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Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:11 am
by Uwbodybuilding
Cruise: 14-21 days
Key Points
• Keep calories at 10x body weight
• Keep protein at 1g per pound of body weight
• Ensure progression by increase static hold time or reps, NOT WEIGHT
• Supplement maca, a multivitamin, and fish oil
• Take steps for active recovery
• Consider a chiropractor and a thermo scan

For the 3 workouts given they only have 3 exercises lifted per. I'll judge for myself then, but I may add exercises. I'm good at handling volume, especially on legs. Love leg day 8)

*question* because of wrestling I will need to up calories most of the week. On top of doing the BP workouts, I will have 1.5-2 hour wrestling practices on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Some Saturdays will be wrestling tournaments. During each practice I burn over 1,000 calories. I'm going to try my best to stagger lifting and wrestling days. At least if they are on the same day lifting will be first in the day with an 8 hour break until

So I guess my question is any suggestion for a starting point for calories? How about 100% on off days, 120% on lifting only days, 120% + 1000 calories for wrestling AND lifting days, and 100% + 1000 calories on wrestling only days? I can always adjust mid-BP to make the scale bend to my will. Just something I'll have to deal with soon...

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:19 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Just did a 60 minute ride. Huffing, puffing, and dripping sweat...but oh so satisfied :D

(that's what she said)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:52 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Uwbodybuilding wrote: Thanks for the kind words though. I'm going to give it my best and give the BP a fair shake. The best part? Even if my run goes really bad, I still gained good knowledge in the book that I have FOREVER. I particularly like the way EDT blocks look. Sounds very effective for complimenting big barbell lifts.
This is what i consider to be the best part of the blueprint. And its really a big point i make to people who i'm trying to bring into it. Worst case scenario - you gained a WEALTH of useful information.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:58 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Big.jazayrli wrote:
Uwbodybuilding wrote: Thanks for the kind words though. I'm going to give it my best and give the BP a fair shake. The best part? Even if my run goes really bad, I still gained good knowledge in the book that I have FOREVER. I particularly like the way EDT blocks look. Sounds very effective for complimenting big barbell lifts.
This is what i consider to be the best part of the blueprint. And its really a big point i make to people who i'm trying to bring into it. Worst case scenario - you gained a WEALTH of useful information.
Exactly. The bare bones of Blueprint is worth the price of admission.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:42 pm
by RobRegish
Thanks for those words guys... lifted me up! And it really is true. So many good ideas you can pull out of it, even if you choose not to run the full BP/have a sub-par run.

"So I guess my question is any suggestion for a starting point for calories? How about 100% on off days, 120% on lifting only days, 120% + 1000 calories for wrestling AND lifting days, and 100% + 1000 calories on wrestling only days? I can always adjust mid-BP to make the scale bend to my will. Just something I'll have to deal with soon..."

This is a logical plan given your estimated burn during wrestling practice. At first glance, that figure seems impossible. Anyone who's seen wrestlers train though, knows its for real.

You guys are nuts!

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:10 pm
by jimmyk21
Uwbodybuilding wrote:Feast:

After the 5 day high intensity program, I plan on hitting some GLP hard. I was thinking of this schedule:

Workout 1:

Dead lift
Military press
Edt block

3 days rest

Workout 2:

Bench press
Edt block

3 days rest
Hey UW, I like this set up and may try it. How long do you plan on your feast taking? If you take 3 days off in between it will take about 7 weeks to finish 6 workouts for both of those. Are you going right into the GLP from famine and skipping those first 5 workouts? Just curious, still trying to organize my feast myself.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:28 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Good question. I may try to take only 2 rest days between workouts if I can recover properly. Possible solution - I could extend feast a week or two. My supplements will last longer than 7 weeks as well. Although, I don't want to undermine the whole purpose of phases by extending them unnecessarily. Otherwise I'm not sure.

Rob, help!! Lol

Also, on the wrestling thing, being 240lbs doesn't help me burn less calories. The sport all together is very fast paced. It's almost like a prolonged HIIT workout.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:07 am
by RobRegish
Suggest 2 off to start, guage from there...

Now key to this is recovery. Let's start with recovery modalities from your training sessions:

- You'll need to get into a relaxed state post workout rather quickly. Some of these are practical, others may be difficult; ice bath/icing the muscle group worked, chiropractic, massage, whirlpool, self-massage (I do this every night lol), hot and cold showers. On the showers - try 1 minute hot and 30 sec as cold as you can stand it. It's summer so it's easier :)

- Recovery diet tips. I'd make liberal use of pineapple/curcumin spices where you can work it in. Both contain natural anti-inflammatories. Also, you want to maximize your post workout meal in terms of carbs/calories/protein. Suggest no less than 25% of daily calories here.

- Recovery supplement tips - Your supp schedule is as follows;
- E-Bol 3 servings per day (breakfast, 60-90 minutes pre-workout, pwo)

A. Excellent dosing plan.

-cbol creatine 6 per day

A. Dose as per the above with Ebol on training days.

-BCAAs, 40g per day (10g at a time between meals, 3 days on 3 days off)

A. This is excellent and will do you right! Suggest on training days getting 20 of those 40 grams peri-workout (around the workout). Even if it's a schedule "off" day from BCAA's.

-Liver tabs, 6 every waking hour w/12 ounces of water (first week only)

A. Excellent.

-Salt with every meal

A. You don't want to over-do this. Just a few shakes at 3 meals/day.

-Multivitamin and fish oil (2-3g)

A. Great. Suggest 3g/day if you can swing it.

-3 scoops Oximega (alkalizing) per day with E-Bol (before high protein meals to aid in digestion)

A. Excellent

Overall I can't recommend a better supp stack, save perhaps for a test booster. Otherwise.... spot on!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:14 am
by Uwbodybuilding
Excellent! As always Rob, you are the man with all the information that is kind enough to share it with the world :)

I can definitely add pineapple and tumuric to my daily diet. What say you on frozen pineapple? I get most of my fruit and veggies that way to extend their life. But, if the active enzymes and anti inflammatory properties are destroyed in the freezing process, I can try to buy fresh. ... entid=1374

As for recovery after workouts...I'm trying to think what would be feasible to do everyday. I can definitely stretch, self-massage, and try the hot shower/cold shower thing whenever, so I'll definitely utilize those. Also, for wrestling, stretching and flexibility is a main focus (10 min at the beginning of practice and another 10 at the end every practice). This is definitely a topic I can mess around with. I'm pretty positive I have a foam roller somewhere around here...

And I'm glad the stack looks good! I'll probably use Supremacy during my feast to aid in strength, recovery, and inducing hunger. It's a good nutrient partitioner too, so that should help stave any fat away.

I can definitely pound the calories after my workouts. I routinely eat 1000 calorie meals. I actually prefer 3-4 big meals compared to 6-8 small ones. Hunger doesn't seem to be an issue and neither does muscle loss! I'll have to show some before and after pics from this cut. I've never been leaner in my life and at 240lbs too!!

Speaking of which, I'm hitting some delts/traps in under 3 hours. Rock and roll 8)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:42 am
by RobRegish
Frozen pineapple is fine :)

And I do like sharing this type of info. Sometimes it's the little things that make a difference and it's difficult to cram all of it into an Ebook without being "lost" in the mind of the reader.

Plus, you invested in me/the course! I really value that and with me, the service STARTS after the sale. Something I try to pride myself on...

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:16 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
RobRegish wrote:Frozen pineapple is fine :)

And I do like sharing this type of info. Sometimes it's the little things that make a difference and it's difficult to cram all of it into an Ebook without being "lost" in the mind of the reader.

Plus, you invested in me/the course! I really value that and with me, the service STARTS after the sale. Something I try to pride myself on...
Please pride yourself on that Rob. Just keep helping and doing what you do :)

DESTROYED my delt/trap workout today.

BB Military Press - 140, 165 X 5, 190 X 2, 165, 140 X 5
DB Arnold Press - 80, 80, 85 X 10
BB Shrug - 230, 320, 320, 230 X 10 super set with...
DB Shrug - 90 X 10 X 4
Heavy Lateral Raise - 35, 40 X 10, 45 X 7
Rear Delt - 20 X 10 X 4

Last week I hit 80 X 7 on the arnold press for only 1 set. Huge improvement! And I set a record on military press. Did I mention I'm 20lbs down on a cut as well ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:26 pm
by RobRegish
Wow that's fantastic!

You know it's funny. I cruise the workout programs section of and all I see is guys that are.... lost.

I come here and literally, not one day goes by where someone doesn't hit a PR. Great work UWB. To drop 20lbs and increase strength like that is unbelievable!!

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:33 am
by Uwbodybuilding
RobRegish wrote:Wow that's fantastic!

You know it's funny. I cruise the workout programs section of and all I see is guys that are.... lost.

I come here and literally, not one day goes by where someone doesn't hit a PR. Great work UWB. To drop 20lbs and increase strength like that is unbelievable!!
Thanks Rob! I feel solid.

I know what you mean about people not setting PRs. It's easy to spin your wheels with training because of not training hard enough or using the same soggy routine. Ive been there.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:00 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Alright, today will be an off day or biking. I have not decided yet.

Here's the leg workout from yesterday:

Squats - 140 x 12, 230, 320, 370, 410, 370, 320 x 5
Stiff-leg Dead Lift - 140, 190, 230, 250 x 5
Leg Press - 14 plates, 16 plates x 5, 18 plates x 1

That's it! That's how my leg workouts have been the last month with good results. Longer rests, high intensity, and focusing on compound movements.

410 x 5 matches a PR I set 20lbs and 3.5 months ago.
250x 5 on stiff-leg is a nice +2 rep PR :)
Leg press was really rough because my legs were so spent.