Kswimbledon's 1st Run

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Post by RobRegish »

That's your waist. Thigh circumference is taken halfway down the thigh, halfway above the knee.

Now when preparing for Friday, keep this in mind. You may need to do bodyweight only squats, etc and/or use a REALLY light weight to make it through.

If you for whatever reason don't feel "right", discontinue or don't do it at all. I'm just saying err on the side of caution.

We want you healthy going into Feast!
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Post by kswimbledon »

Ah ok, thank you.

At the end of day 4, I have hit my calories well, and also ran 4 miles in 51 minutes (I walked at least a mile and a half out of that, due partly to tiredness). I was exhausted afterwards.

I cannot wait for tomorrow, it's been a tough week, and I'm ready to feast. Here's to closing strong.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good going!
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Post by kswimbledon »

Ok, that is the end of the famine.
I did the workout yesterday, and I know I could have handled more weight as I only used the bar for squats, etc. Nonetheless, it was a good choice as I was still very tired doing it, weirdly exhausted after. And I am healthy going into the feast, so it's all good.

I would post my weight, but the scale has been broken, will get a new asap. Diet wise, this was definitely the wrong week to do this (graduation week), but I braved through, until about 1:00 in the morning when I succumbed and had Chicken Tikka Masala that my mom had made. I realize that I shouldn't have eaten it, but graduation only comes once, and if there was a time to socially give in, this is it.

Rob, I know you suggested to go straight into the anabolic diet, but today is yet another graduation party, and I will not be counting calories today. I will make sure to get plenty of protein though, and will rest up.

Q: If I'm not really watching my diet too closely today, should I still begin to take Ebol?
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Post by RobRegish »

Good job!

Yes, definately start Ebol today.. Nice work too....:)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Sunday, Day 7, Off Day
Weigh in: 176 (extremely full stomach due to night binge)
New Measurements:
Thigh: 23, both legs.
Body Fat (Calipers): 12%
(Don't know if I measured correctly, right places, etc for both, but it really is just giving me a baseline to improve upon, so it's all good)

Carb Cycling Begins
Targets (for off day):
Calories: 1225
Protein: 107g
Fat: 75g
Carbs: 30g
Water: At least 256 oz

Supplements that will be employed everyday during the feast:
EC stack
Fish oil: 3 caps per day
Sesamin (Not for entire phase, don't have enough to last that long): 3 caps per day
Joint support: Glucosamine +MSM: 2 caps per day
Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein

What will be added on workout days:
Presurge Unleashed, replacing the third dose of EC
Glycomaize: 1 scoop
Ultra Peptide Whey: 1 scoop

On BCAA Days (3 on, 3 off)
Will be aiming for 20g of Bcaas, so the remainder will be from straight Bcaa powder/ caps (got both)

Q: Bcaas are only needed on workout days, correct? Or should I be supplementing 20g all 3 days, regardless of whether I work out or not?

Any comments or suggestions on diet, supps, etc are greatly appreciated.
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Post by kswimbledon »

Never mind about the bcaa q. I read the book, found my answer. I even had it down in my notes, don't know why I asked.

Current known Strength
Bench: 225 (But feel stronger, did 5x5 workout with 190, and felt strong enough to have tried 195, suggesting a new max of 235-240, which would be awesome)
Squat: Between 275-285. Have not tested it. Used to do much heavier (400lb max) but that was with horrible form, not going down anywhere close to low enough. My friend's dad corrected me, and I'm loving doing correct form.
Deadlift: 400 lbs.
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Post by kswimbledon »

Q: Do I do the 2 EDT blocks as specified in the sticky on this forum for these upcoming 5 workouts, or do I go by the book and just do the 4 sets and stop?
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Post by kswimbledon »

Day Recap:
Hit all targets with 108.45 g of pro (Target was 107)
75.85g of fat (75)
24.92g of carbs (less than 30)
1228 cals (1225)
And hit my water target quite easily.
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Post by lovehasrisen »

kswimbledon wrote:Q: Do I do the 2 EDT blocks as specified in the sticky on this forum for these upcoming 5 workouts, or do I go by the book and just do the 4 sets and stop?
For my first feast workout..
I did two EDT workouts.. you can check out my log..
It was pretty long.. but really enjoyed the workout :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Q: Do I do the 2 EDT blocks as specified in the sticky on this forum for these upcoming 5 workouts, or do I go by the book and just do the 4 sets and stop?

A. Suggest 2 EDT blocks as specified here in the stickies. As The Blueprint evolves, so has our recommendations. A better way of doing things has been discovered :)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Day 8
No weigh in (will be explained later)

Feast Workout 1

Bench: 205 x 4 by self, spotter helped up to 8
Pullovers: 90 x 6

Incline DB: 40 lbs
T Bar Rows: 135 lbs
7 sets, 6 reps for both, each set.
42 reps each. 84 reps total.
Time: 16:12

Halfway point analysis: I seriously overestimated my strength on bench. I was dumb. My 5 x 5 wo from 2 wks ago gave me some false hope I suppose. For pullovers, I know I've done 90 x 10 before, but recently I've gotten used to the 4-6 rep range, and that may have been what did me in.
In the EDT, I seriously underestimated my strength. My upper chest is the weakest part of my chest, and I decided to play it safe after the catastrophe in bench and pullovers, so I went lighter. Well, it was much too easy, and I will likely move up to 50s for the next wo, maybe even 55s.
For T bar rows, I have only done them a couple times before, so I went light to get right form, and I need to add weight here too. Maybe another 10 lbs, maybe even 15.

Re enter workout: (This is where the heat got turned up)
Squats: 225 x 8
Stiff legged Deadlifts: 220 x 8

Leg Press: 3 plates on each side plus 35s (520)
Regular Deadlifts:310
6 sets. Got 6 on all of them for the leg press. For the Deads, it was a different story: 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 2. From the third set on, I used straps.
Reps: 36 for leg press, 26 for Deads
62 reps in all.

For squats, I only went to parallel, not below, was very tough. Will stick with this weight though, as I did not get much sleep before the wo. SLDs were tough as well, and was breathing very hard at the end of that.

I did not know what Romanian Deads were, forgot to look them up before the workout, so I did regular. Now I realize that Romanian = Stiff legged.

Q:Should I keep doing the EDTs this way, with reg deads?
Or should I swap the reg deads in for the SLDs, moving reg deads to the 1 set to fail?
Or should I just do SLDs for both EDT and the 1 set to fail?

Either way, it appears I only picked the right weight for the reg deads when it comes to the EDT portion.
Q: Is that how it is supposed to look for all exercises? Want to make sure I'm understanding what I'm doing here.

Q: Would you have any suggestions to weight I should be doing for the 1 set to failures, and the EDT, based off my maxes, and the info here? Sorry, I just have never done 10 rep maxes before, and obviously don't have a very good guage of my strength I guess. If you could ballpark it, I could figure it out from there.

Ok, now to explain the no weigh in, and lack of sleep. I got in late last night, about 1. I figured I would sleep to 9 or 10, wo at 11. Well, turns out I had to wake up at 4, take my dad to the airport, then get the kids to school, and I worked out at 9.

This workout took me about 100 min. That's mostly because it's a very hard gym to move around weight (cramped garage), but nonetheless, it's a long time.
Q: Is it ok to work out this long (I was sipping 25g of Bcaas, pro, and about 24 g of carbs throughout the workout)

This is one of the harder workouts I've had in recent memory, as I was out of breath the entire second half. I'm a sweaty guy, but my workout partner was simply astounded at how wet everything was. I made puddles wherever I sat.
Q: I love it, and can't wait to do it again, but want to make sure that this is a feeling we're going for during the feast. For some reason, it feels like a more rested feeling is desired, Idk.

I might have more qs, but that's all I got now. I'm gonna get some sleep. I realize that I'm asking a lot of qs, and the qs themselves are asking a lot, so I understand if you don't answer them all or fully, as I'm sure you're busy. Any and all answers will be much appreciated though. Thank you
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, here we go...!

did not know what Romanian Deads were, forgot to look them up before the workout, so I did regular. Now I realize that Romanian = Stiff legged.

A. Not quite. Check this tutorial out!


Q:Should I keep doing the EDTs this way, with reg deads?

A. No, include the Romanian deads as per the above

Or should I swap the reg deads in for the SLDs, moving reg deads to the 1 set to fail?

A. I honestly don't feel you'll need more than the RDL's.

Or should I just do SLDs for both EDT and the 1 set to fail?

A. Suggest sticking to squats for the 1 set to failure set

Either way, it appears I only picked the right weight for the reg deads when it comes to the EDT portion.

Q: Is that how it is supposed to look for all exercises? Want to make sure I'm understanding what I'm doing here.

A. The key thing to remember is this: Do justice to your big barbell lifts (one set to failure FIRST). Then move on to your EDT blocks. That is the objective.

Q: Would you have any suggestions to weight I should be doing for the 1 set to failures, and the EDT, based off my maxes, and the info here? Sorry, I just have never done 10 rep maxes before, and obviously don't have a very good guage of my strength I guess. If you could ballpark it, I could figure it out from there.

A. Some experimentation is needed, no doubt. Don't feel too bad if you miss it by a few reps. I wish I could give you a formula, really do. Generally speaking, if you're warming up properly you'll be able to "sense" what you can do for 10 reps based upon a 2-3 rep warmup. The all out effort is the key.

Ok, now to explain the no weigh in, and lack of sleep. I got in late last night, about 1. I figured I would sleep to 9 or 10, wo at 11. Well, turns out I had to wake up at 4, take my dad to the airport, then get the kids to school, and I worked out at 9.

COMMENT: I wouldn't have worked out. I can't function on anything less than 7!

This workout took me about 100 min. That's mostly because it's a very hard gym to move around weight (cramped garage), but nonetheless, it's a long time.

Q: Is it ok to work out this long (I was sipping 25g of Bcaas, pro, and about 24 g of carbs throughout the workout)

A. Yes, provided it's a very infrequent occurrance. The old 45 min recommendation was arrived at based upon no peri-workout nutrition. Obviously, things have changed. I still favor a hard fought 60 minutes or thereabouts as optimal.

This is one of the harder workouts I've had in recent memory, as I was out of breath the entire second half. I'm a sweaty guy, but my workout partner was simply astounded at how wet everything was. I made puddles wherever I sat.

COMMENT: Simply specify "unspecified metabolic elevators" to inquiring friends. Gives them something to talk about.

Q: I love it, and can't wait to do it again, but want to make sure that this is a feeling we're going for during the feast. For some reason, it feels like a more rested feeling is desired, Idk.

A. You are correct. The ideal is to leave the gym feeling worked but not "trashed". You'll find it (the sweet spot)..... just keep working at it :)

I might have more qs, but that's all I got now. I'm gonna get some sleep. I realize that I'm asking a lot of qs, and the qs themselves are asking a lot, so I understand if you don't answer them all or fully, as I'm sure you're busy. Any and all answers will be much appreciated though. Thank you

A. That's OK. Been a quite week so far... :)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Thank you Rob. Much appreciated.

Recap for yesterday:
Pro:148/153 (target)
Fat: 91/103

Note: Some food was not counted that I believe would have actually put me slightly above or right at my target of my protein, fat, and calorie target. I had about 2 or 3 handfuls of pork rinds, a small salad consisting of lettuce, and a little bit of a ginger salad dressing (less than 1 tbsp), and these were not counted.

Day 9:
Weigh in: 170.6
Body fat on the scale: 17.3 (had been saying I was in the 18s, so this is very good progress, as inaccurate as it may be).

Today is an off day, so 1225 cals again.
However, this is not just any off day, as I am carb cycling, and today is no carbs. Because of religious reasons, I am not able to eat meat (including eggs) on Tuesdays. So this will be quite a challenging day to get my protein in. I plan to use protein shakes as the primary source, but any and all suggestions to low carb, high protein vegetarian whole foods will be greatly appreciated (if they actually exist).
May also do some light cardio, run 2 miles in 20 min.

Rob, I plan to do 1 on, 1 off for the duration of these first 5 wos.
For the GLP 1, I will have to do a 2 on, 1 off in order to fit it all in before the vacation (leave July 4). Is this ok?
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