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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:40 am
by RobRegish
Nice work. It's starting :)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:00 pm
by dracotdrgn
Day Four
Woke up (slowly) to a smoothie then off to the gym
2 excercises per muscle, 10-12 reps and six sets 1 min between sets
One minute went quickly as I had to decrease weight every set
Seemed like focus and even eye sight was hazey
Came home to two bowls of brown rice and salsa and half an apple
Played an average 18 holes of golf not swinging at full speed and strength actually may have helped my first 9 holes. Those hot dogs and beer looked sooo good.
Ended the day with an orange after golf, and two big salads covered with greens and dressed with oil and vinegar for dinner. Lots of water today.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:50 pm
by RobRegish

One of the thing you'll notice during Famine is the profound power of the mind. It work in many ways, but simply "staying busy" helps to keep your mind off of food. You may still be physiologically hungry but mentally your focus is on other things. It is an effect that fails with time but exists transiently during Famine.

You don't necesarily notice these things when bulking.

Also.. "Seemed like focus and even eye sight was hazey"

Here we see the same mind/body pathway being affected. The deleption of energy substrates in the muscle tissue/nervous system is now registering in the brain. Once the brain is alerted to the situation, it starts sending all of the signals out we're looking to generate: up-regulate protein synthesis, increase glycogen storage/amino acid uptake enzymes etc.. Right now, the body doesn't have a chance given lack of nutrients/extreme and constant physical demands.

As we all know though... all of that is about to change.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:23 pm
by dracotdrgn
Day Five
Hard to get out of bed, I did and went straight to the blender for a smoothie
Two excercises per muscle, 7 sets 15 reps 30 sec between sets
Started with back on to bi's, then legs wanted to do legs first but leg room was crowded no patience to wait
30 sec rest was short, had to lower weight every 3rd set. Squats with minimal weight was tough. Vision wasn't clear eyes were sticky. And I didn't sweat much even though I thought I was pretty well hydrated. And yes I had a funky odor goin on.
Post wo two bowls of brown rice and salsa, 1 apple
No energy, wanted to lounge and watch football, look away during food commercials :shock: . This probably isn't what you meant by keeping the mind occupied.
Turned to a mug of half caff coffee for motivation. Left house for errands, but a liitle cranky and tired.
4 stuffed grape leaves, and a salad to finish this day
Of all the the programs and workouts I've tried this is the most radical approach to what I believe to be the best end result. Keep the Faith!
Tomorrow I eat and rid my body of this hunger and soreness. Oh yea I am sore and achy. I really held nothing back during my workouts, I went as heavy as the rep range would allow.
Questions Do I start supplements tomorrow or wait three days?
You said to eat carbs and fats too. Fast or slow digesting carbs? Fats from good sources or can I go get some bacon????

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:42 am
by RobRegish
Congratulations, you made it! Now the fun starts...

During feast, you want to focus on 1.) hitting the calorie goals I outline 2.) hitting the protein goals I outline and 3.) choosing a preferred fuel source (carbs or fats) during bulking. I'd highly recommend the carbs first time around. You want 3x more carbs than protein to make absolutely certain all of that precious protein is shunted toward muscle and not burned for energy.

Preferably, consume mostly low glycemic carbs during the day. The two exceptions being first meal upon wakening and of course, around workouts. Mostly, we're talking potatos, sweet potatos, oatmeal, some fruit and whole grain bread. Tasty toppings include honey, which is really nature's perfect carb and a welcome addition to natural peanut butter on that whole wheat bread. So focus on getting the protein grams in, aim to about triple that in carbs. Since you're 235lbs protein grams should = at least 235g. That's about 1,000 calories right there. Triple the carbs = 705 grams or 2,820 calories. Now you're at 3,820 calories for the day or about 16x bodyweight. I like to add in fats from here to get to 20x bodyweight for the first 3 days, then dial it back slightly as the cycle progresses. You don't have to hit these numbers exactly, they're just guidelines. Even coming close will deliver the message.... nutrients are back and now your body has the "cement" it needs for all those little builders you mobilized during Famine.

Here's how I do it: Base "drink" I use is the following:

Pour the following ingredients into a blender:

- 16 - 24 oz of Pineapple juice
- 4-5 scoops of Mass Pro MVP
- 1 large banana
- 2 containers of liquid egg whites (back in the day, this was 6 raw eggs!)
- 1 tablespoon of raw/organic wheat germ
- 1 container of plain yogurt
- 2/3 scoops low-fat ice cream (Ok I used full fat but what the hell..)

Place into large thermos and sip slowly with every meal.

This baby is loaded with calories, protein, b-vitamins from the wheat germ, bromelain and papain digestive enzymes from pineapple juice (important and overlooked for protein absorption), potassium/vitamin C and fiber from the banana and beneficial bacteria as found in the yogurt.

Now to this I add my "base" whole food concoction:

- 2 cups of steel cut oats
- 4 scoops chocolate whey protein
- 4-5 tablespoons natural Peanut Butter
- sprinkle in some raisins
- Honey to sweeten

Add enough water to thicken to your liking. Throw in tupperware with plastic fork. Grab 2-3 pieces of fruit, throw it in your bag. If you get sick of it switch to sandwiches every other day. Roast beef, turkey or Peanut Butter and Honey. Done. In about 15 min of prep time you have all the on the go food you need for feast. If you have the luxury of time, a nice steak, potato, veggie sit down meal is terrific way to end the day.

Now, please don't forget to lightly salt every other meal or so during the day. Nothing drastic, just a slight amount of sodium to facilitate nutrient transport into the cells. Makes a big difference!

And yes, start hammering the supps now like Adaptogen N, Kre-Anabolyn etc.. Your body is now primed to get the most out of them and adapt to the stress you so perfectly delivered by executing Famine.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:29 am
by dracotdrgn
Feast Day One
Re group and EAT
Bagel with ham, cheese, and 2 whole eggs-grits with little mar-16oz 1/2 coffee
Cal 595 FAT 24g Carb 85g Pro 42g
Nut and Dried Fruit Mix throughout day (this seems high) ???
Cal 1050 Fat 70g Carb 91g Pro 28g
Two Frozen Bean Buritto's
Cal 540 Fat 16g Carb 80 Pro 16g
Robs Special Shake with orange juice, 16 oz egg white, frozen yogurt, everything else same throughout day
Cal 1349 Fat 22g Carb 263 Pro 180
Roast beef dinner with potato and carrots. Double check my figures i'm using an on line table. Based on 24 oz of beef (yes I was hungry)
Cal 1566 Fat 120 Carb 25??? Pro 123
Cal 5100 Fat 252g Carb 544g Pro 389g
I may have over achieved here. What do ya think?
Found the Liver tabs froma company called Cardiovascular Research Ltd Concord, CA
6 Liver Tabs
3 KA
No work out today. Felt better but I was always munching or sipping on something. Weighed in on Day 4 of famine phase at 220, down seven.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:03 am
by RobRegish
"I may have over achieved here. What do ya think?" - Classic!

Superb. Really, I mean that. This is a terrific start to Feast.

And down 7 in Famine. Wow. You may have overdone it there a bit but time will tell. Could also have been attributed to the sickness experienced early on. One of two things is going to happen... you're either going to experience delayed traction going into Feast OR the rebound is going to be VERY explosive. Like someone stuck an air hose in you!

The fact you packed away so many calories day 1 and were still hungry is a good sign though. A very good sign. Those nutrients flooding in were gobbled up quickly and put to work. I wouldn't worry about it. In fact, I'd embrace it for at least the first 3 days. Listen to your body. I'm guessing it'll tell you to back off a bit within a week but again, listen to it and follow..

You should feel your strength returning tomorrow. First workout is usually nothing remarkable (sometimes it is) but I usually feel it hit in a big way workout 2 or 3. From there it's just a rocket ride. You just feel very full, very strong and the traction starts to accelerate. You'll know what I'm talking about when you feel it.

Keep us posted!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:21 am
by BrainSquirt
Thanks for the posting dracotdrgn. I can relate to a lot of what you’re saying – especially increased emphasis on nutrition.

re: “NO Shotgun/Synthesize”
NO Shotgun is the best pre-workout formula I have found. I love it! …
BUT I stopped taking it because I work out in the PM and for me personally, the caffeine is contra–indicated at that time of day. I’m intuiting long term use would deplete connective tissue, kidneys, adrenals, etc., while it’s CNS effects would wear off. I ‘replaced’ that kind of pre-workout stuff with visualization of affect AND performance during workout and pre-workout full body joint mobility work – not as easy – but definitely worth it.
Didn’t switch to Synthesize bcse I have some questions about their ‘non–carb’ insulinogenics too. Maybe Rob can analyze the ingredients of that part of the formula for us. I’m also not convinced about all these ‘esters’ in stuff either. So, while I don’t use them anymore, imo if one is going to use them NO Shotgun is the best.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:46 pm
by askmass
As Rob alluded to, hang on to your hat, dracotdrgn... It's an incredible rush, especially the first time out.

The strength hits like a lightening bolt and almost overnight you wake up with such full and dense feeling muscles that it seems you could toss around Volkswagen's like Tonka toys.

This regimen leverages the "fullness" effects of Kre-Anabolyn SO very strongly and effectively, especially noticeable in the upper body and smaller muscle groups.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:14 am
by dracotdrgn
Well, I am through with my three days off and eagerly awaiting tomorrows trip to the gym. "Do Not Skip This Step" ok then, I guess I will be finding my 1RM. I hope I feel the rush like John explains.
A couple of questions: Do I test all three big lifts tomorrow? Dead lift, do I really do a 1RM or do a heavy weight for reps then plug it in to the calculator. Even squats and leg press, I've done as low as two and three reps but never one. I would sure like to start my "new program" Monday.
On the sups... I agree Brain, I've tried a lot of pre wo sups and I keep going back to the shotgun, but I am almost empty on my vpx products and do not plan to re-order as of now. I have the LG product i received for pre and will rely on MVP in juice with a KA for post plus food.
Love the new shake Rob, I put actual pineapple chunks in it today. You know your shake is good when you have to chew it!
Here I go.........

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:24 am
by RobRegish
Wow, some great questions/comments here and I do appreciate them. Let's take the training aspect first.

Your 1RM for this program should be taken for the bench press. The MM2K loading pattern you're using is specifically written for that lift and while it will work for the squat, it will not work AS WELL for the deadlift. Why? Because of the negatives..

The negatives (while not impossible to execute) for the deadlift are not the essential component of the lift as with the bench. Recall a true deadlift is a concentric (raising) lift from the floor where starting strength minus the stretch reflex is paramount.

In english: you don't lower the bar prior to raising it as with the squat and bench.

After taking your 1RM on the bench pick 1-2 loaded stretch position movements such as the chinup (vertical pull) and 1 arm dumbell row (horizontal pull) to pair with the bench. Rotate those every other workout as they give you a nice mix of pulling movements on different plans (vertical and horizontal) to ensure good shoulder health.

If you're looking to up your SQ or DL significantly in the same Feast Phase (tall order) it is best to pick a less demanding frequency loading pattern such as the 6 workout German loadng pattern #1. In that event, I'd suggest the following format:

TEST DAY: Take your 1RM in the Bench and Squat. If you don't want to do a true 1RM, take your 2 or 3 rep max and base it off of that. This is conservative and the way to go. So say you max at a 300 for 2 bench and a 400 for 2 squat. You'd base your program off of a 300x1 bench press and 400x1 squat. This isn't gaming the system, it's playing it smart.

WORKOUT 1: 1st set of bench press followed immediately by a set of stretch position back movements (go easy at first) and so forth until all sets are completed. Highly recommend 3 sets of each focusing on making sure you keep that 1 set of pulling movements (back) for every set of pushes (bench). Always bench press first though. You want to be as fresh as possible for your major lift. Rest however long between sets it takes to ensure you're fresh for your next lift and strength isn't compromised.

WORKOUT 2: 1st set of bench followed immediately by a set of squats, 2nd set of BP/SQ, 3rd set of BP/SQ, 4th set should be SQ/chin or pull movement of choice, 5th set of SQ/chins, final set of SQ/chins.

WORKOUT #3: Back to first workout template

WORKOUT #4: Back to 2nd workout template.

As you can see, what I'm doing here is cycling the SQ loading pattern back in every other workout until you peak the SQ at the end of that program. You'll peak the SQ earlier than the bench but this is the smart thing to do. Doing so ensures your CNS doesn't get fried and you get the most out of each workout/loading pattern.

BOTTOM LINE: Pick an objective (strength vs. size gain) and proceed accordingly. I would suggest strength for this phase in the first go-around. You always get a nice bump in mass from such... I do anyway.

Please let me know if you have any questions on the training aspect. On to the supps..

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:54 am
by RobRegish
Now, on the intra-workout supp questions..

Because I like to speak from experience I swung by the health food store and picked up sample packs of VPX Shotgun/Sythesize and used one of each pre/post workout. Here are my thoughts:

NO SHOTGUN: Nice kick, albeit most of it comes from their Redline energy matrix of Evodiamine, Caffeine etc.. The balance of the formula is predicated on 16g of protein/aminos and 9g of carbs/insulinogenic aminos and related NO/Creatine like compounds.

The efficacy of ethyl esthers paired with creatine/aminos and beta-alanine in my opinion is dubious. I think CEE has largely been outed as inferior to other forms of creatine and I wouldn't be surprised if the same holds true for the aminos/creatine compounds. I'm not dismissing it entirely, I just think the price point vs. reward isn't there. I have always been impressed by Guanidiopropionic Acid (GPA) for what its worth, despite the health related concerns around that product. Syntrax brought it to market way back when and I always got something off of it.

Also, I don't think this type of formula is going to measure up to using fast acting carbs in terms of insulin release, etc.. It may not be bad for those who are overly concerned with bodyfat levels, but even there I'd be inclined to use glutamine vs. sugar. Little known fact: Glutamine will stimulate insulin release on a gram for gram basis as well as sugar but do so via glucogenesis, not the big rise in blood glucose you'd see with sugars. As always, I leave it up to you. Results are what matter so use those as a guideline.

NO SYNTHESIZE: Here we see protein hydrolysates, aminos and just about every form of creatine/NO2/beta alanine thrown in on the post workout side. Interestingly enough, ZERO carbs and a lack of insulinogenic aminos (or at least far fewer). That's the part that concerns me..

I like the focus on hydrolysates. The every form of creatine etc. under the sun seems to amount to throwing everything against the wall in the hopes it'll stick approach. I prefer a company do the research, take a stand and go with that particular form but that's just me. I'm sure one of these works better than the other but then that leaves lots of other forms floating around that de-facto, aren't as efficient.

Don't get me wrong: these aren't bad formulas. You can do far worse.

I'll be sticking with MassPro/MassPro amino and my fast carbs and adaptogens. That way, I get a mix of super fast acting di-trip peptides, immune boosting lactoferrin-colostrum, additional glutamine-taurine and plenty of BCAA's to fuel growth.

Neither option is cheap, but quality never comes cheap.

As always, I invite you to draw your own conclusions and share your feedback. Never liked badmouthing other companies. Besides, results (or lack thereof) speak louder than anything I or others could ever say..

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:51 am
by dracotdrgn
Test Day
I am dissappointed, about three weeks ago I noticed a decline in my bench for the second week. I hit medium weights hard and thought I may be overtraining. My max benched was 355 today, barely. I know that's not shabby but I could of/should of done more. Oh well, it sets me up to gain more right?
My squat was 425. Dunno? As I stated before, squatting heavy is rare. I do jump squats and deep squats. I put 1150 on the sled for 4 sets of 4 so 425 doesn't seem like much.
I will do deadlift tomorrow, didn't think I should do that after squat.
Ok So it's clear. I go one day on, one day off for the first four workouts then one on two off. Three sets instead of the written 5. Squat follows the same protocall as bench routine.
These loaded stretches? Are these weighted chin ups or just body weight? Is this my back workout? Rep range? I'll do calves on squat day bi's and delts on back day, and "light" abs when I can.
Is that close or am I way off base?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 4:12 am
by RobRegish
Hi Draco,

Wow, disappointed with a 355 bench/425SQ! Well, depends what your 1RM was going into it...

Remember, you're coming off of a very catabolic phase where you had lost quite a bit of weight. Sounds like that was on top of a slightly over-trained state already. Still, would need to know what your bench 1-5 RM was going into this. You might be surprised...

It does state in The Blueprint that if you're feeling over-trained prior to beginning to take a week off prior to beginning. That would probably have been a good idea here but don't give up just yet. I woud not deadlift today as I'm afraid that would tax you too much and put you over the edge. Best to just focus your energy (and you have a lot) on the BP/SQ this go-around.

Now, as far as your 425lbs squat. You simply can't make the comparison to the leg press. The sled angles you up to a VERY favorable leverage point, allowing you to lift FAR greater weights in that movement. It also balances it for you, a huge factor. The end result is that you can typically move 3 times or more weight than you can squat. It's the reason why most people use the sled vs. squat... it's an ego boost. The smart trainee squats, which I'm glad to see you're doing.

What were you deep squatting with prior and for how many reps? Again, you may be pleasantly surprised.

You had most of the game plan correct. The squat though, is not the same loading pattern as the bench. You're using the German Loading Pattern #1, 6 workout protocol for that.

The loaded stretch movements should be chins and seated cable rows. I would use the same reps as specified on your bench protocol for those. Select a weight that allows comfortable execution of the reps while focusing on maximally stretching the muscle on the negative portion.

I think you're going to be surprised (pleasantly) going forward. Remember to base your program off of a 340 - 345lbs bench and 415lb squat. Keep us posted and keep the faith. There is ample room to adjust going forward...

Are you feeling better recovered now after 3-4 full days of eating/have a fuller feeling in the muscles?