Draco's Second Run

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Post by RobRegish »

A sample EDT template is laid out in your Blueprint...

The concept itself is easy enough. I do think, however, that a compound exercise pairing should be performed for your first PR zone and the second should be smaller movememts.

The key is frequency. As a starting point, I'd look at one on/one off and move to a one on/two off from there. As you grow stronger (and you will) the stresses on the body grow greater.

Thus, more recovery time is waranted. I'll be happy to help craft something for you, but give that a look first and let me know what changes you propose making.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I will, my sights are set on food right now. Although this famine has been easier it is still not easy. Tomorrow I feast!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Here's what I've come up with. I may move day 3 to six then take 3 and seven off. I am using the loading pattern at the end that keeps you out of the 80th percentile. ie day 1 -1@.622x15~2@.675x12~2@.729x10 I will use this for bench and squat for now. To keep it challenging for legs I will use my reall 1RM to calculate and -10lbs to start for bench.

Day 1
Bench Press Workout 1
DB Shoulder Press 4 X 10
DB Delt Fly 4 X 10
Skull Crushers 3 X 10
Weighted Dip 3 X 10
Light Curls 4 X 20

Day 2
Squat Workout 1
Superset with deadlifts
Quad extension 4 X 10-12
Toe raises 3 X 10-12
Seated toe Raises 3 X 10-12

Day 3
Abs and cardio (eventually running depending on leg strength and weight)
Weighted decline sit-up 4 X 10
Cable Crunch 4 X 15
Oblique Cable Crunch 4 X 10
L-H Cable Twist (Killer) 4 X 10 each side
Stretching and fitness ball movements

Day Four
Pull Overs 4 X 10
Low Row 4 X 10
Cable Row 4 X 10
Pull up body weight 2-3 sets to failure
Heavy Bi 3 excercises 3 sets e 10-12 reps
Forearm Curl 3 sets each direction X 12-15

Day Five
Option 1 Bench press loading workout #2 -or-
Decline bench 2 X 6-8 slow/neg/or static
Incline bench 2 X 6-8

Decending dumbell standing shoulder press 2x20
Reverse Fly 3 X 15
Skull crushers 2 X 15
Rope Tricep Pushdowns 2 X 20

Six and Seven Off

Let me know, I took today off for good measure pluse triceps were still a bit sore. I wanted to incorporate loaded stretching but didn't know how to do that and isolate at the same time. This is obviously going to be hard on the delts, pecs, tris, and bi's. Adequate on back and borderline on legs. I'll play it by ear, listen to my body, and if legs want more I give it, if chest wants less I'll change. If you have a better program knowing where I am physically, I'm here to learn.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

First day back :
4630 Calories____150.5g Fat_____489 g Carbs______337G protein
Less than last time but ok. I will not be posting intake this time to keep it simple. I eat well and will add-to or take away from as needed.
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Post by RobRegish »

Can you specify the name of the loading pattern you're using?

Couple of observations:

- 5 days a week is likely over-training, or at least will catch up with you fast

- Too many little movements. Pick just one supplemental movement. Simplicity is beautiful here

- Loaded stretches can leave you incredibly sore and compromise your strength on the main lift in some cases. You can work them in but best to stick with one movement you know won't leave you compromised for the next session.

Don't get me wrong. If you can recover from all this, then God bless you.

I wish I could!

How does it feel to be eating again :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

The program is at the very end of the "Muscle Media" program. It was a high rep loading pattern to do after you do their main loading program.

I knew you'd think this was over training, partially because I knew it was boarderline. Like I said I think I can handle it, at least for a good start. Untill I get back on another job this is my main concentration. I will and do listen to my body these days.

Simple movements: There are a few excercises I do like (ie shoulder flys) its all about pinpointing or stressing the muscle from a different direction. Thus decline and incline bench. The forearms do all this work and never get a range of motion. And we're all about the popeye here.

I thought by having an ab day in the middle it wouldn't be a day off but would give a little break to the other muscles. Doing it after squats and dl was so abs were taxed but were recovered by next squat day. I moved around numbers of sets, reps, and weight to accomodate the frquency. I did think this through to my best. ???????????

And yes, "Food Glorious Food!"
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Post by RobRegish »

OK well, I've always said this and its true: What matters is what works for YOU!

So, having said that. Here to support you 100%. Just let me know if you'd like my input on anything. And yes, what a joy to be eating again..:)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

It could be delayed traction could be that I haven't pushed hard in weeks or yes I'm sure it's both. I felt good today, just the bench strength was not there. It will take me a while to get back in full force. I had to make some changes in weight and rest time today, and I'm sure I'll have to do that this week. Adaptation! 218 weigh in
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, all part of the learning process. I've always said it really hits during your 2nd or third workout in Feast.

And nice work on the 218. As you know things really accelerate from here. Keep an eye on the overtraining though. If your weight isn't jumping like it should I'd look there first.

A thought: You really exploded last cycle when you switched to Heavy Duty, one set to failure type training. Keep that one in your back pocket if you feel over-training setting in...

Otherwise, good initiative/creativity setting this one up!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Workout 2
Squats went well. I did drop 10lbs off my 1RM to calculate the load. Hit all reps in sets 1,2,&3. Missed set four by three reps, then lightened my dl, took five min then pushed out all ten in set 5. Lower back was/is tired.
I wish my upper body could retain the stength in time like my legs do. Weighed in at 218 again, will be bumping up the calories a bit more.
Today is ab only day going to keep 1 min between sets if possible then sit in the hot tub. A couple of my fellow gymers have noticed the weight loss, but said I still look good. I wish I felt that way. Need that strength and vascularity in full force before I will be happy.
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Post by RobRegish »

It'll come. No two ways about it..

Smart to pay attention to recovery too. With that kind of frequency/volume, you'll definately need it. I know I would!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Abs went well. I was fortunate to have the cable machine to myself when I arrived so I set up three stations for crunch, ob crunch, and twist. I warmed up and continued on with the first two sets with no break then took 1min then ran all three stations as a jump set before another 1min rest then final set. This was awesome! Waited 5min then did weighted decline sit-ups. Ouch!

I was reading a program by N Nilsson a guy with Staley. Here's a piece plus my twist I may use tomorrow for back day. 10 min pr zone-switch off between wide grip and reverse close grip body weight pull up-3reps 10sec rest repeat.. The question is how much do I deduct from my current day to slip this in. The pull ups are out, and I will move the other excercises to 3 sets of 10-12 w/1-2 min between sets.
220 weigh in average of 1lb per day +
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd replace an equal amount of work (as measured in volume, sets x reps) with that new twist you're looking at. Should work out just fine.

And already back up to 220lbs. There's your traction :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I think I've found a nitch here. I did back as jump sets too and it kicked. Low iso row > pullovers > db row, rest 1 min repeat for three sets. Had to decrease weight but had a weight that 10 was max. Soaked with sweat then waited about 8 min because I got locked in conversation but idealy wanted 5min before going into the PR pullups as described before. This was different but good. Jumping these three excersices might help keep the back in this hypertrophy zone as a whole but allow isolation in the same. ????
Did bi's as described and finished with decending dumbells to 30 reps X 3 sets. These burn, I recommend these! Start with a db that allows 5-7 good form curls then move down 10lbs, curl to failure then decrease 10lbs and so one untill you get 25-30 reps total. I do this with shoulder presses too and love them. Funny to walk in and see someone struggling to curl or press 25lb dumbells, but the burn and pump are phenomenal.
Did a few shrug excersices and light shoulder moves to finish. I am not doing day 5 for two reasons. 1) need to recover 2) want my next split to start on a Monday.
Weighed in at 222. Sat in hot tub because this week has left me sore but feeling alive again.

I tried a hand held BF machine....... it said 16%. I said B.S. I don't know, I think that sounds high but I know I will retain water for a week or two after the famine. It may be accurate, I may be in denile, it does have a % + - but wanted to give you a ballpark.
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