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Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:17 pm
by RobRegish
More feedback, on what's looking better and better as time goes by!

Seth Spanner posted this on my FB page..

"Since starting Progenadrex my bodyweight is up 3-5 pounds (fluctuates slightly from water, and how much I eat that day). But my bench press, working up to a heavy single on training days is up 20 pounds ( a previous best of 320 pounds, has now reached 340) in approxinately 4 weeks time. I have no reason to believe that I will not hit 350 on February 17th. My bodyweight is at 190 right now, fluctuating between 188 up to 192. Even more exciting, is that previous maxes are now becoming multiple rep sets. 2 weeks ago hit 330 for a max, this week, before hiting 340, I doubled with 330.

This is powerful stuff. I have never made gains this fast and this consistently before. And I still have another bottle that I haven't even gotten to yet..."

Seth's a real person, paid for the product and is no newbie... ;-)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:18 pm
by walkerl60
RobRegish wrote:
walkerl60 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Because the goal is re-comp as I understand it, not bulking.

I know the allure of Progenadrex is strong: It's new, the feedback is overwhelmingly positive and people are eager to see for themselves. However, there's something to be said for old reliable too. Synthagen is just so consistent and good at what it does, particularly in a caloric deficit (where you will be on some days).

Regardless of which product you use, I'll be right here to support you... :)
I think it's about time I get a little phone consultation!!! How do I go about this?
Please remit $50 to, via PayPal. Then, please email me at: some preferred dates/times. We usually talk for an hour, but we'll go longer if need be (no additional charge). No need to take notes, I do it for you and you'll get an email summary of my recommendations, links etc.

Honestly man, I save guys a LOT of money pruning their supp lists but more importantly - time. You'll achieve your goals a LOT faster..

Thank you!
I just completed my phone consultation wit Coach Rob and I must say, it was well worth it!!! For those of you that may have considered doing the same, get off the fence and do it.....

Having just come off knee surgery, he suggested the Roman step up and HOLY SH%!, who the heck needs to risk back injury doing squats. Step ups are BRUTAL....

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:19 pm
by RobRegish
Thanks so much man!

Yeah, there are gems in every conversation. I can usually figure out who needs what. Glad you like... :)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:12 am
by RobRegish
First 1 month cycle report is in. From Predator's board, teenphysique:

teenphysique said
Okay i havent updated for a while since i saw no need to because ive posted a whole log

ive always been saying i cant botice strength a lot but with that said i gave ran 2 loading patterns which i have completed whilst on progenadrex and its nothing short of remarkable in my opinion its taken 34 days and i have added 14kg to my bench 1 rep max also to add to this i havent deadlifted for 8 weeks and i did them yesterday to top the programme off and i have gained 3 more reps onto my previous 1 rep max which im cery surprised at

i am taking 4 weeks off progenadrex i have 3 bottles waiting to be used going to stary a famine phase and then the feast phase which is when im going to start another rolling log on progenadrex for 4 weeks then cruise phase and then restart the same cycle

Incredible strength gains, especially when the (short) time duration is taken into consideration! This, on top of your bodyweight/lbm gains while staying lean must have been most gratifying. Let's re-cap the 34 day cycle:

* Added over 30lbs to his bench press

* He's now quadrupling with his old 1RM on the deadlift, without deadlifting for 2 months

* He's gained 7lbs in a month's time. And since muscle moves these kind of weights not fat, it's presumably a high % LBM

Those are easily PH like gains, and a strong one at that. The best part? You did all of this without wrecking your natural test production, incurring any liver damage etc etc. You didn't need to spend any $ on "protective" supplements, and not 1 red cent on PCT.

Damn high bar you set brother, solid work. Who's next? Cool

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:37 pm
by RobRegish

So, i've just finished my first bottle of Progenadrex. Taken very simply, all six caps with breakfast, every day. No change to diet and no change to training routine. As for a final review, well in the face of very thorough logs from the likes of TeenP and FBSF mine will look embarassingly simple. Two words in fact…

Buy it.

jt75 said

Same here mate,I lost inches on my waist the first three weeks and if u read my early posts you'll see that my abs were beginning to show through but after that the fat slowly showed and that was with reduced calories but I was impressed with the lbm that the product gave me. I would definitely use it again.[/i]

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:20 am
by RobRegish
Tom Cox -

To update you on progenadrex quickly i have been on holiday for 6 days so in them six days i have gone from 188.8 - 193lbs i didnt get chance to traon over them 6 days but i didnt go silly on food i just tried to get as much in but no chocolate just a few beers etc id say around 3000 kcals im in 14 days during feast and progenadrex

This ,after Feast and he did nothing but rest and take Progenadrex. His body was super-compensating, adding new muscle tissue (Stimulate, Recover and GROW!)


"Laxogenin is a bit of an in-thing at the moment, but it's actually been around for many years. Done right it is a pretty potent natural anabolic, and Progenadrex is laxogenin done right.

Progenadrex is well beyond simple laxogenin thanks to Rob (the formulator), who has the knoweldge of natural anabolics to leverage the most from them. Both in terms of actual formulation but also the quality of raw ingredients that go into them.

In use Progenadrex kicks in within a day or two, with a general sense of mental well being and a marked increase in pump factor and vascularity. As the cycle settles, energy availability and mental drive seriously improve. But the stand out improvement for me was recovery, which was off-the-charts good. 4-6lb gain, and retained post cycle. Energy availability and drive are holding too, which suggests a possible regenerative effect beyond simple recovery. Either way, this is potent natural product, and one i'll be running again very soon..."

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:00 pm
by RobRegish
The hits they just keep coming!

englishbob -

Second Run Stack: Synthagen around the work-outs: 6 caps before and 3 after. Progenadrex: 6 caps before main meal or before work-outs Nutrition unchanged. Exercise regime: the same with two sessions of Muay Thai added per week. I did suffer a Grade 1 Right Hamstring Tear a couple weeks earlier which impacted squat performance Results: Beginning of Program (2/3/15) Weight 81 kg/ 179 lbs Hanging Leg Raises at half speed (2 sets): 20,10 Half One Arm Push Ups (CC Step 8 – 2 sets) L,R: (5,6), (8,10)

Full Bridge (CC Step 6 – 2 Sets): 10,10 Uneven Pull-Ups (2 sets L,R): (5,7), (7,7) Single Leg Squats (2 sets): Left leg 10, 12; Right leg 5,5 Handstand Push-Up (CC Step 5 – 4 sets): 1,2,2,2 End of Program (27/3/15) Weight 80 kg/ 176 lbs Hanging Leg Raises at half speed (2 sets): 20,10 Half One Arm Push Ups (CC Step 8 – 2 sets) L,R: (20,13), (16,10) Full Bridge (CC Step 6 – 2 Sets): 15,15 Uneven Pull-Ups (2 sets L,R): (9,5), (9,5) Single Leg Squats (2 sets): Left leg 10, 16; Right leg 10,16 Handstand Push-Up (CC Step 5 – 4 sets): 4,4,3,3 My numbers generally improved even considering some fatigue from Muay Thai whilst still performing the CC exercise. What these numbers don't show is the overall improvement in energy levels. I was able to get through 90 minute Muay Thai sessions without breathing hard and without DOMS the next day. Also, the cosmetic changes to my body were extremely noticeable and were remarked upon by other people.

The combination of Progenadrex and Sythagen is phenomenal in my opinion. The other thing that struck me is a real elevation in mood and confidence when walking around. I feel really good this run!!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:43 pm
by thicketman
This might be a dumb question but this appears to be a KA-type supp. Is that right? Does one have a certain set of benefits over the other?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:42 am
by FatBoySlimFast
Well Rob you've got a winner here!

I was at first very sceptical, as I had previously used some of the ingredients in the formula and saw little or no positive benefit. In fact one of the ingredients, namely Laxogenin gave me severe head cold/flu like symptoms.
I will admit that the same symptoms did appear with Progenadrex toward the end of my cycle, but I managed to negate these by taking the caps first thing in the morning, rather than late afternoon(pre training).

Anyway, I used this in conjunction with the blueprint meteoric dietary template, and Staley's Stack 10 & EDT Block training aiming for a recomp. I gained 2lb 2oz in 4 weeks all while reducing the size of my waist by the best part of 2 inches.
Not at all bad for a 48 yr old ecto who has a hard time gaining any lbm without a significant increase body fat.

STARTING WEIGHT - 20/03/2015 – 165lb - 32.5" - Waist
END WEIGHT -18/04/2015 - 167lb 2 oz - 30.75" - Waist

For anyone interested I left a brief log here ... edrex-log/

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:38 am
by RobRegish
thicketman wrote:This might be a dumb question but this appears to be a KA-type supp. Is that right? Does one have a certain set of benefits over the other?
Both are quality products that'll get you to Gainsville faster. And yes their MOA's are similar, albeit they do so with completely different ingredients. If there's one difference it's this: Progenadrex will make you hungry/impart more of an alpha male effect.. KA won't necessarily make you hungry/aggressive, but certainly does impart a feeling of well being (Ecdy is known for this). One or both of these may be an advantage to some, a detriment to others.

I can only recommend you try both, to see which is more cost/effective for you.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:46 am
by RobRegish
FatBoySlimFast wrote:Well Rob you've got a winner here!

I was at first very sceptical, as I had previously used some of the ingredients in the formula and saw little or no positive benefit. In fact one of the ingredients, namely Laxogenin gave me severe head cold/flu like symptoms.
I will admit that the same symptoms did appear with Progenadrex toward the end of my cycle, but I managed to negate these by taking the caps first thing in the morning, rather than late afternoon(pre training).

Anyway, I used this in conjunction with the blueprint meteoric dietary template, and Staley's Stack 10 & EDT Block training aiming for a recomp. I gained 2lb 2oz in 4 weeks all while reducing the size of my waist by the best part of 2 inches.
Not at all bad for a 48 yr old ecto who has a hard time gaining any lbm without a significant increase body fat.

STARTING WEIGHT - 20/03/2015 – 165lb - 32.5" - Waist
END WEIGHT -18/04/2015 - 167lb 2 oz - 30.75" - Waist

For anyone interested I left a brief log here ... edrex-log/
Outstanding results, especially the loss of almost 2" in the waist!

I wonder if the increase in LBM exceeded 2lbs though, given the rather significant shrinking of the waist. Even if LBM gains didn't exceed 2lbs, your muscle to fat ratio sure improved!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:29 am
by FatBoySlimFast
RobRegish wrote:
FatBoySlimFast wrote:Well Rob you've got a winner here!

I was at first very sceptical, as I had previously used some of the ingredients in the formula and saw little or no positive benefit. In fact one of the ingredients, namely Laxogenin gave me severe head cold/flu like symptoms.
I will admit that the same symptoms did appear with Progenadrex toward the end of my cycle, but I managed to negate these by taking the caps first thing in the morning, rather than late afternoon(pre training).

Anyway, I used this in conjunction with the blueprint meteoric dietary template, and Staley's Stack 10 & EDT Block training aiming for a recomp. I gained 2lb 2oz in 4 weeks all while reducing the size of my waist by the best part of 2 inches.
Not at all bad for a 48 yr old ecto who has a hard time gaining any lbm without a significant increase body fat.

STARTING WEIGHT - 20/03/2015 – 165lb - 32.5" - Waist
END WEIGHT -18/04/2015 - 167lb 2 oz - 30.75" - Waist

For anyone interested I left a brief log here ... edrex-log/
Outstanding results, especially the loss of almost 2" in the waist!

I wonder if the increase in LBM exceeded 2lbs though, given the rather significant shrinking of the waist. Even if LBM gains didn't exceed 2lbs, your muscle to fat ratio sure improved!
Sorry, that's a scale weight increase, so taking the the significant amount of body fat lost, one could safely assume that lbm has increased more than 2lb.