at a different gym (seems heavier there) odd.....frst two sets of 315 were fine the 335 was heavy and the second rep was tough, negative with 375 was fun, just feel I should be doing better. Used to hit 315 5-6 times the three here was a struggle!

Squats for the first time in a long time were a struggle. 405 seemed very heavy. Only got depth on two of the four and 430 hurt, didn't hit depth on any of the four got angry went for one more really close to depth. My body was aching all night.
Still feel tight and vascular, some things are great like weighteed dips with 130lbs 3sets of 6. Never done that before. Cardio is good, legs feel fine after running distance and sprints. If things don't look up in the next week or so I will change split completely.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Draco - give me some chest/shoulder strength
:) please.
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Post by Hank! »

Id love to w/o with you draco big fan of suicides!
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Post by RobRegish »

Totally agree Draco on the split switch may be just what you need. For everyone:

The variable the body adjusts to the fastest is rep range. That is to say, if you've been doing triples, sets of 5 etc too regularly, mix it up but do so with a plan in mind:

EXAMPLE: Romanian Deadlifts. Cycle the following workouts/rep ranges:

A.) 3 sets of 20... obviously with a lighter weight
B.) 3 sets of 15.... with a slightly heavier weight
C.) 2 sets of 10.... with an heavier weight
D.) 1 set of 5-8.... with a pretty darn heavy weight

Repeat. I think what you'll find is that the gradual reduction in total tonnage and increase in % max intensity will feed upon one another, and give the body and mind a much needed boost.

As always, keep accurate records and when you repeat this again.. do so with heavier weights.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

No post for a while....
I usually train on the boarderline between effective and overtraining. I try listening to my body and back off when needed. Even though I consider myself experienced I am not without faults. I crashed..... I was having so much fun with this run I didn't see the signs -looking forward pushing through and working out on my days off. I experienced the worst case of burn out ever. Strength literally plummeted. Body aches, little injuries, and for the first time ever I dredded the gym wondering how bad my next workout was going to be. I thought I could handle it, week four has always been my week to succeed. Week four I crashed and burned. Learn from my dumb and watch your work load. Goals have been pushed..I don't quit and I don't fail so I will finish this run training smarter and hope to bounce back quickly....
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. I'm sorry Draco. Sometimes, it's hard to contain our enthusiam for this "thing" we do.

You're an intense looking man and I'd bet anything that like me, you channel a lot of it into positive things like the gym. It's OK. At least you know..

Have you ever thought about a brief H.I.T. type run? Something that purposely has you training infrequently? I think it might be of benefit. Just an idea...
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I'm back

Post by dracotdrgn »

I will not back down, I do not take failure lightly. Sheer stubborness coupled with great determination gives me strength to rise back up when I get knocked down. Yeah baby! PR's are mine!
Some things have been on the rise, a strange one being leg extensions. I put the rack on, I think 200lbs and used one leg at a time for 2s 5r. Heavy, strange, never tried this before and probably won't again as it taxed the 'ol knee.
Tied my rack pull record of 855.
Most importantly my squat... I squat wide, with my arms extended out towards the plates. My safety bars set so my wrists touch as a gauge to my depth, it's also a short drop if I fail...
So 405 felt great, 455 was heavy but I felt strong....slapped on 480 dropping down too slow only one wrist touched had to go up....not good enough I'm feeling good want that depth. Second try..GOOD. New PR
I found some new pre/intra squat stretches from Eric Cressey that I think helps with my depth issues.
Thanks for the support. HIT- dunno usually save that for cut or pre-cut. Always open to suggestions. Backed off the running and swimming while I regrouped here.
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Post by RobRegish »

That might be a clue.. backed off running swimming for a bit and new PR. I'd take note of that.

Sometimes, a small change like that does make the difference. My guess: given your training volume/poundages, the extra rest by dropping those 2 made the difference.

Nice work and THANKS for sharing!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Good news: Bench is back on the radar
Bad News: Knee pain like I've never had before
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Post by RobRegish »

Good news on the bench. On that knee, do look into Cissus. Really does work wonders for issues like this! PM me if you need product suggestions...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Good news: New PR on rack pull 865
Better news: Saw stars and felt that free drug high even longer afterwards :shock: yeah baby!
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