Marco takes it to the next level with Blueprint

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Post by MarcoDeniro »

So I am eating at least a bag of spinach a day
brocolli apples and berries and v8 juice and nuts , In no particular order. I did stop a arby's after my am workout and get a double melt. and later on had a chili dog yum. Other than that Its clean.
A.M workout was 2 excercises
Hammer Strength Iso Leg Press
15@135lbs 10@270lbs
12@ 180lbs 6@315lbs
10@225lbs 1@360lbs

Front Squats ~in the bucket~
10@115lbs 7@155lbs
10@115lbs 4@185lbs
10@135lbs 2x2@205lbs
Couldv'e did more reps .
Needed somebody to push me.
Diet weekness
Plus I am working legs Friday with trainer dont want to overdo it yet

My pm workout
Duration 1:15
46 min in the zone 131-185
Max HR 172
Avg Hr 135
1021 cal 50% fat

I did take any PEA.
My sweat smelled normal with no funny smells

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Post by RobRegish »

OK good.

What's your bodyweight doing in relation to where you started? Should be dropping..
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1/13/10 Day 5 of fast

Post by MarcoDeniro »

The Diet
Yesterday's diet was clean
I did have a lil bit of protein in the form of nuts .
A tad bit of chicken in my brown rice
Sauteed spinach a whole bag
Waking Heart rate
left monitor on for 2 hours as I slept
Max Hr 95 avg Hr 67
The monitor slipped off and only registere 86 calories burned @60% fat ~whatever that means
Workout 1
with trainer

3x10@bodyweight with spot
Hammer Strength Front Lat Pulldown
15@ 35lbs
Hammer Strength Behind the neck pulldown
12@ 45lbs
Dropset 15 reps each weight
Squat rack BB curls ~WTF
jus curl thee bar for 3 burning azz sets .
he chained a weight and I had to concentrate on keeping weight from swing FTW
such lightweight my muscles were screaming esp after all those lat pull downs
STRIVE 123 Bicep curl
3x15@55lbs each position(30)=45 rep each set :(
finished off with 15 min of cardio

Duration 1:15
Calories burned: 950 60%fat
Heart rate Max:148

Workout #2
Dumbell rows

*definitly have gotten weaker with these on this fast*
*weak from fast decided not to push myself in this state*
T-Bar Rows
Standing Db curls

Duration: 47 minutes
Calories burnt: 456 60%fat
Heart Rate Max:150
4min in the zone 131-185

I bought keto strips. After 3 tests I am still negative with a small amount of trace ~maybe~
I have not smelt the ammoniated smell in sweat either. I will continue fast untill friday :(
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1/14/10 Thursday

Post by MarcoDeniro »

Waking Heart rate 60
2 hour sleep between 7-9
185 cal
Max 88
avg 61
Weight 228.6 at 23% fat
even though weight did not come down this morning .it does seem bodyfat percentage dropped :)
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

The Diet
Snack 1: Bannana
Snack 2:5 Strawberriers ,half handful of blueberries,quarter of a pomengrate, Half of apple
snack 3:brown rice pilaf with 1ounce of lean ground beef
snack 4: 18 Cashew kernals
snack 5: Strawberries,blueberriers rest of pomengrate half of apple
snack 6 personal pan pizza :(
It should fit in my caloric intake
Tested keto strips . It revealed trace amounts of Ketones

Waking Heart rate 60
2 hour sleep between 7-9
185 cal
Max 88
avg 61
Weight 228.6 at 23% fat
even though weight did not come down this morning .it does seem bodyfat percentage
The Workout
Tricep and Chest
Tri Db Xtension
Tri Kickbacks
Tri Pressdown
8 x80lbs
Pec Dec fly
Cybex chest press
Seated dip
Hammer Strength Iso wide chest
Hammer Strength Super Incline press
Barbell Decline
2@230lbs~assisted on push up
Duration 1:20
Heart rate Max :158 Avg:121
Calories burnt:936 cal 55%fat
15 min in the zone 131-185

2cd ketostrip revealed trace amounts
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

RobRegish wrote:OK good.

What's your bodyweight doing in relation to where you started? Should be dropping..
weight is 228 bodyfat percentage went down for morning weigh in .
Its usually 25% or higher in the morn. This morning it was 23%
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Post by RobRegish »

OK no worries on continuing until Friday. Your resting heart rate is certainly getting there as you're only about 3 beats away from baseline.

You bought ketostix. These are not the Multistix I spoke of. Since you're not on a ketogenic diet, you logically aren't showing large amounts of ketones. Nor would you even if in ketosis! Why? Because ketones are either used for energy or excreted. On a calorie restricted diet, they are being used for energy, not excreted. I would surmise that you are in fact in ketosis, especially if showing trace amounts.

The famine generates a strong alarm signal. So strong, you are eating rice/carbs and showing trace ketones. Stop and think about that for a minute. Were a doctor to see this, he's either think you were a. starving or b. sick. We accomplish this trick by pulling out the protein, keeping calories very low and imposing radically increased physical demands that generate the anti-catabolic response needed to springboard into adaptogen use. And you are losing bodyfat :) 2% is no small amount in 5 days.

We use MultiStix because they measure Protein excretion in the urine (muscle breakdown). And I can assure you, you'd be showing deep green (it's a color scale) had you bought those.

I have every confidence that you're almost there. Nice work Marco..
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

RobRegish wrote:OK no worries on continuing until Friday. Your resting heart rate is certainly getting there as you're only about 3 beats away from baseline.

You bought ketostix. These are not the Multistix I spoke of. Since you're not on a ketogenic diet, you logically aren't showing large amounts of ketones. Nor would you even if in ketosis! Why? Because ketones are either used for energy or excreted. On a calorie restricted diet, they are being used for energy, not excreted. I would surmise that you are in fact in ketosis, especially if showing trace amounts.

The famine generates a strong alarm signal. So strong, you are eating rice/carbs and showing trace ketones. Stop and think about that for a minute. Were a doctor to see this, he's either think you were a. starving or b. sick. We accomplish this trick by pulling out the protein, keeping calories very low and imposing radically increased physical demands that generate the anti-catabolic response needed to springboard into adaptogen use. And you are losing bodyfat :) 2% is no small amount in 5 days.

We use MultiStix because they measure Protein excretion in the urine (muscle breakdown). And I can assure you, you'd be showing deep green (it's a color scale) had you bought those.

I have every confidence that you're almost there. Nice work Marco..
My girl wanted to keep the Ketstix for her dieting stuff. I just wanted to try them out.
I will look again today for multistix. I had a lot of moving to do for my sister.
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Friday 1/15/10

Post by MarcoDeniro »

Morning weight 228 @22 % f
Resting Heart rate 59
I was truly expecting to be down in weight more than I am.
I am leaving each meal hungry and with the exception of the personal pizza my Diet has been as outlined.
Today is supposed to be the last day of my fast. I am cutting out all nuts .
Less fruit and more veggies
Will increased consumption of spinach shoot my irons levels to high . I read high iron levels are not good for males.
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Post by RobRegish »

No worries man, you're there.

The goal isn't weight loss per se, of the Famine. The goal is to generate an anti-catabolic response and set the table for adaptogen use. You mention being surprised that you're only down 2lbs so far.

Let's look at your bodyfat levels a little closer though, shall we? Because I have a pleasant surprise for you...

Day 1 of Fast

230lbs. You mentioned bodyfat is "usually 25% or higher in the morning" but you also mention it was 23% at the start of your log. Let's take 24% as a representative average.

That means at the start of Famine you had 55.2lbs of Fat and 174.8lbs of muscle.

End of Fast:

228 @ 22 %

That means at the end of Famine you had 50.16lbs of Fat and 177.84lbs of muscle.

So where did those 2lbs on the scale go?

Marco, congratulations. You just LOST 5.04lbs of fat and GAINED 3.04lbs of muscle during Famine!
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Post by RobRegish »

By the way, this also tells me you're going to need a new set of recommendations for the Feast.

You are a classic easy gainer. You're everything I aspired to be when I was skinny :) The upside is you put on muscle easily. The downside is you put on fat just as easily.

Therefore, we're going to modify your caloric and training guidelines a bit. Instead of massive overfeeding early on, I'd like you to consider the following caloric recommendations for feast:

First 3 days: Bodyweight x 13 for calories. This means you should be consuming in the neighborhood of 2,964 calories/day and of course, re-introducing copious amounts of protein and your Ebol/other supps.. I suspect you'll have to be more careful with carbs than most. That will likely be the trick for you during this time.

Dan Duchaine's Isocaloric diet then, would be a logical place to start. As the name suggests, the isocaloric diet derives equal calories from fats, protein and carbs. At those levels then, you'll be consuming the following macronutrient split daily:

- 244.5 grams of protein
2.964 calories x 33% = 978.12/4 calories/gram = 244.5g of P

- 244.5 grams of carbs
2.964 calories x 33% = 978.12/4 calories/gram = 244.5g of C

- 108.68 grams of fat
2,964 calories x 335 = 978.12/9 calories/gram = 108.68g of F

Since you've hired a trainer, I'd put him to work for you. If possible, ask him to construct a daily meal plan/shopping list to support this.

We'll evaluate body comp after three days to determine our next course of action. I suspect you'll see a slight increase in bodyfat percentage. Even if you do, easy enough to make adjustments. More on those later if we need them. Typically though, during re-feeds you'll see most of these calories shunted toward muscle/restoring liver and muscle glycogen. We'll allow the #'s to guide us.

Since your stated goal is more along the lines of re-comp vs getting huge, I'd like you to consider Charles Staley's EDT training template as I outline in The Blueprint for you Feast training.

Charles made a FANTASTIC contribution to the bodybuilding/strength training field and I have every confidence you'll benefit from his training template. There is COPIOUS information about Charles' EDT on the web if you're interested in putting a finer point on things. In particular, you'll want to check out his "EDT for Fat Loss" series. Here's a link to get you started: ... taley.html

I will of course, lend my expertise where I can. I don't generally recommend spending tons of money but Charles' books, DVD's etc on EDT are a solid investment in your bodybuilding education. I purposely built many arrows into the Blueprint quiver and in your case, this is the one I'd pull out.

You've got a great thing going here and I want to see you get the most out of it!
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Post by MarcoDeniro »

Rob thanx so much for explaining that for me

My resting Heart rate average this morning was 66~ that was upon waking up~
Morning weight 229.8 @25.5
I dont know how I gained weight with my calorie so restricted yesterday .
I literally had a bag of spinach=60 calories
sauteed in 2 Tablespoons of EVOO=240
2 cup of brown rice =340
1 ounce of chicken breast =43
v8 46 fl oz = 300 calories
170 calories from reese's cup
170 calories from twix
170 calories from cashews
calories burned yesterday at least during workout was 1800

My weight fluctuates so much through the day for instance Weight after fasted cardio this morning was 229.2 @24.2 %
weight @7:17 pm after eating Hooters chicken wings 230@20%
I know some people discourage constant weighing . I think its important in figuring out your body and the efx food has on it at certain times of the day.
So that was all I had to eat today besides an apple . Tommorow will be my last day of this tight restriction.
Hold on
Monday will be the start of my feast stage. I will start supplements. I will follow my trainer workout programs on days I work with him. I will follow your outline on tues thurs sat and rest on sunday saved for a lil cardio,
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Post by m4l »

Congrats on making it through the first 5 days. I know it wasn't easy, keep it up!
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Post by RobRegish »

You made it! And you did it right too. Now come the rewards..

The reason your BF levels were skewed can be summed up in one word:


Increases extra-cellular water content leading to skinfold thickness.

v8 46 fl oz = 300 calories
170 calories from reese's cup
170 calories from twix
170 calories from cashews

I agree weight/bodyfat are useful tools. Tools can cut though, and daily variation can cut into your psyche and throw you off. We can wean you off.

How about taking these measurements every third day?
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