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Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:19 pm
by lovehasrisen
RobRegish wrote:OK Love... take my recommendations and get well. We want you 100% ready to go during Feast.

Many of you probably think my "health first" mantra is liability related. But think about this... if you're sick, how quickly are you going to get traction during Feast? Will you get traction at all??

Consider that as part of your thought process. Sometimes, it's better to live to fight another day...
Will do..
So I rest tomorrow [day-5] and start my Feast/workout on day-6?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:34 pm
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:Yes absolutely.

I'm not sure where this impression got started but Famine is NOT a low carb diet. When the majority of your diet is fruits, vegetables, nuts and leafy greens..... it's mostly carbs.

So everything you're experiencing is perfectly natural Love. Just keep your eye on the big picture and you'll be fine.

This is an inspiring log and I've so yearned for someone to run Warrior diet with The Blueprint. I've seen Anabolic Diet logs (DaCookie is running a good one now) but never, never have I seen a Warrior Diet + Anabolic diet log.

We will all learn a lot from this Love, and for that I thank you..
Sorry to but in on the log but I think this question is beneficial to all.

Rob do you have any good personal experience with the warrior diet?Tried it with anabolic diet?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:34 am
by Big.jazayrli
lovehasrisen wrote:
RobRegish wrote:OK Love... take my recommendations and get well. We want you 100% ready to go during Feast.

Many of you probably think my "health first" mantra is liability related. But think about this... if you're sick, how quickly are you going to get traction during Feast? Will you get traction at all??

Consider that as part of your thought process. Sometimes, it's better to live to fight another day...
Will do..
So I rest tomorrow [day-5] and start my Feast/workout on day-6?
you want 3 days of just eat/sleep/supps before you start working out

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:33 am
by lovehasrisen
Big.jazayrli wrote:
lovehasrisen wrote:
RobRegish wrote:OK Love... take my recommendations and get well. We want you 100% ready to go during Feast.

Many of you probably think my "health first" mantra is liability related. But think about this... if you're sick, how quickly are you going to get traction during Feast? Will you get traction at all??

Consider that as part of your thought process. Sometimes, it's better to live to fight another day...
Will do..
So I rest tomorrow [day-5] and start my Feast/workout on day-6?
you want 3 days of just eat/sleep/supps before you start working out
Three days? :eek:

will do light workout tomorrow.. very light and start the feast workout on saturday.. how does that sound?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:42 am
by RobRegish
I discovered and practiced the Warrior from 1999 through 2005. The AD I used in 1995 when it first came out and probably for 3-4 years later. On and off with it since then. So yes, quite a bit of experience.

What's unique here is that a TKD AD twist is being combined with a Warrior approach and some training variables outside BP recommendation yet within the BP shell template.

It's crazy, which is why I love it so :)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:50 am
by lovehasrisen
June 2, 2010
Day-5 on Famine..


A. SuperSets (3x6)
*BB Squats with 225 lbs (last time I did 245.. sorry for the typo..)
*Lat pulldowns with 180 lbs

B. BB Curls (1x6)
*With 95 lbs

C. Incline DB Curls (1x6)
*with 30 lbs

D. DB Preacher curls (1x6)
*with 30 lbs

E. SuperSets (3x15)
*bodyweight squats
*bodyweight walking lunges

Note: Rest between all sets - 30 seconds...

Today... I ate alot... I think 2700-2900 calories... I weighed in today... my weight: 243 lbs... I avoided protein today... probably ate around 25-50g of protein... also ate lots of sugar today... which i'm going to assume is... bad lol... should I do another day of famine before feast phase?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:56 am
by RobRegish
You know we're at a crossroads here. Those of you familiar with the stock Famine template are probably scratching your heads..

Love has some unique qualifiers going into this, had a bad cold going into workout #3 and for sure his Feast Phase (training and diet template) is going to look really weird to everyone :)

So here we are. Day 5 and Love had a diet abberation (how's that for being gentle?). He couldn't execute the full 5 sets due to feeling under the weather. What to do?

I think no more torture, time to move on to Feast!

RATIONALE: Love has dropped 7lbs in 5 days. The way I see it, it's more like 7lbs in 4 days given you exceeded cals on day 5. You did limit your protein that day and executed a fairly demanding workout. You also report feeling pretty shitty which is one of my other unique diagnostic qualifiers :)

Provided A). you cursed my name at least once during Famine and 2.) that cold has cleared up.....start Feast today. This will be most interesting!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:04 am
by Big.jazayrli
lovehasrisen wrote:
Three days? :eek:

will do light workout tomorrow.. very light and start the feast workout on saturday.. how does that sound?
yes three days. no working out.

Unless i misinterpreted ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:55 pm
by lovehasrisen
June 3, 2010
Been eating lots of protein, fats and carbs today..
Will continue to eat alot for the rest of this week.. and then go on my diet :)
I can't wait till saturday.. my first day.. lifting! :)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:18 am
by RobRegish
Yeah, this should be good!

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:20 am
by lovehasrisen
I will start my first workout this sunday..
was going to work out today.. but I'm going to be busy today and I think i'll need the extra rest day.. can't wait till tomorrow!

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:13 pm
by lovehasrisen
June 6, 2010

Diet: At alot today.. and will be eating alot soon.. just came back from a 2 hours and 20 minutes long workout.. man i'm so tired.. haha, had a scoop of chocolate dymatize iso whey and 12oz chocolate milk (yumme!).. will eat a ton soon.. after I shower :D

First workout on Feast Phase...

A. BB Bench Press (1x8) - 60~90 sec. rest in between, last set - 4~5 min. rest
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x1
5. 235x8

B. DB "pull overs" (1x8) with 35 lbs - Today, we were just working on form.. me and my partner.. well, I did feel my chest.. but alot on my tricept and my shoulder.. same with my partner..

C. EDT SuperSets [20 minutes]
*DB Incline Bench Press with 60 lbs
=Total: 52 reps
*Lat Pull downs with 180 lbs
=Total: 52 reps

D. BB Squats (1x8) - 60~90 sec. rest in between, last set - 3~4 min.
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 225x1
4. 245x1
5. 265x1
6. 275x8

D. #2 Stiff-leg dead lifts (1x8) - 45~60 sec. rest in between
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x8

E. EDT SuperSets [10 minutes]
*BB Romanian dead lifts with 205 lbs
=Total: 32 reps
*Hack squat machine with one 45s on each side: 90 lbs
=Total: 32 reps

F. Standing DB Curls (3x8) - 2 min. rest in between
1. 8x40
2. 8x40
3. 8x40

Wow.. i'm tired.. can't wait till wednesday, our next workout day! Tomorrow we are going to do 20-30 minutes of HIIT and tuesday some light jog around the track.. so far.. good.. If there's any thing to change or I should tweek please let me know! Thanks

BTW, I weigh 240 lbs.. -3 since last day of famine.. weird.. because I've been eating ALOT! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:17 am
by RobRegish
OK the bodyweight for sure is weird. I suppose when you took it is going to be indicative. Meaning if before the workout it's probably a better measure. After a long workout like that.... understandable if it's lower. Whatever it is, keep it constant.

Now your volume being what it is I'd counsel to keep a sharp eye on recovery. If you suspect at all that you aren't recovered from the last workout insert an extra rest day.

If looking at an alternate strategy, consider a less demanding form of cardio on your off days. Instead of HIIT for example, look into LIGHT sled dragging or medicine ball throws/LISS cardio for a limited duration.

Remember, it is the recovery days in between that are the KEY to making this work! Nice job Love. This is again, a most interesting experiment in taking The Blueprint to places it's never been :)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:57 am
by lovehasrisen
For my next workout..
I'm pretty much doing the same stuff..
but @ WORKOUT #2 4-6 rep range

If I did 235x8 last time..
what weight should I use this time for 6 reps?