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Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:17 am
by dracotdrgn
In an article I read and saved, Beta-Alanine was #5 in a top ten supplement list. Kind of a generic overview but it talked about increasing carnosine in muscles and when tested with creatine, resulted in better lbm than creatine alone. I get about 3.2g in one of my sups and an unkown quantity in another as part of an "endurance matrix." I'm sure no where close to 10g. :?:

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:00 am
by RobRegish
Yeah, I've seen those same studies.

There's a measurable increase in stored muscle carnitine. You can see increasing levels of stored AA in muscle tissue too from Arachadonic Acid. Trouble is (for me), there wasn't much else.

Probably more of an anti-aging application than anything. My $0.02..

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:35 pm
by Addy k
Weighed myself in the morning today, down to 171.5, that's 3.5 pounds in 2 days :shock: The workout today was really difficult for me and I was extra hungry today so that didn't help. My heart rate seems to be around the same, around 66. Looking forward to Sunday when I can eat like a normal person again :)

Thanks for those recipes Rob. I'll try one out tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:43 am
by RobRegish
Perfectly normal AddyK and tracks with other BP's experiences. Take care during the final workout as it's a real test. Pretty grueling but you seem to have a good handle on grueling vs. something being wrong. In the latter event, you can always dis-continue the workout. In the former, just gut through it as best you can.

Always put health first, always.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:57 pm
by Addy k
Well woke up today weighing 169 - that's 6 pounds 3 days. Hopefully the weight loss slows down a bit, or else I'll end up around 166 by Sunday morning :shock:

My legs and back are STILL sore so tomorrow's workout will be definitely grueling. Do I have to do cardio tomorrow as well? I was thinking the workout will be almost like cardio with the short breaks. Also, for Sunday, am I supposed to eat more than usual? For the protein loading, should it be 2 times bodyweight? And how much salt (and for how many days) do you recommend adding to each meal (tbsp, tsp?)?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:03 pm
by RobRegish
Wow. 6lbs is a lot.

Definately no more cardio. Your final workout (I think you're on the third now?) is the last day of Famine. After that it's time to EAT.

For protein, just focus on getting 1.5g per lb of bodyweight. Do intake liberally of carbs to. Ideally at least a 1:1 ratio. Don't be afraid to eat more carbs though.

Don't go crazy with the sodium. Perhaps a few shakes of salt at 2 or 3 of your solid food meals. This isn't sodium loading per se. I think that's a crazy practice.

Do continue drinking a LOT of water during feast and rest. Your body/mind has been through a lot these past 5 days and we're taking the breaks off, so to speak allowing it to play catch up...

Stay hydrated, stay focused and listen to your body. If you feel ill or really off, simply dis-continue. Otherwise gut it out and you're on your way to Gainesville (and I don't mean GA).

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:14 pm
by Addy k
Alright thanks. And yeah tomorrow is my last workout of this [brutal] famine phase. Should I start having protein right after my workout, or wait until Sunday morning?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:40 am
by RobRegish
Ideally, you wait until Sunday morning.

However, if you've lost any more weight that what you're currently sitting at.... treat yourself to a nice steak and potatoes dinner (with desert) and start your Feast immediately afterwards :)

Awesome work so far. I can't tell you how impressed I am with the job you're doing with Famine. That will be returned in spades during Feast as you're seeing here with other logs.

Again, I want to reiterate the "health first" mantra. This last workout is difficult. You sound like an experienced trainee who can differentiate between "difficult" and "something's wrong, I should stop". In the case of the latter, certainly play it safe and call it a day.

Don't want to scare anyone but I take your health just as seriously as I take your gains. I personally haven't heard from anyone who's felt it necessary to cut this last Famine workout short so take that for what it's worth.

And get ready, you're in for an incredible 6 weeks+ of monster gains.. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:16 pm
by Addy k
Wow the workout today was unrelenting. Yeah my experience has taught me when to stop and after the 4th superset of squats and back I had to. At this point I was thinking how much I hate you Rob :roll: ..I started to feel really light headed and everything hurt. I walked it off and finished biceps though! Glad to be done and I am sure hoping for some good gains.

My weight today stayed the same [thankfully]. I might have a nice meal tonight but I might just wait until tomorrow morning because I could sleep at anytime now since I am so exhausted.

What a week. Or rather what a 5 days :!:

So tomorrow I'll be starting e-bol and cbol creatine and eating a ton of protein and a fair amount of carbs. Can't wait.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:32 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha! A sure sign you're there... :)

And good for you for listening to your body. Good news on the BW too. Now it's time for the BIG PAYOFF!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:51 pm
by askmass
A tip on using red beets in jucing- start out with only a very small amount, maybe 1/4 of a small beet and over a month increase to one small one whole, at most.

It is a VERY strong and rapid detoxification agent in a raw state. Too much out of the gate and you'll be sick as a dog.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:10 am
by Addy k
I was really busy yesterday so I didn't get a chance to post. Didn't get the best rest, but kept my calories high. I'm aiming for 300g of protein and carbs for the first 72 hours, so I am basically eating a meal and having a shake as well because I just can't stuff that much meat in at once. I am also trying to drink 12oz of hour each water. I don't have dessicated liver tablets, but I have been munching on some nuts. I've also been keeping my sodium higher than normal. I'm feeling a lot better and really looking forward to Wednesdays workout.

I was thinking of doing some dedicated arms and calves work even though it's not a part of the program. I have small arms and calves, probably because I am an ectomorph and I naturally have long skinny limbs. I'll do it after the major lifts so it won't interfere with those. I was just thinking one exercise for each so it'd be 3 additional exercises, 3 sets each. What do you think Rob?

After reading some other posts, should I follow EDT for feast? My goal is to maximize hypertrophy, don't care too much about strength..

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:56 am
by RobRegish
Adding arms/calf work is OK, no problem. Just make sure it doesn't take away from your main barbell lifts.

Running with EDT in The Feast is a great idea. Suggest 1, perhaps 2 10 minute PR zones AFTER your big barbell lifts to optimally compliment your barbell lifts.

I run with 1 or 2 EDT PR Zones because I don't want you in there too long. Like any other type of warfare, hit fast, hit hard and get out of there.

Refresh, reload and attack the next workout with the same intensity!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:47 pm
by Addy k
So the workout would look something like this:
-1 work set of barbell bench, superset with pullovers (8-10 rep each)
-1 work set of squats, superset with stiff-legged deadlifts (8-10 rep each)
-train lats + triceps using two PR zones, 10 minutes each.

Then I would take a day off and train again with the big lifts and two different PR zones?