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Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:42 pm
by KatZilla
Thanks Big.J! My recovery is usually pretty quick, and I also have plenty of BCAAs along with other supplements that should help with recovery. I think with GLP #1 I'll just have the guage how things go with the first few workouts, probably one on/two off to start with, and maybe move to one on/one off. And obviously, I'll report back to here with how everything goes! Thanks again for all the help.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:55 pm
by KatZilla
Workout today went well. I thought having a short workout would make me feel like I hadn't even lifted, but it was kinda nice to have some extra time, since I was pretty busy today. And I got my measurements!

Weight: 152 (This was after eating most of today's meals and with clothes on.)
Neck: 14
Chest: 37
Biceps: 12
Forearm: 11
Waist: 31.5
Hip: 38
Thigh: 18
Calf: 14

All the measurements were "unflexed" and anything that has a right/left (bicep, calf, etc.) were only taken from the right side. I asked the lady doing the measurements if she could do the left too but she just blew it off and said that "they're not needed to mark progress, and we usually just do right side, and I'm too lazy, and blah blah blah". Also, their calipers were broken so I couldn't get a BF test done. I was at 11% near the beginning of the wrestling season, just a couple pounds over 140... So I'd guess that right now I'm probably around 15%, if that's any indication. Again, I'll try and get some pictures up soon; it's really just a matter of borrowing my sister's camera and figuring out how to post them up here.

Anyway, thanks for all you guys' support and help, and I'll update again in a couple days after my next workout!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:53 am
by RobRegish
Nice work getting objective measurements done. I have a feeling you're going to do really well here Kat.

Time to get this train rollin'!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:39 pm
by KatZilla
Day 6 of Feast

Got my workout in early today, and was pumped the whole time. I put up heavier weights than I usually do on squats/DL especially, but that's probably just from having such a short workout. Still low on calories for the day, but I'm about to take care of that by mixing up a shake. And finally: before pictures! Just looking at these kind of makes me want to focus more on my arms (delts, bis/tris, forearms) :( But that's why I'm here! I can't wait to look back at these and scoff in a few months.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:32 pm
by RobRegish
Strong build!

You're got a fantastic start there and I'm particularly glad to hear about the increased strength/fullness, just as it should be.

Short workouts? Sure. Strong workouts that provide overload? ABSOLUTELY!

That's the idea :)

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:39 pm
by KatZilla
Day 10 of Feast

Thanks Rob!

So I hit workout 2 last Wednesday, and was feeling great. Thursday was my planned off day, and later that night, I ended up getting sick, which lasted through Friday. It was clearing up on Saturday but I decided to take Saturday off as well, just in case. Finally got to do workout 3 today, and felt great. I dropped a few pounds from being sick, but I have no doubt that the weight will be gained back quickly. So aside from those couple days of sickness, all is well. I'm hoping to just do 1 on/1 off all the way through GLP#1, but I'll worry about that when I get to it. Looking forward to the gains in the next month or two, wish me luck!

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:04 am
by RobRegish
I'd wish you luck... but with everything I've seen so far, you're not going to need much :)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:06 pm
by KatZilla
Day 12 of Feast

Just a quick update: hit workout 4 today, and fortunately got to the gym at a time where it's about as empty as it gets. I practically super-setted the entire workout except at one point when I had to add weight to the squat/deadlift bar before starting :) I plan on getting my 1RM's done on Thursday, which of course I'll update with the numbers I got.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:49 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome man. Do take care to rest enough between sets as it affects your strength.

Can't wait to see your update!

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:24 am
by KatZilla
Day 15 of Feast:

Got my 1RMs yesterday! They are as follows:

BP: 175
SQ: 275
DL: 295

...And in case it needs to be clarified, these are in lbs. and not kg. I tried for 185 on BP and just barely couldn't get it. Unfortunately this gym doesn't have many 2.5 plates, so I had to jump straight down to 175, which wasn't easy, but I still think I would've gotten 180. Anyway, now I need to plan out my GLP#1, which starts tomorrow!

Here are my initial ideas for tomorrow, which will be a chest/tri day:

BP: 10x87.5; 8x94.5; 8x106; 8x115; 8x127.75; 8x136.5
Each set will be supersetted with 6-8 dumbbell pullovers.
I'm kind of curious about what the rest of my workout should look like though. If I'm going to do a dumbbell incline, and then barbell decline, should I still do the 6 sets specificed in the GLP#1, or should I do a more "traditional" 3 sets each of 6-10 reps? And then follow suit with my tricep lifts? Thanks for all your help and support!

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:17 am
by RobRegish
OK man nice work! How many of these are new PRs ?

"BP: 10x87.5; 8x94.5; 8x106; 8x115; 8x127.75; 8x136.5
Each set will be supersetted with 6-8 dumbbell pullovers.
I'm kind of curious about what the rest of my workout should look like though. If I'm going to do a dumbbell incline, and then barbell decline, should I still do the 6 sets specificed in the GLP#1, or should I do a more "traditional" 3 sets each of 6-10 reps? And then follow suit with my tricep lifts? Thanks for all your help and support!"

A. Tell you what... why don't you do the 6 sets of GLP first. Focus on getting all sets and reps. THEN proceed to the following EDT blocks:

EDT Block 1

DB Inclines
DB Pullovers

EDT Block 2

Incline DB curls
Tricep pressdowns

Please see this thread for EDT specifics: ... .php?t=437

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:06 pm
by KatZilla
I tied my previous squat/bench records, which I'm happy with since I've been off of lifting for a while until now. My previous DL record however was 10lbs lower, at 285. Thanks for the clarification, but I'm still a little confused. :) So to make it as plain as possible for myself, here's what I'm planning my workouts to look like:

Day 1: Chest day
-6 sets of GLP1; BP
-EDT (5 sets each of) DB Incline and Pullovers
-EDT (5 sets each of) Incline Curls and Tricep Pressdowns

Day 2: Squat Day
-6 sets of GLP1; Squat
-EDT Block of Romanian Deadlifts and Leg Sled
-Maybe another EDT block? Or is one enough after doing the 6 sets of squats?

Day 3: Rest day
-Maybe some wrestling, biking, or swimming.

Back to day 1!

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:31 pm
by KatZilla
Day 16 of Feast

Just another quick update: I went ahead and did the "Day 1: Chest day" workout I outlined in my previous post. I absolutely loved it. Had a great workout today. I missed the very last rep on GLP1 BP, but that just fired me up for the rest of the workout. I got one of my lifting partners to do it with me (with slightly heavier weights, since he's bigger than I) and now he's begging me to bring him along each time I go to the gym. Hopefully we'll have a new member here soon. :) Left the gym feeling exactly how I like leaving the gym; like I gave all my effort into it, it wasn't drastically difficult to the point where I couldn't finish everything, but it was definitely a good workout. I'm hoping it will go just as well for my squat day tomorrow. Thanks again for all the help and support!

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:39 am
by KatZilla
Today I did my "Day 2: Squat" workout that I outlined. These workouts are killer. In a good way... hit every rep on my GLP, but just barely on my last set. So far so good, and going back to my "Day 1" again tomorrow.