Sisonpyh = Hypnosis

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by Sisonpyh »

RobRegish wrote:Good job and keep it going.

This is one instance where I think we'll see some monster (15+lbs) gains, or at least the potential for such exists. Either way I'm going to be real interested to see how your body responds.
Thank you Rob! Really glad to hear that, I think the potential is great as well!



Bar x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 7

Bent over row:

55 x 10
65 x 10
75 x 10
85 x 7


Wide grip x 2
Shoulder width x 3
Widegrip x 2
Shoulder width x 2

Monday workout:

Bar x 10
95 x8
125x 4
135 x 4
145 x 2

Bench Press
Bar x 10
85 x 10
115 x 5
125 x 2


50 x 6

-Am starting to feel slightly different, possibly having to do with libido increase.
-Mood is more or less the same
- I seem to get a slightly more energized after taking the pills, I am guessing a placebo
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Post by Sisonpyh »

Wednesday workout:

Bar x 10
95 x10
125x 4
135 x 4
165 x 1

Bench Press
Bar x 10
85 x 10
115 x 5
125 x 2
135 x 1


50 x 6

- Lifts have gradually gone up
- Libido is definitely starting to go up
- Lifts are feeling much more solid
- Didn't look at the blueprint before doing last workout, assumed it was going into finding max so I didnt do the deload period.
- Took the recommended three days off, so I will start German volume training today.
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Post by RobRegish »

Those are great signs! Glad to hear it..

I do think you would have done more were the de-load done. No worries.. those 1RM's will be a thing of the past shortly :)

Nice work. Now rest up, and attack that GLP #1 with a vengence!
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Post by Sisonpyh »

I think it would of made a slight difference as well but I feel confident it would be around that mark.

Lots to update:


70 x 10
80 x8
95x 8
105x 8
115 x 8
125 x 8

Bench Press
Bar x 10
65 x 8
80 x 8
95 x 8
105 x 8
115 x 5


45 x 10
95 x8
100x 6
110x 6
120 x 6
130 x 6

Bench Press
60 x 10
70 x 8
85 x 6
100 x 6
110 x 6
120 x 4


70 x 10
100 x8
115 x 6
125x 4
135 x 4
140 x 4

Bench Press
60 x 10
75 x 8
95 x 6
105 x 4
115 x 4
125 x 3

-Strength feels pretty solid, feels good closing into my previous max but being able to rep more weight.
-Libido is still raised
-Getting a solid gallon of water a day
-Lifts feel better in general
-Definitely enjoy these firsts!
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Post by RobRegish »

More firsts... good sign!
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