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Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:12 pm
by RobRegish
inposition wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Welcome!

Suggest dosing Progenadrex at 6 caps pre-workout, with cup of oatmeal, and some raisins 90 min prior. Synthagen at 5 caps immediately prior to, halfway through and immediately post workout. Then, eat up BIG within 90 min. Your muscles are like a sponge, and will soak up all nutrients (especially with MPS/Progenadrex in the mix)..

This is a subtlety, but I thought it may make a difference.

Should I:
a) take the Progenadrex, wait 5-10 minutes, and eat the carbs.
b) eat the carbs, wait 5-10 minutes, and take the Progenadrex
or c) same time

Sorry for the delay brother, had some big issues to deal with lately..

Personally I take them with carbs. The important thing I think is this: Don't over think it too much. The only way to F this up is to not take it before or after training, don't eat anything for 4 hours later, etc.

When a product works (really works), it works. You have to try really, really hard to mess up with Progenadrex LOL. Bad training day timing, not eating, not sleeping etc.

I know the members here have been in the game awhile now though, so I have no concerns. Looking forward to your feedback!